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Agenda item

Cycle Cambridge update


MD gave an update on the Cycle Cambridge initiative including:


Works to deliver the rearrangement of cycle lanes over Hills Road bridge will be combined with the Gateway scheme which is due to commence in July.


As part of ‘Review and Improve’ of existing facilities the upgrading of the Newmarket Rd/Abbey Street crossing to a Toucan crossing has been completed.  Cllr Wright stated that the consultation seemed poor for residents and was concerned that the crossing was wide with a small island. MD stated the pressure to deliver or lose funding necessitated a stakeholder led consultation, which included Cambridge Cycling Campaign, safety audit, and local Cllrs.  The crossing is wide to accommodate high levels of pedestrians and cyclists and the crossing is single stage, which allows people to cross in one go.  MD stated that the new crossing will be monitored and if Cllr Wright needed further in-depth details of the phasing of the crossing this information is available from the County Council Signals Team.


The County Cabinet (June 2010) has approved the Gilbert Road scheme.  It was resolved unanimously to approve option one of the cycle scheme proposal (wide advisory cycle lanes with double yellow lines) for implementation, but not to proceed with the traffic calming elements contained within option one.  However officers were asked to keep the issue of the speed of traffic on Gilbert Road under review. Traffic regulation orders will be advertised in time for the October 2010, Cambridge Traffic Management Area Joint Committee. Cllr Todd-Jones asked for details of the car parking restrictions. MD stated that Gilbert Rd would have no on-street car parking and restricted loading, and Colwyn Close would have restricted parking, but no loading restrictions. 


The Tins path scheme is presently subject to land negotiations from 3 different landowners and is therefore ongoing.


Hills Rd approved resurfacing of the cycle lanes from the Catholic Church to Brooklands Ave to be undertaken shortly.


The widening of New Bit shared use path is due to start in September. Cllr Nimmo-Smith stated that the path from the Sheep’s Green Bridge to new bit was in poor condition.  CR confirmed that this section of the path would be resurfaced as part of the New Bit scheme.


The new off road cycle route beside Babraham Road to Wandlebury is completed.


Madingley Road improvements will be to improve and widen the off road shared path for in-bound cyclists and improve and widen the on road cycle lane for out-bound cyclists. Budget restraints may mean the improvements will only be made from Lady Margaret Road to Conduit Head Road.   Some trees may need to be removed and replaced outside Churchill college however any decision that affects trees will be in accordance with the City Council’s tree protocol.


The speed limit on Grantchester Road has been changed from 60 mph to 40 mph with no objections. Signs to be introduced shortly.


Works to improve cycle routes on Cherry Hinton Road between Queen Edith’s Way and Mowbray Road are due to start in October.


Bikeability training is ongoing with 680 Children trained from so far this financial year


Personal Travel Planning was undertaken in Kings Hedges, following the previous work undertaken in Orchard Park. A baseline survey identified peoples travel needs and people will be given incentives to use alternative travel modes.


The Cycle Challenge encouraged new people to cycle and 2300 people logged onto the Cycle Challenge web site.  Awards were presented to participants.


Dust off your bike has been run by Outspoken at various venues offering people a free service for their bikes.


Cycle Cambridge attended the Arbury Carnival, Chesterton Carnival and Grantchester country fair.


Bike Week – 19th to 27th June


A whole week of promotional events included guided bike rides for cyclists, cycle try-out sessions, and a bike fair on Parkers Piece as part of the Country Fair.  Cycle Cambridge also attended the Big weekend which included I-bike Cambridge a cycle fashion show involving local students.  It was found to be useful to have the bike fair as part of a bigger event as a larger and more diverse audience were reached who may not have necessarily attended a dedicated bike fair.  Many people were interested in general cycling info in Cambridge and in adult cycle training.