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Agenda item

22/05018/REM and 22/05037/REM - Land North of Cherry Hinton, Coldhams Lane, Cambridge


Councillor Carling returned to the Chamber and Councillor Bradnam left the meeting before the consideration of the item.


The Committee received two reserved matters applications, namely 22/05018/REM and 22/05037/REM for the appearance, landscape, layout and scale for 351 residential units and associated car parking, cycle parking and landscaping, along with partial discharge of conditions 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 24, 26, 29, 30, 36, 37, 38, 40, 44, 45, 55, 59, 61, 64 pursuant to outline planning permission 18/0481/OUT as varied by reference: 22/01967/S73.


The Principal Planner updated their report by referring to:

i.               The updated information from the Highways Authority contained within the Amendment Sheet.

ii.             An amendment to condition 17 (removal of PD rights in respect of windows) to include reference to particular plot numbers (1-A, 1-B, 1-C, 1-D, 1-E, 1-J).

iii.            Reference to condition 20 (Overheating) of the outline permission should be added to the tables included in paragraphs 25.2 and 25.4 of the Officer’s report.


David Fletcher (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Principal Planner, Strategic Sites Manager and Principal Development Management Engineer said the following in response to Members’ questions:

      i.         There would be mechanical heat recovery in the non-dual aspect apartments which faced Airport Way, this would also be required to mitigate the impact of noise from the airport.

    ii.         Only apple and pear trees had been able to be introduced onto the site whilst it was still an active airport - once the airport was no longer operative more fruiting trees could be introduced through the Landscaping Management Plan.

   iii.         As many streets as possible were to be adopted by the County Council, however because of the place making design of the development this meant that some small areas would not be adopted as they would not meet the County Council’s specification requirements (i.e.: a requirement to serve more than five dwellings). 

  iv.         Car club spaces were secured as part of the outline planning permission. A couple of the car club spaces would be located in the local centre.  

    v.         As this was the lower density part of the site, there were no concerns about garden sizes as they were all a reasonable size.

  vi.         The wider play strategy would ensure that the site provided areas of play for different ages. A BMX bumper track and trim trail were approved as part of the infrastructure application for the site.

 vii.         The twenty-one single aspect homes were contained within the apartment buildings and were a mix of market and affordable homes.

viii.         All plots had EV charging provision. There would be some EV charging provision in the off-street parking spaces. There would be split provision of EV charging at the local centre (i.e.: quick and slow chargers).

  ix.         The wider Sustainability Strategy promoted air source heat pumps rather than solar panels. Expected PV panels to be offered to homeowners as an ‘add on’ if they wanted to purchase them. Self-build properties were hoped to come forward in the next phase of development. It was anticipated that these properties may have solar panels and these may be incorporated within the roof. There was a sustainability condition attached to the outline planning permission which the developer would need to discharge.

    x.         A cycle link between Cherry Hinton and the secondary school in Teversham would be protected as would a route between the development and the city to ensure connectivity between the development and other areas.

  xi.         Lights would need to be installed along the cycleway.

 xii.         There would be on-street visitor car parking spaces provided across the site but they would not be designated to a particular house.

xiii.         Would consider the inclusion of benches within the pocket parks as part of the landscape condition. Most of the green spaces were going to be adopted and maintained by the City Council.

xiv.         The main bus route was expected to go along the main primary streets (Cherry Hinton Road and Airport Way) through the development and then along secondary streets. This was complemented by cycle routes. There would be ‘floating bus stops’ to ensure there was no conflict between cyclists and pedestrians. All bus stops were within 400m of a dwelling.


The Committee:


Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning permission in respect of reserved matters application 22/05018/REM, in accordance with the Officer recommendation set out in paragraph 25.1(i) and (ii), for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report subject to:

      i.         The planning conditions set out in the Officer’s report.

    ii.         The amendment to condition 17 regarding the removal of permitted development rights with reference to specific plots.

   iii.         Informatives included on the planning permission in respect of:

a.    accessible letterboxes for flats

b.    information about car clubs in Welcome Packs.


Unanimously resolved to approve / refuse the partial discharge of the outline planning conditions associated with references S/1231/18/OL and 18/0481/OUT as varied by references 22/01966/S73 and 22/01967/S73 as set out in paragraph 25.2 of the Officer’s report subject to the addition and approval of condition 20 of the outline permission regarding overheating.


Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning permission in respect of reserved matters application 22/05037/REM, in accordance with the Officer recommendation set out in paragraph 25.3(iii) and (iv), for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report subject to:

  iv.         The planning conditions set out in the Officer’s report.

    v.         The amendment to condition 17 regarding the removal of permitted development rights with reference to specific plots.

  vi.         Informatives included on the planning permission in respect of:

a.    accessible letterboxes for flats

b.    information about car clubs in Welcome Packs.


Unanimously resolved to approve / refuse the partial discharge of the outline planning conditions associated with references S/1231/18/OL and 18/0481/OUT as varied by references 22/01966/S73 and 22/01967/S73 as set out in paragraph 25.4 of the Officer’s report subject to the addition and approval of condition 20 of the outline permission regarding overheating.


Supporting documents: