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The Liberal Democrat Group Members presented the Liberal
Democrat Group’s alternative budget as set out in the Council Agenda and in the
Update to Liberal Democrat Group Amendment to Executive Budget Recommendations
as published on the City Council’s website.
On a show of hands the Liberal
Democrat Group’s alternative budget amendment was lost
12 votes in favour: Councillors Bick, Chadwick, Dalzell, Gehring, Martinelli, Matthews, McGerty, Page-Croft, Payne, Porrer, Summerbell and Tunnacliffe.
To 26 votes against: Councillors Ashton, Baigent, Barnett, Bird, Collis, Davies, Davey, Dryden, Green, Hadley, Herbert, Hipkin Johnson, Massey, McPherson, McQueen, Moore, O’Reilly, Robertson, Sargeant, Sheil, Smart, Smith, Thittala, Thornburrow and Todd-Jones
In accordance with the Council’s budget procedure, Councillor Bick moved separately the following proposals, which formed part of the Liberal Democrat Group alternative budget:
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S0007 and CAP0009 |
S0007 - Delete S4743 (Public toilet review and policy implementation) [linked with CAP0008] CAP0009 Public Toilet Improvement Programme |
On a show of hands the proposal was lost by:
12 votes in favour: Councillors Bick, Chadwick, Dalzell, Gehring, Martinelli, Matthews, McGerty, Page-Croft, Payne, Porrer, Summerbell and Tunnacliffe.
To 26 votes against: Councillors Ashton, Baigent, Barnett, Bird, Collis, Davey, Davies Dryden, Green, Hadley, Herbert, Hipkin Johnson, Massey, McPherson, McQueen, Moore, O’Reilly, Robertson, Sargeant, Sheil, Smart, Smith, Thittala, Thornburrow and Todd-Jones
Reference |
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S0017 |
Delete S4759 (Pinder – out of hours emergency response) |
On a show of hands the proposal was carried by:
37 votes in favour: Councillors Ashton, Baigent, Barnett, Bick, Bird, Chadwick, Collis, Dalzell, Davey, Davies, Dryden, Gehring, Green, Hadley, Herbert, Hipkin Johnson Martinelli, Massey Matthews, McGerty, McPherson, McQueen, Moore O’Reilly, Page-Croft, Payne, Porrer, Robertson, Sargeant, Sheil, Smart, Smith, Summerbell, Thornburrow, Todd-Jones and Tunnacliffe.
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Update to recommendation 2.3 |
recommendation 2(e), after “Capital Plan”, add “together with the changes in
Appendix 2 to the Liberal Democrat Group Amendment to
Budget-Setting Report (BSR) 2021/22” (updated 19.2.21) and that
options for replacing the Corn Exchange heating system
(CAP4706), including renewable energy sources and carbon offsetting,
should be subject to a prior report to the Environment and Community
Scrutiny Committee (if necessary at a special
meeting) before a final decision. |
On a show of hands the proposal was lost by:
12 votes in favour: Councillors Bick, Chadwick, Dalzell, Gehring, Martinelli, Matthews, McGerty, Page-Croft, Payne, Porrer, Summerbell and Tunnacliffe.
To 24 votes against: Councillors Ashton, Baigent, Barnett, Bird, Collis, Davey, Davies Dryden, Green, Hadley, Herbert, Johnson, Massey, McPherson, McQueen, Moore, O’Reilly, Robertson, Sargeant, Sheil, Smart, Smith, Thornburrow and Todd-Jones
Reference |
Details |
B0016 |
Recognition of sustainability excellence in new buildings and retrofit
of old |
On a show of hands the proposal was lost by:
12 votes in favour: Councillors Bick, Chadwick, Dalzell, Gehring, Martinelli, Matthews, McGerty, Page-Croft, Payne, Porrer, Summerbell and Tunnacliffe.
To 24 votes against: Councillors Ashton, Baigent, Barnett, Bird, Collis, Davey, Davies Dryden, Green, Hadley, Herbert, Johnson, Massey, McPherson, McQueen, Moore, O’Reilly, Robertson, Sargeant, Sheil, Smart, Smith, Thornburrow and Todd-Jones
Councillor Smith proposed an amendment to the Update to the Liberal Democrat Group Amendment to the Budget Setting Report paragraph 2.3 as set out in the Information Pack.
On a show of hands the proposal was carried by:
23 votes in favour: Councillors Ashton, Baigent, Barnett, Bird, Collis, Davey, Davies Dryden, Green, Hadley, Herbert, Johnson, Massey, McPherson, McQueen, Moore, Robertson, Sargeant, Sheil, Smart, Smith, Thornburrow and Todd-Jones
12 abstentions: Councillors Bick, Chadwick, Dalzell, Gehring, Martinelli, Matthews, McGerty, Page-Croft, Payne, Porrer, Summerbell and Tunnacliffe.
Unless otherwise stated, all references in the recommendations to sections, pages and appendices relate to Version 2.0 (Council) of the Budget Setting Report (BSR).
This can be found via:
Agenda for Council on Thursday, 25th February, 2021, 6.00 pm - Cambridge Council
It was RESOLVED to agree the Executive’s budget proposals by:
23 votes in favour: Councillors Ashton, Baigent, Barnett, Bird, Collis, Davey, Davies Dryden, Green, Hadley, Herbert, Johnson, Massey, McPherson, McQueen, Moore, Robertson, Sargeant, Sheil, Smart, Smith, Thornburrow and Todd-Jones
12 abstentions: Councillors Bick, Chadwick, Dalzell, Gehring, Martinelli, Matthews, McGerty, Page-Croft, Payne, Porrer, Summerbell and Tunnacliffe.
To approve the following:
i. Revenue
Pressures and Bids shown in Appendix C(b) and Savings shown in Appendix C(c)
(except for the removal of saving S4759 Pinder
Service) of the officer’s report.
ii. Non-Cash
Limit items as shown in Appendix C(d) of the officer’s report.
iii. There
are no bids to be funded from External or Earmarked Funds (which would be
included as Appendix C(e) of the officer’s report).
iv. Delegation
to the Chief Financial Officer (Head of Finance) of the calculation and
determination of the Council Tax taxbase (including
submission of the National Non-Domestic Rates Forecast Form, NNDR1, for each
financial year) which is set out in Appendix A(a) of the officer’s report.
v. The
level of Council Tax for 2021/22 as set out in Appendix A (b) and Section 4
[page 20 of the BSR refers].
vi. Delegation
to the Head of Finance to finalise changes relating to any corporate and/or
departmental restructuring and any reallocation of support service and central
costs, in accordance with the CIPFA Service Reporting Code of Practice for
Local Authorities (SeRCOP).
vii. Any
recommendations in respect of the proposals outlined in Appendix D(a) of the
officer’s report for inclusion in the Capital Plan. As it was already planned to report to
future committees on the details of the Corn Exchange improvement programme, for
the benefit of clarity, a report on the heating project will be brought to the
March meeting of the Environment and Communities Scrutiny Committee. This will
include details of why the heating proposals are, at the present time, both the
most viable option, and the least harmful solution environmentally.
viii. The
revised Capital Plan for the General Fund as set out in Appendix D(c) of the
officer’s report and the Funding as set out in Section 6, page 29 of the BSR.
ix. The
impact of revenue and capital budget approvals and approve the resulting level
of reserves to be used to support the budget proposals as set out in the table
[Section 8, page 49 of the BSR refers].
x. The
updated Corporate Plan 2019 - 2022, attached at Appendix B of the officer’s
Supporting documents: