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Proposal and site context
The pre
application proposal is for the reconfiguration and extension of the existing
Whittle Laboratory. The proposed new
extension will have four levels of accommodation and will provide approximately
3,000 sq m of footprint. The development is being promoted now because
of recently awarded government funding.
The pre
application site is situated within the existing Whittle Laboratory on the
eastern side of JJ Thomson Avenue. It
falls within the ‘JJ Thomson Avenue Character Area’ within the latest version
of the draft Design Guide to accompany the West Cambridge outline
The site is
partially visible from Madingley Road, although a
substantial tree belt divides the two.
To the east is the University’s Park and Cycle facility and to the south
is the University Computer Laboratory.
History and policy context
The proposed Whittle extension is situated within
the West Cambridge Site, which is a major new academic
development undertaken by the University of Cambridge. The campus, which is partially built out, currently accommodates academic and some
commercial research for physical sciences and technology. To date, the West Cambridge Site has
been partially built out under the framework of the extant masterplan from
1999. Around 100,000 sq
m remains to be constructed under the 1999 outline permission. Most of the western side of the West
Cambridge site is still vacant plots.
West Cambridge Site has been slow to develop. Perceptions of the site include
concerns over remoteness, isolation, lack of social life, high car dependency
and lack of character. There is a
general lack of activity on site and external spaces tend to be car dominated. The
site suffers from a lack of facilities, although the sports centre has helped
start to readdress this issue in recent years.
The new shared facilities hub is also currently under construction and
will be a step change in facilities for the campus.
eastern side of the campus has been built out since 2000, with significant
buildings including Physics of Medicine and the Broers
building. The Whittle Laboratory itself
was extended in 2010 (10/0822/FUL) totalling around 500 sq
m. This was submitted as a full planning
application (not reserved matters) because the Whittle Laboratory was not
included within the 1999 masterplan.
The West Cambridge Site is a designated area
of major change within the Cambridge Local Plan (2018), policy 19. Policy 19 states that any densification on
the site that results in a significant increase, over that already
approved, will be supported, provided that a revised masterplan supporting an
outline planning application is submitted that takes an integrated and
comprehensive approach to the provision and distribution of uses.
outline planning application (16/1134/OUT) was submitted in June 2016 for a new
masterplan for the West Cambridge site.
It seeks permission for up to 383,300m2 of development
comprising academic and commercial/research institute floorspace
and other ancillary uses.
outline application remains undetermined because an adequate transport
mitigation package has not yet been agreed.
The key issue of contention being the development’s relationship with,
and contribution to, the strategic Cambourne to
Cambridge transport scheme. The
originally submitted application has also been significantly amended in terms
of overall building heights, the drainage strategy, sustainability approach,
approach to environmental matters and proposed modifications to existing
streets within the campus.
submission of the new outline masterplan in 2016, the Council has approved
three new buildings at West Cambridge:
the new Cavendish III laboratory; the shared facilities hub and the new
Civil Engineering Building. These
developments came forward as separate full planning applications.
Areas of focus
The key issues for the Whittle pre application scheme are:
with the parameter plans and Design Guide for the emerging West Cambridge
outline application.
and appearance in context.
frontages and contribution to wider public realm.
impacts and amenity.
and access.
parking strategy.
Key Points from the
Developer Presentation
challenges for aerospace – zero carbon emissions by 2050 is the huge challenge which the Whittle
Laboratory is being directed to meet.
Decarbonising propulsion – electrification is
moving into aviation to meet carbon targets.
Electricity in aviation – 70 companies globally
are currently planning first electric flight in the early 2020’s.
New high-speed
laboratory – government
funding will facilitate a new cutting-edge research space.
Noise emissions – the new building will
emit less noise than the existing building.
BREEAM excellent – is being targeted for
the building.
East Green Link – importance of the
emerging landscape strategy for the masterplan was explained.
Cycle trips – there will be
approximately 44 additional trips, the majority of which are likely to be from
the east of the site.
North east range – the north side of the
building is still in design development stage.
The impact of the
building on the local area, in the context of its hi-tech commercial use must
be carefully considered. The
contribution to the local employment market was queried and its relationship
with local quality of life considerations.
Developer comments
The Whittle has
traditionally worked with large companies.
As the market changes over time there is likely to be many new
entrants. This is likely to generate new
technical jobs through future modelling work.
These new jobs will have a positive impact on the local labour market.
The number of proposed
cycle trips was queried in terms of the research underpinning the assumptions
and their level of reliability.
Developer comments
The developer team set
out that the Transport Assessment will be based on actual evidence of trip
numbers from the existing Whittle Laboratory.
The developer team has also examined data from the Chemical Engineering
Building, which has a similar occupancy profile. 130 cycle parking spaces will be provided
which is based on the amount of staff.
Pooled and cargo cycles will also be provided for secondary trips for
employees who do arrive by car.
The level of
accessibility to the internal amphitheatre area was queried and whether the
building was fully accessible to all.
Developer comments
It is the intention that
the building was fully accessible. The
internal design of the amphitheatre will be looked at further in the design
development. The scheme has been
presented to Disability Panel and the University’s internal access officer.
Future clarity was
sought on the provision for and integration of disabled car parking spaces
serving the development.
Developer comments
Provision for blue badge
spaces was still under review. There may
be potential to provide two spaces on plot.
In future, technology square will also provide for Blue Badge car
Members questioned the
developer team as to whether a stark, contrasting architectural response to the
northern range of the building was the best approach in context.
Developer comments
The developer team
reflected that the design of the northern range was still evolving and has not
reached an end point. The northern range
will not be an ‘active frontage’, but it should nevertheless be a high-quality
design in context. Further development
of the landscape strategy and detailed design, including the bay window
feature, will be carried out in the coming weeks.
Members suggested the
landscape component was important to develop in relation to the emerging
designs for the building. The landscape
design could offset the building without impacting on the quality of the
architecture. The landscape design
should be part of the emerging composition of the northern range and could
reflect the style of architecture.
Developer comments
The developer team
agreed that the landscape strategy required further development and integration
with the architectural approach. This
reflects feedback also given by Cambridgeshire Quality Panel.
With regard to
sustainability, Members queried why the building did not seek BREEAM
outstanding given the nature of the research surrounding carbon reduction. They also queried whether the orientation of
the building was informed by energy efficiency or the constraints of the
building plot.
Developer comments
The developer team noted
that BREEAM is not the only measure of efficiency and that the building has
also been scrutinised by the Department of Engineering for energy efficiency. The developer team considered that BREEAM
outstanding was not possible because of the site location. It was considered to be very important the
building is low energy and that it has been modelled for internal heating,
particularly the south elevation.
The position of PV
panels on the roof top was queried in the discussions.
Developer comments
The developer team noted
that the layout of the proposed building needed to respond to the constraints
of the site. The location
of the roof top PV panels were considered to optimise efficiency, but
there was potential for further integration across other roofs on the existing
Whittle Laboratory.
Members commented that
the building access strategy, and supporting analysis, should focus on walking
and cycling rather than motor vehicles.
Developer comments
The developer team
provided assurance that cars are a secondary focus and that the development
seeks to prioritise active travel.
The application should
include floorplans identifying any parts of the building which are not fully
accessible and set out the specifics of heating and cooling for the building.
Developer comments
This was noted.