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Agenda item

Planning Committee Site Visit Protocol


The Committee received a report in regard to Planning Committee Protocol for Officer-led Visits (Protocol). Members are being asked to note the Protocol and confirm its implementation.


The Strategic Sites Delivery Manager presented the report with reference to the Amendment Sheet.  This noted that the Protocol had been discussed at the City and District planning committees earlier in the month. In view of the outcomes of those meetings, an updated officer recommendation is proposed as follows.



That the Joint Development Control Committee:


 (I) Notes this report and the accompanying planning committee protocol for

officer-led site visits.

(II) Confirms implementation of the protocol for officer-led site visits for the Joint

Development Control Committee.


Subject to the following amendments to the Protocol:


1. Requests for site visits to include ward members.

2. The attendance of site visits to include local ward members.

3. Modest changes to the Protocol, relating to points of clarification and textural

changes to avoid repetition.


With officer delegation to carry out the above changes to the Protocol.


In response to Members’ questions the Strategic Sites Delivery Manager advised the following:


      i.         It was the intention to have one document covering all three planning committees that make up the Shared Planning Service serves there will be scope to review how the Protocol operates and update it in due course.

     ii.         Should it be agreed that Ward Members can attend site visit, then they must be briefed in advance of the site visit is the responsibility of the Lead Officer or Delivery Manager.

    iii.         The need for more wider training in the use of the Protocol will be considered as part of the annual planning training for Members.

   iv.         Third parties/objectors cannot attend site visits as they are private Member sessions. There may be circumstances when an applicant needs to attend the visit, for example to allow access to certain areas.

     v.         A question was raised by a Member asking what the legal issues were if it is argued that a Ward Councillor has influenced the decision of the Committee.

   vi.         Legal Officer stated that they would need to note that objection and deal with it at the time. It is important that Ward Members are properly briefed on their role before the visit.

The Committee:


Unanimously resolved to:


1. Note the report and the accompanying Protocol for officer led site visits.

2. Confirm the implementation of the Protocol for officer-led site visits for the JDCC.


Subject to the following amendments to the Protocol:

(i)             Requests for site visits to include local ward members.

(ii)            The attendance of site visits to include ward members, who must abide by the terms of the Protocol, and be briefed on the Protocol procedures and conduct in advance of that visit, by the lead Delivery Manager or planning case officer.

(iii)          Modest changes to the Protocol relating to points of clarification and textural changes to avoid repetition.


With officer delegation to carry out these proposed changes to the Protocol and noting that the amendments as proposed should be reported back to the City/District planning committees.


Supporting documents: