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Agenda item

Pre-Application Briefing by the Developer - (Land South of Coldham's Lane)

Approx: 16:00 am – 17:30 am


Site Context


The application site falls within the South of Coldham’s Lane Area of Major Change, identified by Policy 16 of the Cambridge Local Plan 2018. This area covers several parcels of land to the south of Coldham’s Lane and north of the railway line, and includes the three lakes to the south and west of the railway line.


Policy 16 labels two of these parcels as area A; the first parcel is located between Norman Way and Kathleen Elliot Way, on the northern side of the Tins path. The second is located south of the Tins and north of the railway line.  A third parcel, area B, lies south of Cambridge Airport and west of Coldham’s Business Park.


The pre-application proposal site includes both areas A and B, and the two lakes south of the Tins path. Areas A and B and the lakes are identified within the Local Plan as Protected Open Space. Areas A and B are closed landfill sites for domestic refuse. Area A and the lakes are City Wildlife Sites. The Cambridge Airport Public Safety Zone covers the northwest corner of area B, and the Cambridge Eastern Access consultation area runs through the southeast portion of area B.


The Tins path runs east to west through the site, linking the lakes to areas A and B. Snakey Path runs alongside Cherry Hinton brook, to the south of the lakes, before it joins Burnside. A Tree Preservation Order covers trees on the north-eastern side of Burnside.


The pre-application site is also located to the south of Land North of Cherry Hinton, where Outline planning permission has been granted for 1200 homes.


Planning Policy Context


Policy 16: South of Coldham’s Lane Area of Major Change allows for appropriate commercial uses on area A, and some outdoor recreational uses and ecological enhancement on area B. The area south of the railway line, including the lakes, is required to provide primarily passive outdoor recreation opportunities in the form of a new urban country park. The development of a masterplan for the area is required to set out the form of these principal uses, and the approach to built form, access, landscaping and management.


Development is supported by Policy 16 where it;

i) takes into account the site’s environmental and safety constraints,

ii) establishes the nature of the urban country park,

iii)is subject to a feasibility study

iv) includes upgrading of existing public routes,

v) is part of a masterplan for the area,

vi) and recognises and enhances sites of nature conservation importance.


Given the former landfill use of areas A and B, Policy 33 (Contaminated Land) is relevant, and requires the applicant to demonstrate that there will be no adverse impacts to future and surrounding occupiers or to the environment from ground contamination and on-site and off-site gas migration.


Due to the designation of area A and the lakes as City Wildlife Sites, Policy 69 (Protection of sites of biodiversity and geodiversity importance) will also apply. This policy seeks to ensure development minimises harm to these areas, achieves successful mitigation, and provides replacement habitat and enhancements to conservation value.


The Pre-Application Proposal


The pre-application proposal is for commercial uses on area A, primarily for logistics and distribution with ancillary office accommodation. The proposals include an access to the site off Norman Way and an underpass for the passage of the Tins, which divides area A in two.


It is proposed that Area B focusses on ecological enhancement with an emphasis on invertebrate habitats, due to the constraints associated with the proximity of Cambridge Airport.


The two lakes that lie within the proposal site would be opened to the public as an urban country park aimed at local residents, with a focus on low-intensity recreational uses and appreciation of nature.


Areas of focus


·      Layout

·      Remediation and mitigation of contaminated land

·      Landscaping enhancements

·      Biodiversity mitigation and enhancements

·      Public access to the lakes and improvements to existing routes