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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ [access the building via Peashill entrance]. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Committee Manager

Note: Information regarding the second Pre-application Developer Briefing is contained within the Second Circulation agenda 


No. Item




Apologies were received from Councillors Flaubert, Thornburrow and Hawkins.



Declarations of Interest






R. Williams

Disclosable Pecuniary Interest – employed by Cambridge University. Left the meeting during the consideration of this item.



Personal: Member of Cambridge Cycling Campaign.



Personal: Member of the St Johns Evangelist Church Waterbeach and sit on the Parochial Council.



Address: Land between Huntingdon Road, Madingley Road, and the M11, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

Description: Eddington Phase 2 - Outline application for a mixed-use development including residential, student, senior living, commercial and academic floorspaces, alongside supporting retail and community uses. Associated infrastructure and engineering works including accesses, roads, and open space.


Applicant: University of Cambridge.




Councillor R. Williams left the meeting for the duration of this item.


Members raised comments/questions as listed below. Answers were supplied, and comments from officers but as this was a pre-application presentation, none of the answers or comments are binding on either the intended applicant or the local planning authority so consequently are not recorded in these minutes.


1.    Queried the proposed number of dwellings on the site compared to the number of dwellings approved under the previous planning consent.

2.    Asked why it was proposed to increase the density of dwellings on the site and how this would be brought forward.

3.    Asked if more facilities would be provided on the site such as sports facilities / gym / football fields / areas for outdoor games.

4.    Welcomed the revised cycling infrastructure plan.

5.    Requested information about grey water recycling and SUDs (sustainable urban drainage systems).

6.    Queried if nursery provision was proposed.

7.    Asked if cargo bike parking provision was proposed.

8.    Asked for desire lines for movement across the site to be considered.

9.    Asked if any single aspect homes were proposed.

10.  Queried how the landscaping would be brought forward and if it could be delivered on site early.

11.  Asked what consideration would be given to the relationship between the proposed development and existing / adjacent communities.

12.  Queried the permeability of the site for pedestrians and cyclists.

13.  Asked what consideration had been given to connectivity with the Cambourne to Cambridge (GCP[SS1] ) project.

14.  Queried if the development proposed to use the District Heating Network.

15.  Welcomed the University bus service.

16.  Asked how the community centre was proposed to be managed.

17.  Asked how public areas were to be managed.

18.  Asked if a new Parish Council would be set up.

19.  Asked what consideration had been given to co-housing space, for example a communal eating area).

20.  Asked how e-scooters would be managed within the site.

21.  Queried if any restrictions on car ownership was proposed.

22.  Asked how many people had attended their consultation events so far.

23.  Queried water provision / supply.

24.  Queried impact of the development on sensitive views and noted that LVIAs (landscape visual impact assessments) would be important.

25.  Queried height articulation.

26.  Queried the surface finishings on buildings.



 [SS1]IS this a GCP project?


Address: Land North of Cherry Hinton, Cambridge.

Description: Reserved matters application for 292 dwellings to include custom build, food store, retail and community centre, provision of public open space and allotments pursuant to planning permissions 18/0481/OUT and S/1231/18/OL for up to 1200 new dwellings and associated infrastructure.


Applicant: Bellway Latimer Cherry Hinton LLP.


Councillor R. Williams returned to the meeting for the consideration of this item.


Councillor Smart left the meeting before the consideration of this item.


Members raised comments/questions as listed below. Answers were supplied, and comments from officers but as this was a pre-application presentation, none of the answers or comments are binding on either the intended applicant or the local planning authority so consequently are not recorded in these minutes.


1.    Asked about the proposed water use of 100 litres per person per day.

2.    Asked for information about rainwater use and grey water recycling.

3.    Asked if the flats with balconies could have downpipes to run water into water butts.

4.    Asked how desire lines for movement across the site would be managed.

5.    Asked for information about the allotments.

6.    Queried cargo bike parking provision.

7.    Expressed concern around the use of SUDS (sustainable urban drainage system) for play and how the two uses would be managed.

8.    Asked how the affordable housing provision would be provided across the site.

9.    Enquired how the community centre would be managed to ensure it was available for the whole community.

10.  Asked for information about what businesses could use the proposed commercial / business space units.

11.  Asked for information about the customisable housing.

12.  Questioned if consideration had been given to shared living accommodation (Houses in Multiple Occupation).

13.  Asked for information about the play equipment and what ages this would cater for.

14.  Queried provision of open space areas for older children.

15.  Asked if the site fell within the City Council or South Cambs District Council administrative boundary.