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Agenda item

23/01878/FUL - 59 Cowley Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 0DN


The application sought change of use and refurbishment of existing car showroom and new-build two-storey extension to create a new Operational Hub, reconfiguration and refurbishment of existing MOT garage to provide upgraded office and storage space, car and van parking, cycle parking, landscaping, and associated infrastructure.


The Principal Planner updated their report by referring to the amendments contained within the Amendment Sheet summarised as follows:


Amendments To Text:


      i.         Paragraph 1.1 (page 15) - delete “the demolition of a number of existing buildings” - as demolition is not referenced in the description of development, and does not form part of this application

    ii.         Paragraph 3.1 (page 17) - delete “removal of a number of existing buildings” - for the same reason

   iii.         Addition to Section 7 (page 27) - Late representation received from the County Council Minerals and Waste Planning Team – No objection subject to the proposed odour abatement condition (condition 12). Amendments to Conditions:

  iv.         Additional condition to clearly define the proposed use as an Operational Hub: The development hereby permitted shall not be used for any purpose other than as an operational hub (comprising a combination of office, storage and distribution, and vehicle servicing), being a sui generis use not falling within any class specified within the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended).

Reason: To clearly define the terms of the permission in the interests of residential amenity and to ensure an acceptable form of development in accordance with Policies 35, 55 and 56 of the Cambridge Local Plan 2018


William Nichols (Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Principal Planner and the Delivery Manager said the following in response to Members’ questions:


      i.         There was some water storage proposed. Not familiar with the exact specifications.

    ii.         There was a travel planning process going on with operational staff. Officers were satisfied that the lack of staff parking provision would not cause any issues.

   iii.         There was increase in cycle parking. There was also motorcycle and scooter parking. There was also access from Milton Park and Ride if staff do need to drive to work.

  iv.         It would be difficult to completely minimise noise, especially in the mornings. There was work to be done for the Core Site scheme in mitigating noise from the development.

    v.         The development is not likely to have any impact on the management of the first public drain.

  vi.         There would be a bridge connecting Cowley Road to the high quality pedestrian and cycle route to the southern side of Cowley Road.

 vii.         There was a pedestrian footpath along the length of Cowley Road (Northern end).

viii.         Any future development would need to take into consideration ecological constraints.


The Strategic Sites Manager offered the following summary of amendments to the Officer’s recommendation for planning application reflecting Members’ debate during the meeting:


i.               the amendments detailed in the Amendment Sheet;

ii.             an amendment to condition 20 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) to give account for mature or significant tree growth.

iii.            an amendment to condition 22 (Nest Boxes) to include the provision for bat boxes, as necessary.

The Committee:


Resolved (Unanimously) to grant the application for full planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendations set out paragraphs 24.1 for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report, subject to:


i.               the planning conditions set out in the Officer’s report as updated and amended within the Amendment Sheet;

ii.             Delegated authority to Officers, to draft and include the following:


a.    an amendment to condition 20 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) to give account for mature or significant tree growth.

b.    an amendment to condition 22 (Nest Boxes) to include the provision for bat boxes, as necessary.

c.    The prior completion of a Section 106 Agreement under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 with delegated authority to officers to negotiate, settle and complete such an Agreement as referenced in the Heads of Terms within this report including any other planning obligations considered appropriate and necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms.


Supporting documents: