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Agenda item

Cambridge Local Plan - Proposed Modifications - Report on Consultation March 2016

Appendices separate to this agenda are as follows:


Appendix A: Proposed Modifications - Report on Consultation  March 2016


Supplement to Appendix Ai


Appendix B: Cambridge Local Plan Proposed Modifications (March 2016)


Appendix C: South Cambridgeshire Local Plan Proposed Modifications (March 2016) 


Appendix D: Summaries of Representations to the Consultation on Proposed Modifications - December 2015,

Online Only


Supplement to Appendix Di

Online Only


Appendix E: Supplement to the Sustainability Appraisal Addendum - November 2015 (March 2016) 


Appendix F: Supplement to Objectively Assessed Housing Need: Further Evidence - November 2015 (March 2016)

Online Only


Appendix G: Supplement to Cambridge Inner Green Belt Boundary Study - November 2015 (March 2016)

Online Only.


Appendix H: City Deal and the Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Local Plans (RD/MC/110)

Online Only


Appendix I: A428 Constraints Report (March 2016) (RD/MC/073), Online Only


Appendix J: A10(N) Corridor Constraints Study (March 2016) (RD/MC/074)

Online Only





Resolved Unanimously to:


     i.        Approve the Report on Consultation (Appendix A and the Supplement to Appendix A (i)), the Proposed Modifications (Appendix B), and the Supplement to the Sustainability Appraisal Addendum (Appendix E) for submission to the Inspectors examining the Local Plan.

    ii.        Note the documents attached to the Officer’s report as Appendices F to J and submit these as part of the evidence base for the Local Plan.

   iii.        Delegate authority to the Director of Environment to make any subsequent minor amendments and editing changes, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport, the Chair and Spokesperson of the Development Plan Scrutiny Sub-Committee.

Supporting documents: