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Agenda item

22/03137/REM and 22/03140/REM - Land North of Cherry Hinton (Springstead Village) Coldhams Lane, Cambridge


The Committee received a reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for infrastructure works including internal roads, pumping station, cycleways and pedestrian routes, landscaping and drainage as part of the Land North of Cherry Hinton masterplan pursuant to condition 2 (first reserved matters) of outline applications 18/0481/OUT and S/1231/18/OL as varied by references 22/01966/S73 and 22/01967/S73 and the Reserved Matters include the partial discharge of conditions - 10, 17, 23, 24, 26, 29, 36, 37, 38, 40, 44, 55, 59, 61, 71.


The Principal Planning Officer updated her report by referring to the Amendment Sheet and also updated conditions 1 and 19 in her presentation to Committee.


Mr Fletcher (Agent) spoke in favour of the application.


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:

      i.          Expressed concern that some of the play areas / open spaces had a drainage attenuation function.

     ii.          Residents would avoid these areas due to perception of poor safety, or be unable to use them in times of heavy rainfall.

   iii.          Flooding of areas could lead to a change in surface such as reeds growing in grassed areas which prevented them being used as an open space.

   iv.          This meant the amount of open space available in reality was less than the impression given in the plans.

    v.          Estate management and maintenance contacts should be local and  accessible to residents.


The Strategic Sites Delivery Manager advised that details of the management and maintenance of the open spaces formed part of the section 106 Agreement linked to the outline planning permissions the details of which would need to be formally signed off by the Council(s) in due course.


   vi.          Expressed concern the primary route through the site would provide a rat run between Coldhams Lane and Airport Way.


The Principal Planning Officer said the following in response to Members’ questions:

      i.          The highways authority was expected to adopt the primary and secondary roads  and the cycleways. The Developer aimed to build roads to an adoptable standard.

     ii.          The management company may adopt some minor (tertiary) roads proposed as part of subsequent reserved matters applications . Only the primary and secondary routes were being proposed as part of  this application.

   iii.          The road adoption process was separate to the planning process.

   iv.          The primary route had been designed to discourage rat running and would have a 20mph speed limit.


The Strategic Sites Delivery Manager said that the decision to keep the route through the site had been taken by the County Council some years previously. The principle had therefore been well established early on in the planning process. The Committee were not able to change this decision. There were no objections to the planning application from the Highways Authority.


    v.          Cycle parking for homes would come forward with residential development phases.

   vi.          The mobility hub would provide storage for motor bikes and bicycles.

 vii.          The planting of trees on the  boundary between the airport and application site was secured through the Section 106 agreement and relevant planning conditions. The S106 agreement provides for a management plan review in future if the airport relocated.


The Principal Landscape Architect said the following in response to Members’ questions:

      i.          The village green included an attenuation basin  would be grass covered. Play equipment would be separate to the flood zone. The surface below play equipment was to be determined in future.

     ii.          The sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) was to be integrated into open spaces. Play equipment was located in separate areas so could be used when the SUDS were flooded or muddy.

   iii.          Officers considered putting railings around play equipment (e.g. to prevent dog access) but decided not to seek enclosure at present.


The Principal Planning Officer said the following in response to Members’ questions:

viii.          Slopes would be gradual into the SUDS to allow easy access/egress.

   iv.          The City Council would adopt open spaces as part of the management scheme of Cambridge City Council and South Cambs District Council areas. A commuted sum would be paid to the City Council on adoption to manage/maintain the areas.

    v.          South Cambs District Council could adopt areas not adopted by the City Council.

   vi.          Open spaces would become available when s106 Agreement triggers were met, as would allotments and schools (County Council responsibility).

 vii.          The first community facility would be available before occupation of the 50th house. The larger community facility would open later as part of phased development.

viii.          The developer paid s106 contributions to fund the school.

   ix.          Public right of way across the site had been clarified. It had been re-opened since a temporary  closure to install gas mains. The County Council is responsible for any closure or temporary re-route requests

    x.          Work had been undertaken on a Youth & Play Strategy over summer 2022


The Senior Urban Designer said the Youth & Play Strategy built upon the Design Code. The Public Art Delivery Plan would consult youths on what they wanted in multigenerational play areas.


   xi.          Play equipment was located off non-motorised access links away from primary access links.

 xii.          Retail units and the health centre would be located approximately in the centre of the site.

xiii.          Walking routes through the site would be reviewed in the next reserved matter application.

xiv.          Some walking routes were shared spaces with cyclists, some were footpaths. Shared spaces would have some physical features to demarcate pedestrian lanes e.g. different coloured surface materials.


Councillor Porrer proposed amendments to the Officer’s recommendation:

      i.          to provide an electricity supply to the square; and

     ii.          to review the period for landscape delivery to future-proof in the event the airport use relocates.


The amendments were carried unanimously.


Councillor Bradnam proposed amendments to the Officer’s recommendation:

      i.          landscape condition condition 17 (maintenance and management of streets) to include a requirement for details of the enforcement of parking along highways and cycleways prior to the adoption of those routes; and

     ii.          advisory note to developer relating to details of the management company to be included in the publicity and marketing of the site and for residents of the site to be given the opportunity to form part of a residents’ association.


The amendments were carried unanimously.


Councillors Porrer and Smith proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation that condition 17 (maintenance and management of streets) to include requirement for details of the enforcement measures of parking along highways and cycleways prior to the adoption of those routes.


This amendment was carried unanimously.


The Committee:


1.    Application 22/03137/REM (application to South Cambridgeshire District Council):


(i)             APPROVED by 9 votes to 1 reserved matters application 22/03137/REM subject to conditions and informatives as set out in section 28 of the Officer report to Committee,  Subject to:

-        update to condition1 (relating to time);

-        additional condition 19 (fire hydrants);

-        update to condition 6 (hard and soft landscaping) – updated to reflect need for electricity supply to the local centre and review period for landscape delivery to future proof in the event the airport relocates;

-        condition 17 (maintenance and management of streets) to include requirement for details of the enforcement of parking along highways and cycleways prior to the adoption of those routes;

-        informative – advisory note to developer about ensuring that the details of the management company are included in the publicity and marketing of the site and for residents of the site to be given the opportunity to form part of a residents association;


With the final list of conditions/informatives to be approved by Chair/Vice Chair.




(ii)           APPROVED/NOT APPROVED by 9 votes to 1 the partial discharge of conditions in the outline consent (planning application S/1231/18/OL) in so far as they relate to this reserved matters consent (with the exception of condition 23 Strategic Surface Water Drainage which can be discharged in full), according to the recommendations for each condition set out in the table below:


Conditions Submitted


Condition 10 Design Code Compliance


Condition 17 Sustainability Statement


Condition 23 Strategic Surface Water Drainage


Condition 24 Surface Water Strategy


Condition 26 Foul Water


Condition 29 Biodiversity Survey and Assessment


Condition 36 Open Space


Condition 37 Hard and Soft Landscaping


Condition 38 Tree Survey


Condition 40 Excavation Trenches Details


Condition 44 Cycle Parking


Condition 55 EV Charging


Condition 58 Site Specific DCEMP


Condition 59 Noise Impact Assessment


Condition 61 Artificial Lighting


Condition 63 Construction Waste


Condition 71 Material Management Plan



2.    Application 22/03140/REM (application to Cambridge City Council)


(i)             APPROVED by 9 votes to 1 reserved matters application 22/03140/REM subject to conditions and informatives as set out in section 28 of the Officer report to Committee, subject to the following:


-        update to condition1 (relating to time);

-        additional condition 19 (fire hydrants);

-        update to condition 6 (hard and soft landscaping) – updated to reflect need for electricity supply to the local centre and review period for landscape delivery to future proof in the event the airport relocates;

-        condition 17 (maintenance and management of streets) to include requirement for details of the enforcement of parking along highways and cycleways prior to the adoption of those routes;

-        informative – advisory note to developer about ensuring that the details of the management company are included in the publicity and marketing of the site and for residents of the site to be given the opportunity to form part of a residents association;


With the final list of conditions/informatives to be approved by Chair/Vice Chair.


(ii)           APPROVED/NOT APPROVED by 9 votes to 1 the partial discharge of conditions in the outline consent (planning application 18/0481/OUT) in so far as they relate to this reserved matters consent, (with the exception of condition 23 Strategic Surface Water Drainage which can be discharged in full), according to the recommendations for each condition set out in the table below:


Conditions Submitted


Condition 10 Design Code Compliance


Condition 17 Sustainability Statement


Condition 23 Strategic Surface Water Drainage


Condition 24 Surface Water Strategy


Condition 26 Foul Water


Condition 29 Biodiversity Survey and Assessment


Condition 36 Open Space


Condition 37 Hard and Soft Landscaping


Condition 38 Tree Survey


Condition 40 Excavation Trenches Details


Condition 44 Cycle Parking


Condition 55 EV Charging


Condition 58 Site Specific DCEMP


Condition 59 Noise Impact Assessment


Condition 61 Artificial Lighting


Condition 63 Construction Waste


Condition 71 Material Management Plan



Supporting documents: