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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ [access the building via Peashill entrance]. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Committee Manager


No. Item




Apologies were received from City Councillors Flaubert and Porrer and South Cambs Councillors Bradnam, Fane and Stobart. Councillors Levien, Page-Croft, John Williams and Garvie attended as alternates.


Declarations of Interest








Personal: Knew one of the Applicant’s personally but had not spoken to them in over a year.



Appointment of Vice-Chair (SCDC Representative) for the meeting


Councillor R.Williams proposed and Councillor Thornburrow seconded Councillor Hawkins as Vice-Chair for this JDCC meeting. This was approved unanimously by affirmation.  


22/02771/OUT – Land North of Cambridge North Station Milton Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a hybrid application for: 


a)   An outline application (all matters reserved apart from access and landscaping) for the construction of: three new residential blocks providing for up to 425 residential units and providing flexible Class E and Class F uses on the ground floor (excluding Class E (g) (iii)); and two commercial buildings for Use Classes E(g) i (offices), ii (research and development) providing flexible Class E and Class F uses on the ground floor (excluding Class E (g) (iii)),together with the construction of basements for parking and building services, car and cycle parking and infrastructure works.

b)   A full application for the construction of three commercial buildings for Use Classes E(g) i (offices) ii (research and development), providing flexible Class E and Class F uses on the ground floor (excluding Class E (g) (iii)) with associated car and cycle parking, the construction of a multi storey car and cycle park building, together with the construction of basements for parking and building services, car and cycle parking and associated landscaping, infrastructure works and demolition of existing structures.


The Interim Support Manager updated their report by referring to the amendments contained with the Amendment Sheet:

i.               Paragraphs 15.12 – 15.19 (pages 84 and 85) of the Committee report refers to building B1 and the need for further bat surveys. This building falls within the Wild Park area which is within the detailed landscape proposals of the outline application, not within the full application as per the report. As landscape is a matter for approval, not a reserved matter, the additional bat surveys are still required to be submitted; conditions are not appropriate to require such surveys to be provided; and

ii.             An amendment to reason for refusal 7 (page 9 and repeated on pages 156 and 157 of the agenda):

a.    Policy NH/4 provides that new development must aim to maintain, enhance, restore or add to biodiversity. Where there are grounds to believe a proposal may affect a protected species, priority species or priority habitat, applicants will be expected to provide an adequate level of survey information and assessment to establish the extent of a potential impact. This survey information and site assessment shall be provided prior to the determination of an application.

b.    The application provides insufficient information to adequately assess the ecological impact of the proposals. In particular, the bat surveys must be completed if as the building/structure B1 is within the area covered by the landscaping detail in the outline application full application site. In addition, the impact of the additional bird species identified has not been assessed. On the basis of the information submitted, the application is contrary to South Cambridgeshire Local Plan policy NH/4, the Biodiversity SPD 2022, the requirements of the Environment Act 2021 and 06/2005 Circular advice.


Alison Wright (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Committee Manager read a statement on behalf of Cambridge Past Present and Future which addressed the Committee against the application.

i.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23/15/JDCC