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Venue: Castle Street Methodist Church, Castle Street, Cambridge, CB3 OAH
Contact: Claire Tunnicliffe Committee Manager
No. | Item |
Re-Ordering of the Agenda Under paragraph 4.2.1 of the Council Procedure Rules, the Chair used his discretion to alter the
order of the agenda items. However, for ease of the reader, these minutes will follow the order of the
agenda. |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Reid. |
Declarations of Interest (Planning) Members of the committee are asked to declare any interests in the items
on the agenda. In the case of any doubt, the advice of the Head of Legal should
be sought before the meeting.
Minutes: None were declared |
14/ 0967/FUL: Cambridge Rugby Union Football Club, Volac Park,Grantchester Road Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for full planning permission. The application
sought approval for the erection of replacement changing rooms, replacement
dug-outs and retention of the existing temporary changing rooms for a period of
three years. The Committee
received representations in objection to the application from Mr Heywood. The representation covered the following issues:
The building would further encroach into the green
belt beyond which the Club previously had planning permission for.
Would have an adverse impact on the area which is
in a conservation area.
The position of the dug-outs was unsightly and
should not stay in its current position but relocated. iv.
The changing rooms were unattractive.
Each time a new planning application is submitted,
it seeks an extension to the temporary building and these buildings in effect
become permanent. vi.
Advertising boards were installed without the
correct planning permission. Mr McGahey (Applicant) addressed the Committee
in support of the application. The Committee: Resolved (unanimously) to grant the
application for full planning permission in accordance with the Officer
recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer report, subject to the
conditions recommended by the Officer. |
14/0978:FUL: Former Auckland Road Mental Health Centre, Auckland Road Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for full planning permission. The application
sought approval for the erection of four semi-detached dwellings and one
detached dwelling (following demolition of existing buildings),
together with associated infrastructure. The Committee
received representations in objection to the application from Ms Bates. The representation covered the following issues:
Would have preferred a Community Centre on site
which would have met the demand for one in the area.
Acknowledged that the development was an
improvement on the previous application.
The scale and mass of the development would be
overbearing on a small site. iv.
The development would overlook into neighbouring
properties on Parsonage Street.
Has issues with the window treatment proposed to
address the overlooking issues. vi.
Overlooking would be more prominent into Brunswick
Cottage. vii.
There would be significant overshadowing to the
neighbouring properties. viii.
Retention or replacement of the existing foot wall
around the north and west side of the site which would retain security. ix.
Questioned if wooden fencing would offer the same
protection in place of the brick wall.
The boundary wall between Brunswick
Cottage and the site
should be retained due to its historic significance. xi.
The new development would be dark and not in
keeping with the neighbouring properties. xii.
Too many bedrooms have been included into the
development. xiii.
Lack of resident parking on the development xiv.
Trees would be lost. Mr Bainton (Agent) addressed
the Committee in support of the application. The Committee: Resolved (unanimously) to grant the application for planning
permission accordance with the officer recommendation, for the reasons set out
in the Officer’s report, subject to the completion of the s106
Agreement by 31
2014, subject
to the conditions recommended by the Officer and an additional condition
relating to archaeology and an informative relating to liaison with the
construction of the Synagogue site nearby to read as follows: ‘No development shall take place within the
site until the applicant, or their agent or successors in title, has secured
the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a
written scheme of investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and
approved in writing by the local planning authority. Reason: To ensure that an appropriate
archaeological investigation of the site has been implemented before
development commences. (Cambridge Local Plan 2006 policy
4/9). INFORMATIVE: The contractors are advised
that there is a nearby development for a Synagogue on Auckland Road. The Local
Planning Authority encourages regular dialogue with those contractors to
minimise disruption and disturbance to local residents arising from deliveries
and construction activity’. |
14/0646/FUL: 26 Newmarket Road Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for full planning permission. The application
sought approval for
the erection of bin and cycle storage enclosures and internal alterations to
the upper floors. The alterations would
enable the creation of two new flats, one on each floor, by the
insertion and removal of walls. Mr Whitfield (Applicant)
addressed the Committee in support of the application. The Committee: Councillor Bick
proposed that an additional condition should be included in relation to cycle
parking to match the number of units. Resolved (unanimously) that the new flats shall not be occupied
until cycle racks in the form of Sheffield hoops (or another style rack to be
agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority) to accommodate the parking of
6 cycles (one for each flat) of the development have been installed within the
rear courtyard area. Reason: In order to ensure the full
provision of cycle parking relative to the number of occupants living within
the altered planning unit (Cambridge Local Plan policy 8/6). Resolved
(unanimously) to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the
Officer report, subject to the conditions recommended by the Officer and the additional condition. |
14/0908/FUL: The End House, 53 Owlstone Road Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a retrospective planning application for part
change of use. The application
sought approval for a part change of use of residential property to provide
Bed and Breakfast Accommodation The Committee
received a representation in objection to the application from Mr Whitehead. The representation covered the following issues:
The report understated the impact that the bed and
breakfast has on the next door property.
No other properties are used for commercial use.
Noise travels through the party wall. iv.
The Officer’s report states that there are no
advertising signs on the front or side elevation of the premises stating the
premises is a bed and breakfast guest house. This is incorrect.
The entrance door is at the side of the house and
guests regularly knock on the next door property house. vi.
All guests do not arrive on foot or taxi and there
is insufficient parking to accommodate guests. vii.
The application goes against 6/3 of the Cambridge
Local Plan. Mr Clover (Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application.
The Committee: The Principal Planning Officer proposed the following
amendment to condition 3 of the Officer’s report in relation to the number of
bed and breakfast rooms (original text struck through and new text underlined).
Reason: To ensure
there is no loss of residential units, and to limit the possible
intensification of the use of the property given its size and local parking pressures
within surrounding streets. Cambridge Local Plan 2006 policies 3/4 & 6/3. Resolved
(unanimously) with amendments to
condition 3 of the Officer’s report. Resolved
Votes to 1 Vote) to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the
Officer report, subject to the conditions recommended by the Officer and the amended condition. |
14/1134/FUL: 28 Warwick Road Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for
full planning permission. The application sought approval for a single storey front extension
(following demolition of
existing porch). The Committee: Resolved
(unanimously) to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the
Officer report
and subject to the conditions recommended by the Officer. |
Declarations of Interest ( Main Agenda) Minutes: None were declared |
Chairs Announcements Minutes: Councillor John Hipkin congratulated fellow
Councillor Julie Smith on her recent elevation to the House of Lords. The Chair paid tribute to Peter Cowell, a long-serving
former Councillor who served as Mayor on four separate occasions in the 1980s
and 1990s, following his death. A minutes silence then followed. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2014 (attached separately). Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 24 June
2014 were approved and signed by the Chair. |
Matters and Actions arising from the Minutes Additional documents: Minutes: 13/58/WCAC The Committee
Manager informed the Committee that a request had been sent to the Head of Arts
and Recreation to ask that information be placed on the Council’s website
indicating which facilities were available for community use that included the
Cambridge University Sports Centre. It was suggested
that the matter be addressed by Councillor Cantrill. ONGOING. 14/29/WCAC Councillor Reiner updated the Committee on the temporary
planning permission for a Coach Station Kiosk on Parkside. The City Development
Manager had advised the Planning department were waiting for further information
from the County Council as it impacted the Highways and a report will be taken
to the Joint Area Committee. The application would be considered by the Planning
Committee later in the year and not the Area Committee due to the recent
changes of the removal of planning at Area Committees. Councillor Reiner stated that she spoken with the Head of
Planning Services to discuss if the application could be brought back to West /
Central Area Committee as an exception and this was being looked at. ONGOING. 14/30/WCAC Councillor
Cearns informed the Committee that the Project Delivery
and Environment Manager at Cambridge City Council had confirmed that the plan
to fund higher quality street lighting in the City Centre would continue in
conjunction with the County Council. This would mean that the West / Central
wards would lose the heritage lighting, apart from a few which had assigned to
keep, such as those in New Square. The County Council
and Belfour Beatty would hold a public meeting or attend a West Area Committee
Meeting sometime in Autumn with the proposals for the
layout and design for new street lighting in Market Ward. CLOSED. 14/9/WCAC Councillor Nethsingha stated that she had received an e-mail from
Officers at Cambridgeshire County Council who have advised that the junction
could not be changed. However with regards to the cycle crossing on Madingley Road in relation to the North / West City
development there will be a proposal to install a cross roads nearer to the
City to assist cyclists crossing the road safely. No further details had been
released. ONGOING. 14/9/WAC Councillor Hipkin
queried if Councillor Bick, as former Leader of the Council could provide
information on the Business Improvement District rather than invite representatives
from the Board. Councillor Bick
advised that it would be preferable to have a presentation from BID
representatives. An invite would be
sent to BID representatives from the Chair asking they could attend the October
meeting. CLOSED. 14/9/WAC Councillor Cearns expressed disappointment that representatives from
the developers of the University Arms Hotel did not attend the meeting.
Discussions were still ongoing regarding the use of Parker’s Piece for the
Developer during the development. It was hoped that representatives would
attend the October meeting. ONGOING |
Open Forum Refer to the ‘Information for the Public’ section for rules on speaking Minutes: Colin Rosenstiel: It is now
September, why has half of Christ’s Pieces had no street lighting for two
months now, which is dangerous for the public, with no sign of action from
Balfour Beatty and their contractors, UK Power Networks. What action can the
Area Committee take to get the lighting fixed? Councillor Cearns agreed that there were
difficulties with UK Power Networks. This would be taken back to Officers and
Balfour Beatty to ask for a date when the installation of the street lights
would take place. Councillor Cearns explained that
this problem was across the City. Hugh Kellett: What can be done to reduce the level of HCVs
infringing 7.5t weight restriction? A low
level campaign by residents, which involved meeting with serial offenders such
as M&S, Bidvest and Boots, and aided by letters from the police, has
resulted in some compliance, but there
are still between 5 and 10 vehicles illegally using Maids Causeway per hour.
These are mainly vehicles servicing local pubs, shops and restaurants in the
centre of town and are simply using the street as a cut through. I ask that
some thought be given to police considering a few days of action a year to
clamp down on offenders. What other measures might councillors consider? Would
a local name and shame web site or twitter account might bring offenders to
book? Or whether traffic wardens might be able to take on this task, presenting
drivers with a warning? Acting Inspector Wragg advised that Operation Safe Passage was being run as
a Police priority and explained that each week there was bid for additional
resources (road police unit, dog unit etc) to support
this operation in order to carry this forward. Councillor Bick
added that it was impressive to see and hear the work that the residents had
undertaken to highlight to these issues. Councillor Holland
asked if this was a planning condition and whether enforcement action could be
undertaken? (ACTION) Mal
Schofield: Is the
Committee aware the river that runs through the City is polluted. We need to do something about it. Recently
the City of Cambridge Triathlon was cancelled over safety concerns
relating to the swim element of the event. The river is an asset. Sport and recreation in the City needs to be
encouraged. Councillor Reiner agreed with the comments
made. With no additional knowledge it would be interesting to know the results
of the tests and what would be done to improve the quality of the river. Jim Bellingham: I am rather frustrated by the number of times I have to get out of the
way of people cycling the wrong way in the St John’s St/Trinity St/Market
Hill/Sidney St triangle. But on looking more closely, I do think the signage is
inadequate. If you are coming into that triangle from a side street, or setting
off, it is often not obvious that these are all one way streets. The signs seem
few, and they are often lost in the clutter of a very busy streetscape. Perhaps
one step might be signs painted on the road? They might have to make it clear
that this rule applies to bikes as well as cars. Councillor Cearns
advised that he had raised the same issues with Cycling Officers and
acknowledged that the issue had been raised at pervious committees. At the top
end of Sidney Street it was planned to install additional signage. Over the
next couple of months there would be noticeable changes. Jim Bellingham: A second signage point: On the Barton Road/Newnham
Road junction. As I understand it, if you are approaching this junction from
the west (Barton Road), in a car, it is compulsory to turn left at the lights
into Newnham Road. Going straight on into Driftway or right into the street with the Co-op, is
illegal (and certainly dangerous). But the only indicator seems to be the small
white arrow on a blue roundel that is part of the traffic light. I have some
sympathy with the drivers who don’t grasp this, and then attempt an illegal
manoeuvre, rather than driving up to the Fen Causeway roundabout and coming back
to the junction from Newnham Road, when all the
options are available. Could it be made clearer, or have I misunderstood? Councillor Cantrill
advised that Officers had investigated looking at improving the signage but had
advised that they were constrained by Highway rules and regulations. A larger
sign would obstruct the cycle lane so could not be installed. Councillor Nethsinga
advised that herself and Councillor Cantrill had requested funds to be put towards a
feasibility study. Work is underway to look at how the whole junction could be
improved. Bev
Nicolson: When will
the re-surfacing work in Short Street start? Councillor Cearns advised that work should begin over the next few
weeks. Bev Nicholson: I reported on ‘Fix
My Street’ that the damaged bike racks on Sydney Street required fixing. They
are still not fixed after a month. Are the Committee aware of other bike racks
in the City that required fixing and do they think this length of time is
indicative? Councillor Cantrill replied in his experience it was quicker to report
issues direct to the relevant Officer. There were two bike racks in Newnham which had been reported three times on ‘Fix My
Street’ and were still had not been fixed. Councillor Cearns encouraged members of the public to contact the
Highways department following the County’s reporting procedure or contact their
local Councillor. |
Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods Minutes: The Committee received a report from Sergeant Misik and Sergeant Wood regarding Policing and Safer
neighbourhood trends. The report outlined actions taken since the West Central
Area Committee of the 24 April 2014 on the priorities that had been set. The
current emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also
highlighted (see report for full details). Members’
Comments on Anti-Social Behaviour: Councillor Hipkin asked whether was possible to produce figures to show the number recorded crimes, prosecutions and convictions. This would show what action had been taken following reported crime. Acting Inspector Wragg advised
that these figures were problematic to produce for each quarter due to the varying
length of time the legal process took after an arrest had been made. Therefore
the information would not be timely. There was also information which could not
be made public during this process that added to the difficulty of producing
additional reporting figures. Councillor Cearns asked if there
was there evidence of deprivation concerning individuals who had been arrested
for persistent begging who lived in their own accommodation, or was it a
situation of abusing an opportunity. What was being done to offer those people
an alternative lifestyle to one that that found themselves
in? Sergeant Misik confirmed that
the majority of individuals were drug or alcohol dependent. Information would
be passed to the Chronically Excluded Adult (CEA) Team or hostels in the City
to work with those individuals to try and address their behaviour. It was
important to note that this was not always enforcement lea but it was important
to give a consistent message. Councillor Smith noted that over the Summer
there seemed to be an increase in persistent begging from individuals who
appeared to be vulnerable, which she had not been observed before. Where there
more individuals on the street who required help or enforcement, or was it just
a perception? Sergeant Misik replied that
there was always an increase at certain time of the year with individuals
arriving in the City for Summer festivals. Usually
they stayed for a period of time before moving on. In reality many of the individuals did have a
degree of vulnerability which are observed by the Police and reported back to
the various agencies. Members’ Comments on Operation Safe Passage & Vehicle
obstruction of pavements: Councillor Bick stated he was pleased to note the work
being done on the vehicle obstruction of pavements, but the problem was still
ongoing. He had witnessed the problem on Victoria Street with the further
obstruction of wheelie bins and bikes on the pavements. Councillors had also
received reports of a damaged manhole cover on the pavement on Victoria Street
which could possibly be caused by vehicles parking on the pavement. This
priority should be continued as it required on going attention. Sergeant Wood acknowledged that the Committee’s last
priority setting of Operation Safe Passage & Vehicle Obstruction of
pavements did merge together. He explained his team were in charge of the
pavement obstruction while the Road Police team were responsible for traffic
offences. His Officers had been instructed to talk with the registered owner
whose vehicles were obstructing pavements and identify if they were local to
try to change their behaviour. The transient visitors were not as easy to talk
to as they were not in the area on a long term basis. Sergeant Wood concluded that he was investigating possible
strategies such as improving the markings, street furniture, educating local
cyclist and vehicle users. Councillor Hipkin questioned if the Police would agree it
was deemed acceptable to park on a pavement, as in some parts of the City it
was encouraged. However when causing an obstruction it then becomes an offence,
but causing an obstruction to whom and what?
Measurable criteria would be welcomed. Sergeant Misik advised that
there was no wrong or right answer and it would be a judgement call by the
Officer. Sergeant Wood replied that every situation is judged on
its own merit and reiterated that pictures of the vehicle causing an
obstruction could be sent to via e-mail. He would expect that a push chair or
wheel chair should be able to be pass vehicles which were parked on the
pavement. E-mails had been sent from Hackney Carriages to show
civilian parking in taxi ranks. Warning letters had been issued to the
registered owners, if the same offender persisted more than three times
enforcement was taken. A similar approach would be taken on the issue that had
been raised by Mr Kellett in the public forum earlier
in the meeting. Councillor Cantrill enquired
whether the Police would issue a warning letter if pictures of coaches
illegally parked were e-mailed to them? Sergeant Misik stated that best
way would be to ring 101 in this instance.
Councillor Cearns agreed that
there were also problems with taxi’s parking in the City Centre where they
should not be. A meeting had been arranged with Sergeant Wood the following to
discuss all the City Centre issues that had been highlighted. Comments from Members of the Public Could
you explain how the enforcement of vehicle excise duty will happen with the
planned removal of the paper tax disc? Sergeant Wood responded that the impact on the Police was
unknown. If an individual did not register their vehicle or apply for an off
road notice, the registered keeper would be fined. The DVLA kept a data base of
all registered keepers and automatic number plate recognition would also play a
role in determining if the vehicle was taxed or not. What
is the law for those vehicles parking close to the junction and raised
junctions, such as that on the corner Wilberforce Road, with cars parked half
of the pavement and half on the road and should those vehicles be reported via
the 101. Sergeant Wood advised that there were two types of traffic
legislation which could be used, the Road Traffic Act and the Road Traffic
Offenders’ Act. However a common sense approach should be taken, however if a
vehicle was parked within ten metres of a junction this was an offence. If a
vehicle was parked on the zig zag on the approach to
a cross roads, evidence of the offence would be reported to the central
ticketing office who would determine the best way to deal with the individual.
If a vehicle was parked inappropriately then it was best to call the Police. Councillor Smith reported that she and Councillor Cantrill attended a meeting with County and City Officers
to discuss possible installation of double yellow lines in Newnham
which included the junction of Adams and Wilberforce Road. Members’ Comments on Future Objectives: Councillor Bick welcomed the statics referenced in the
report and suggested that a better bench mark would be to compare the figures
at the same point of the previous year rather than the last quarter. Councillor Nethsingha noted that
there had been an increase in cycle theft, compared to the last summer and the
last quarter. When this had been a
previous priority cycle thefts had been reduced. Councillor Cearns asked whether
it was possible to have joint partnership working with the Police to extend ‘the
vehicle obstruction of pavements’ to ‘pavement obstruction’ to include
individuals who obstruct the pavements, such as ticket touts, peddlers, buskers
and so forth. Acting Inspector Wragg advised
that issues such as peddlers and buskers were matters for the Council’s
Enforcement team but the Police would be happy to provide support if and when
they were required and able to do so. Councillor Smith highlighted that there were large numbers
of punt touts that were touting for
unlicensed punts which needed to be addressed. It was agreed that a separate
meeting would be organised to discuss this issue further. The
Committee. Councillor Bick proposed that the offered recommendation
in the Officer’s report of the next Police priority as ‘Acquisitive crime in the Newnham ward’ be
removed and replaced with the continued priority of vehicle
obstruction of pavements. Councillor Cearns proposed that
that the vehicle obstruction of pavements should extended
to the obstruction of pavements which would include vehicle obstruction, cycle
obstruction, etc. Councillor Nethsingha proposed
that the addition of cycle theft be included as an additional priority. RESOLVED
(unanimously) to prioritise the following:
Safe Passage ii.
ASB in City Centre
Extension of Vehicle Obstruction of Pavements
expanded to include other physical obstructions such as cycles, etc. iv.
Cycle theft. |
Frequency of WAC Future Meetings At the Council meeting of the 24th July 2014, it was agreed
that Area Committee meeting frequency was to be altered from the current ‘every
eight weeks’ to ‘at least four times per year’ commencing from October 2014.
Each Area Committee would set its own timetable of meetings for the municipal
year. Members are asked to review the meeting schedule for the
coming year. Wednesday, 29th October, 2014 Open Forum Wednesday, 7th January, 2015 Open Forum Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods Thursday, 5th March, 2015 Open Forum Thursday, 23rd April, 2015 Open Forum Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods Community Grants Current schedule (September 2014 – May 2015) attached. Minutes: The Committee were asked to consider the frequency of Area Committee Meetings for the remainder of the municipal year 2014/15. Councillors Holland and Hipkin suggested that
there were less-costly alternatives to Area Committees by which members of the
public might be engaged in the democratic process and involved in consultation
as effectively as the present system. Councillors Holland and Hipkin reminded the
committee that all responsible authorities and in particular, Cambridgeshire
County Council, are required to examine existing practices and find more
cost-effective means of delivering services rather than cutting services. To this end, Councillors Holland and Hipkin
recommend that Councillors have the responsibility to be more proactive in the
way they communicate effectively with their electorate and public meetings
might be called as and when needed by local residents. Now that the planning element of Area
Committees has returned to the central Planning Committee, the rest of the
agenda needs to be scrutinised as to whether it merits separate and costly
evening meetings which often duplicate what comes before scrutiny and
regulatory committees. Councillor Hipkin requested that figures for public attendance at all future meetings be recorded. Councillor Cantrill suggested that figures for public attendance should be recorded for all meetings. Councillor Cearns recommended that Committee should think about the structure of the meetings, the start times, when the meeting take place and the items that are placed on the agenda. Comments from members of the public.
i. The public must be encouraged to engage more in the discussion rather than sit and listen. ii. Would encourage Councillors to site with the public to listen to what they want from the meetings. iii. The Committee must continue as they are part of the democracy process. iv. Discuss issues that are important to the community. The following items for future meetings were put forward: i. University Arms Hotel development. ii. Business Improvement District. iii. The Management of tourist Coaches. iv. The future of the long distance bus station. v. Environmental Improvement Projects updates at every meeting. vi. Updates on S106 spending at each meeting. Councillor Smith suggested that a ‘brain storming’ session took place with members of the public to discuss what could be done to encourage public attendance and participation. The Committee: Resolved (7 votes to
2 votes) to keep to the current schedule of meetings October 2014 – April 2015 as
29 October 2014.
7 January 2015.
5 March 2015. iv. 23 April 2015. The situation would be reviewed in New Year 2015. |