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Agenda item

06/0796/OUT Circus piazza High Street


The proposal is for new public realm consisting of the ‘circus’ or ‘clearing’, piazza and High Street of the emerging Cambridge Biomedical Campus.  The scheme will form the key landscaping and public realm for the development of adjacent plots, most importantly new buildings for AstraZeneca (AZ) and Papworth Hospital to the north and south.  The site comprises just under 3 ha of public realm.


Procedurally, the majority of the development will be a reserved matters application.  To the east of the site, approximately 25% of the site falls outside the original outline permission and will be submitted as a concurrent full planning application.  The campus wide public art contribution will be incorporated into the scheme.


The criteria for the circus and public realm development are set out in condition 62 of the outline planning permission 06/0796/OUT. 


Agent: Guy Kaddish, Bidwells.



Summary of proposal


The proposal is for new public realm consisting of the ‘circus’ or ‘clearing’, piazza and High Street of the emerging CBC.


The scheme will form the key landscaping and public realm for the development of adjacent plots, most importantly new buildings for AstraZeneca (AZ) and Papworth Hospital to the north and south. The site comprises just under 3 ha of public realm.


Procedurally, the majority of the development will be a reserved matters application. To the east of the site, approximately 25% of the site falls outside the original outline permission and will be submitted as a concurrent full planning application. The campus wide public art contribution will be incorporated into the scheme.


The criteria for the circus and public realm development are set out in condition 62 of the outline planning permission 06/0796/OUT.


Agent: Guy Kaddish, Bidwells.


Key Points from Developer Presentation


                i.       New Public space will connect the new campus with the existing site.

               ii.       Modal interchange at the heart of the new CBC will be a key function of the space.

              iii.       Key strategic green space will be delivered.

             iv.       New public realm will be an antidote to the existing hard urban environment.

              v.       It will be an exemplar for public art which is embedded within its design.

             vi.       The public artist has ‘guided the pen’ of the landscape developer team.

            vii.       Ryan Gander, a conceptual artist, was appointed at an early stage.

          viii.       ‘Campground’ concept developed.

             ix.       Based on a ‘clearing’ concept with private ‘garden’ spaces.

              x.       This theme is supported by sculptural proposals.

             xi.       Integration of surrounding buildings – carefully considered.

            xii.       Desire Lines have been integrated into the design.

          xiii.       Minimal street clutter.

          xiv.       Cambridge Guided Bus runs through the space.

           xv.       Vehicle speeds are mitigated along its route.

Member Questions


1)   Disability issues:  Are public realm areas and footpaths flush with the road surface?


·     Two raised tables are created providing areas of shared space.

·     Papworth Plaza will be a pedestrian friendly environment.

·     The scheme is not a full shared surface.

·     Disability Panel very happy with the proposals.


2)   Clearing: Amenity Building – Will this be provided?


·     Amenity Building not currently considered viable.

·     The scheme is ‘future proofed’ for its later inclusion within the Clearing area.

·     ‘Pop up’ facility is possible.

·     Public art programme may include events around the clearing e.g. fireworks displays etc.


3)   Cycleway – Are cyclists diverted onto the CGB route


·        The route and function of the CGB route was explained.  It will accommodate buses and cyclists.


4)   Thresholds of adjacent building and timings for implementation


·               Delivery will be a phased process.

·               Hoardings for AZ and Papworth Hospital projects overlap the Circus.  This will be carefully managed.

·               It is intended to be onsite mid 2016.


5)   What are the drainage proposals?


·        Extensive use of rain gardens.

·        A section of the clearing is designed to flood under storm events.

·        Rain gardens will improve the quality of water into the watercourse.


6)   What is the scale (diameter) of the Clearing?


·     Approximately 100m in diameter.

·     Noted it can be difficult to grasp overall scale.

·     There is currently no other public realm on the campus at present.


7)   Public Art – How are the tents constructed?


·     Tents are solid resin structures.

·     Managed and maintained by the developer.


8)   Maturity of planting is important


·     The landscape will include semi mature species and will integrate with overall phasing.




The developer team was thanked for a comprehensive presentation.  The application is expected to be submitted in the next two months.