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The Committee received an application for full planning permission.
The application sought approval for extensions to the existing property
including a detached enclosed BBQ area in the rear garden and a detached
bin/cycle store at the front.
The extensions were to the front, rear and side of the property.
The Committee received representations in objection to the application
from Mr Scrase, speaking on behalf of the owners of
No 52 Gough Way.
The representation covered the following issues:
The proposal would be contrary to policy 3/14 and
draft plan policy 58.
The application nearly doubles the size of the
original house.
Would dominate the existing street scene.
The proposed garage would block the light in the
sitting room window of No 52, which acquired a prescriptive right to light not
later than 1984, twenty years after the house was built.
The area had suffered serious flooding from Bin
Brook in the past and the proposed plans would half the space available between
the two houses for flood water to escape.
Location of the bin /cycle store is intrusive.
Mr Johns (Applicant) spoke in support of the application.
Councillor Hipkin proposed that the proposal
in the Officer report be considered in two parts:
A) Works to include erection of a two storey
front extension, part two storey and part single
storey side and rear extension.
B) A
separate cycle/bin store is also proposed within the design, located at the
front of the dwelling. The cycle/bin store will also propose a new footpath
to/from the existing public footpath.
The Committee resolved
unanimously to agree to the split the proposal into two.
The Committee:
Resolved (7 votes to 1 ) to grant the
application for planning permission for the erection of a two storey front
extension, part two storey and part single storey side and rear extension, in accordance
with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer report
and subject to the conditions recommended by the Officer
(1 Vote to 6, with 1 abstention) to reject the Officer recommendation to
approve planning permission for a separate cycle/bin store, located at the
front of the dwelling.
(1 Vote to 6, with 1 abstention) to refuse the application for a separate
cycle/bin store, located at the front of the dwelling contrary to the Officer
recommendations for the following reason:
1. The detached
cycle/bin store, by reason of its siting within the front garden of the
property, would appear overly prominent and out of character with the
appearance of the street, contrary to Cambridge Local Plan policies 3/12 and
Pre-Committee Amendments to Recommendation:
No development shall take place until details of flood proofing and
resilience measures have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local
planning authority. The scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the
approved details. The flood proofing and resilience measures shall be:
Either ;
That floor levels within the proposed development are set no lower than
existing levels AND, flood proofing of the proposed development has been
incorporated where appropriate.
Details of any flood proofing / resilience and resistance techniques, to
be included in accordance with `Improving the flood performance of new
buildings' CLG (2007)
Floor levels within the extension will be set 300mm above the known or
modelled 1 in 100 annual probability river flood (1%) or 1 in 200 annual
probability sea flood (0.5%) in any year. This flood level is the extent of the
Flood Zones
This must be demonstrated by a plan that shows finished floor levels
relative to the known or modelled flood level. All levels should be stated in
relation to Ordnance Datum. The development shall be carried out in accordance
with the approved plans.
Reason: To mitigate any adverse impact from flooding (Cambridge Local
Plan 2006 policies 3/7 and 4/13)
Supporting documents: