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Agenda item

13/1685/FUL - 241 Hills Road


The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for demolition of the existing residential property and the construction of 3 houses (a pair of semis and a detached house), with associated car parking, cycle parking, waste storage and landscaping.


Ms Carpenter (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Committee:


Resolved (4 votes to 4 – and on the Chair’s casting vote) to reject the officer recommendation to refuse the application.


Resolved (4 votes to 4 – and on the Chair’s casting vote) to approve the application contrary to the officer recommendation, subject to conditions delegated to officers, for the following reason:


In considering the scheme and the officer recommendation to refuse the proposal, on balance, South Area Committee did not consider that the proposal would be harmful to either the character or appearance of the surrounding area or significantly harmful to residential amenity to warrant a refusal of planning permission.


At the request of the Principal Planning Officer, resolved unanimously to delegate authority to Officers to append appropriate conditions and a S106 agreement.

Supporting documents: