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Agenda item

21/04336/REM - Land to the West and South West of Addenbrookes Campus, Robinson Way, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge


Councillors present:

      i.          Cambridge City Council: Councillors D. Baigent, Page-Croft, Porrer, Scutt S. Smith and Thornburrow.

     ii.          South Cambridgeshire District Council: Bradnam (Chair), Chamberlain, Daunton, Fane and J. Williams


The Committee received a reserved matters application pursuant to 06/0796/OUT (as amended by 21/01584/S73) for a new Cambridge Children’s Hospital (CCH), hard and soft landscaping, internal roads and ancillary infrastructure. Discharge of Condition 14 (Amenity Space Strategy) pursuant to outline approval 06/0796/OUT.


Ms Charlton (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Strategic Sites Delivery Manager said the following in response to Members’ questions:

      i.          The frontage complied with the condition  restricting the amount of continuous frontage.

     ii.          The footprint of the building went 6.5m beyond the plan given by the  outline planning permission. Officers felt this was acceptable.

   iii.          The car parking strategy would be confirmed nearer to the opening of the hospital. Car parking provision would be controlled by condition which would require approval before the hospital opened.

   iv.          Pedestrian and public transport access would be controlled by condition as would access signage.

    v.          The hospital would monitor the number of staff travel movement by both public and private transport. The intention was to encourage journeys by public transport and get to 20% private transport usage.

   vi.          Details of proposed shuttle bus services from proposed Cambridge South railway station is not known at this stage

 vii.          The Drainage Engineer was satisfied the site was not at risk from flooding. Mitigation measures were controlled through conditions.


The Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development said the following in response to Members’ questions:

      i.          The station had no planning permission at present, so shuttle bus provision could not  be confirmed.

     ii.          The NHS had active travel plans for the site. The hospital worked with Greater Cambridge Partnership, the County Council and Planning Authority to develop these.

   iii.          Each hospital on-site (Rosie, Addenbrooke’s etc) had its own Transport Strategy. The aim was to draw these together into a cohesive document before further development occurred on-site.

   iv.          Gypsy and Traveller access needs would be reviewed in future.

    v.          Passive and active air flow measures were in place. The Sustainability Officer had raised no objections and was satisfied that criteria had been met.


Councillor Bradnam proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation that Condition 12 be amended as per bold text:


12. Construction Phase

No development, including preparatory works, shall commence until details of measures indicating how additional surface water run-off and ground water from the site will be avoided during the construction works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The applicant may be required to provide collection, balancing and/or settlement systems for these flows. This should include the maintenance proposals during construction. The approved measures and systems shall be brought into operation before any works to create buildings or hard surfaces commence and demonstrate that SuDS near or adjacent to the site can be protected.


Reason: To ensure that the proposed development can be adequately drained during the construction phase and to ensure that there is no increased flood risk on or off site resulting from the construction and that water quality is not affected in accordance with Policies 31 and 32 of the Cambridge Local Plan 2018.


This amendment was carried unanimously.


The Committee:


Resolved (by 11 votes to 0) on a single resolution to (i) grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report, and subject to the conditions recommended by the Officer including the amendment to Condition 12, with delegated authority to Officers to draft the conditions in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes; and (ii) approve the discharge of Condition 14 (Amenity Space strategy) in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.

Supporting documents: