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Agenda item

20/05040/FUL - Land to the West of Peterhouse Technology Park, Fulbourn Road, Cambridge


The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for the erection of a new building comprising E(g) floorspace with car and cycle parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure.


The Principal Planner updated his report by referring to updated wording on the amendment sheet.


Pre-Committee amendments to recommendation:


To amend the recommendation at paragraph 201 of the Officer report  to read:




1. The prior completion of a Section 106 Agreement under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 which includes the Heads of Terms (HoTs) as set out in section 192 in this report, and any other HoTs or detail including phasing and triggers, that are still under negotiation. The final wording of any significant amendments to the HoTs listed in the report to be agreed in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair prior to the issuing of the planning permission;

2. The planning conditions specified in this report and detailed in Appendix 1 with authority delegated to officers to include any minor drafting changes thereto; and

3. The relevant informatives as specified in this report to be included at the discretion of officers.


Mr Child (Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Committee raised the following concerns in response to the Officer report:

      i.         Sufficient space and facilities for bike storage.

    ii.         People would have to travel past the site then double back to access it by bus or cycle. Requested an additional access point in the north west corner of site.

   iii.         Amenity of neighbours.

  iv.         Impact on neighbours:

a.    Overlooking.

b.    Overshadowing.

c.    Loss of light.

d.    Loss of view.

e.    Traffic flow and parking.

    v.         Site drainage and SuDS. Concern SuDS would not drain away water so open space would be lost.

  vi.         South side of site should be a green buffer zone but was now a SWALE. Loss of greenbelt to facilitate another buffer zone.

 vii.         Application was just below BREEAM Excellent rating but should achieve this rating as per City Council and South Cambs District Council standards.


The Principal Planner said the following in response to Members’ questions:

      i.         There were no further details available regarding light and shadow analysis.

    ii.         No significant impact was expected from the balcony overlooking neighbours.


In response to Members’ questions the Assistant Director said the application would need to be referred to the Secretary of State for a decision regarding the loss of green belt issue if it were approved by Committee today.


Councillor Bradnam proposed to the Officer’s recommendation to include an informative requesting gas assisted two tier bike stands.


Councillor Thornburrow proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation to include an informative there should be no occupation on site until there was adequate sewerage capacity.


The amendments were not voted on as the item was deferred.


The Committee:


Resolved (by 8 votes to 0) to defer the application to seek further information to address queries raised at today’s meeting such as light levels and possibility of limiting terrace access by employees to prevent overlooking of residential properties.

Supporting documents: