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Venue: Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ [access the building via Peashill entrance]. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
No. | Item | |||||||||
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Fane, Hawkins, Stobart and Baigent. Councillor Garvie attended as alternate for Councillor Stobart. Councillor Smart provided apologies for lateness and joined the meeting from item 24/43/JDCC. Councillor Smart withdrew for items 24/44/JDCC and 24/45/JDCC. Councillor R.Williams left the meeting before the consideration of item 24/45/JDCC and then joined the meeting online part way through item 24/46/JDCC. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 21 August 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
21/02957/COND27 - West Anglia Main Line, Land Adjacent To Cambridge Biomedical Campus PDF 374 KB Minutes: The Committee received an application for the submission
of details required by condition 27 (Lighting Scheme) of the deemed planning
consent associated with the Network Rail (Cambridge South Infrastructure
Enhancements) Order 2022 (Local Planning Authority Reference 21/02957/TWA). The Committee had deferred the application at the 17 July
2024 meeting to allow further consideration of pedestrian and cycle safety
including anti-social behaviour and the impact on biodiversity. The Committee noted a representation in support of the
application from the Department for Transport which was included on the
Amendment Sheet. Elliot
Stamp (Applicant’s Representative) addressed the Committee in support of the
application. The
Committee Manager read a statement in support of the application from the
Trumpington Residents’ Association. In
response to Members’ questions the Principal Planner said the following:
The City
Council would manage the open space areas, not the County Council.
would work with the Applicant and the Streets and Open Spaces Team to ensure
that the concerns regarding wayfinding were addressed as details of signage was
yet to be agreed.
Solar stud
lighting was used widely elsewhere. The path was designed to meet LTN120
standard. The supplementary document which had been submitted by the Applicant
provided evidence to address safety concerns. iv.
concerns raised regarding the angle of the path where it joined the guided
busway; advised that this was approved as part of the landscape condition and
could not be varied as part of the lighting condition application now to be
determined. The Committee: Resolved (unanimously) to: i.
Approve and discharge condition 21/02957/COND27. |
Minutes: The Committee received a reserved matters application for
the B2 land (car dealership development) including access, appearance, layout,
scale, landscaping, associated infrastructure, incorporating an extension to
the Ford store together with discharge of conditions
12,13,17,18,23,34,39,40,41,42,43,45,46, and 48 in respect of outline planning
permission S/2682/13/OL. In
response to Members’ questions the Senior Planner said the following:
The impact
of the multistorey car park had been thoroughly reviewed. An existing mature
tree belt would provide sufficient screening throughout the year. The previous
use of the site was similar to the use in this application. There were only a
couple of points where the height of the proposed building was above the
heights set out in the Parameter Plan so Officers believed there would be no
significant adverse impact on residents.
hydrants would be addressed under Building Regulations.
The Local
Plan did not specify the number of cycle parking spaces which needed to be
provided for this Use class. Officers reviewed the amount of cycling parking
proposed and were satisfied this would be sufficient. iv.
parking provision had been reviewed. Officers were content with the amount
proposed and did not believe there would be overspill parking off-site into the
Marleigh development.
2 and 3 would secure the vertical planting and ensure that it was maintained in
the future. vi.
11 required details to be submitted regarding water consumption (BREAAM Wat 01
requirements). If the applicant failed to provide sufficient information then
the condition would not be discharged. vii.
gardens could be considered as part of the drainage condition. viii.
had no concerns regarding the cladding and overheating. The proposals were
similar to what was on site previously. No concerns had been raised by
Environment Health Officers regarding overheating. ix.
(in terms of name / display lighting for the building) would be controlled by
advertisement regulations.
trigger points for conditions 9 and 11 could be amended to be ‘prior to
commencement of development’. xi.
concerns raised about the potential for noise from transporter vehicles when reversing
and advised that condition 9 could be amended to address concerns to protect
residential amenity. The
Strategic Sites Manager offered the following summary of amendments to the
Officer’s recommendation contained in paragraph 24 (i) of the report reflecting
Members’ debate:
Approve the reserved matters application subject to
the conditions and informatives as detailed in this report, with delegated
authority to Officers to carry through minor amendments to those conditions and
informatives (and to include others considered appropriate and necessary) prior
to the issuing of the planning permission with amendments to: a.
condition 2 to include reference to rainwater
gardens and green roofs on cycle shelters; b.
conditions 9 and 11 to change each trigger point to
‘prior to commencement of development’; c.
condition 9 to include reference to noise impact
from vehicle movements.
No amendments were proposed to the Officer
recommendation contained in paragraph 24 (ii) of the report. The Committee: Resolved ... view the full minutes text for item 24/43/JDCC |
24/02478/S73 - RSC 56 Addenbrooke's Hospital Keith Day Road Cambridge PDF 343 KB Minutes: Councillor Smart withdrew from the meeting for the
consideration of this application. The Committee received a Section 73 application to vary conditions
1 (Time), 2 (Restoration of Land) and 3 (Drawings) of ref: 21/02525/S73
(Retention and continued use of Regional Surge Centre 56 (RSC 56), ancillary
buildings and infrastructure constructed pursuant to planning permission
granted under Schedule 2, Part 12 A, Class A of the Town and Country Planning
(General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) without
compliance with conditions A.2. (b) (time period) and condition A.2(c) (use of
land) of that planning permission). Carin
Charlton (Applicant’s Representative) addressed the Committee in support of the
application. In
response to a Member’s question and with the permission of the Chair, Ms
Charlton advised that she was not aware of any adverse comments from the public
about the external cladding. Other occupants on the Biomedical Campus had
commented that the design of the cladding was appropriate and welcomed it. In
response to Members’ questions the Senior Planner said the following:
Was not
aware of any comments from the public regarding the external cladding.
concerns raised regarding internal wayfinding within the hospital, however they
could not be dealt with through this application. The Applicant’s
representatives were at the meeting and would have heard Member’s
application was exempt from the statutory requirement to provide biodiversity
net gain; however, the Applicant had provided an additional landscaped
courtyard area. The Committee: Resolved (unanimously) to: i. Approve the application subject to the conditions and informatives as detailed in the Officer’s report, with delegated authority to Officers to carry through minor amendments to those conditions and informatives (and include others considered appropriate and necessary) prior to the issuing of the planning permission. |
24/02479/S73 - RSC 20 Addenbrooke's Hospital Keith Day Road Cambridge PDF 414 KB Minutes: Councillor Smart withdrew from the meeting for the
consideration of this application. Councillor R. Williams left the meeting before the
consideration of this application. The Committee received a Section 73 application to vary
conditions 1 (Time), 2 (Restoration of Land) and 3 (Drawings) of ref:
21/02528/S73 (Retention and continued use of Regional Surge Centre 20 (RSC 20),
ancillary buildings and infrastructure constructed pursuant to planning
permission granted under Schedule 2, Part 12 A, Class A of the Town and Country
Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended)
without compliance with conditions A.2. (b) (time period) and condition A.2(c)
(use of land) of that planning permission). The Committee noted the correction to cycle parking
numbers contained within the Amendment Sheet namely: ‘27 covered Sheffield
spaces were installed when the building was installed, and Officers did not
consider that any further spaces were required’. The Committee: Resolved (unanimously) to: i.
Approve the application subject to the conditions
and informatives as detailed in the Officer’s report, with delegated authority
to Officers to carry through minor amendments to those conditions and
informatives (and include others considered appropriate and necessary) prior to
the issuing of the planning permission. |
Minutes: Councillor R. Williams
joined the meeting virtually part way through this agenda item. The Committee received a report
regarding determined/live appeals against planning decisions of the Committee
up to the 1 October 2024. The Strategic Sites Manager
summarised the issues discussed by the Committee: i.
How would water use through
water efficiency measures be monitored and that information reported back to
the Council. ii.
What confidence can the
public have in the water efficiency measures and water credits system working. iii.
Asked that information discussed
and meeting minutes from the Water Scarcity Group was made publicly available. iv.
Noted the importance of
innovative technology particularly in relation to applications which would use
large amount of water (data centres). v.
Wanted to encourage
developers on residential sites to consider using innovative technology for
water ahead of any planning policy changes.
191 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 0GW An extension to the building to provide a mixed use building comprising up to 2020m2 GEA of general industrial (B2) and storage and distribution (B8) uses to be used as a new packaging hall associated with the existing Bard pharmaceutical facility. Minutes: Members raised comments/questions as
listed below. Answers were supplied, and comments from Officers but as this was
a pre-application presentation, none of the answers or comments are binding on
either the intended applicant or the local planning authority so consequently
are not recorded in these minutes. 1. Queried noise levels as believed some of the plant (machinery) was proposed to be relocated. 2. Queried if there would be additional deliveries and whether there would be a travel management plan. 3. Queried water consumption. 4. Asked for more information about the design of the building. 5. Queried if more solar panels could be provided on the site. 6. Asked if there would be more employees on site and whether increased parking provision was proposed. 7. Queried the re-use of water. 8. Queried if solar panels could be provided on the existing buildings. 9. Queried sustainable travel and parking on site. |
Land north and east of Cowley Road (Hartree), North East Cambridge Outline planning permission (all matters reserved save for "access" from Cowley Road) for the partial demolition of the existing buildings, structures and site apparatus, remediation and re-profiling of site levels, for the phased development of residential dwellings (Use Class C3); older persons’ accommodation (Use Class C2); retail, financial & professional services, cafes & restaurants, indoor recreation & fitness, laboratory, offices and co working floorspace (Use Class E); bars and hot food takeaways (Sui Generis); two primary schools with play space and community buildings with ancillary uses (Use Class E, F.1 & F.2); outdoor sports play areas; associated surface and decked car parking and landscaping including central play line and SUDS; highways works to Cowley Road including vehicular accesses, improved bus stops, cycle and pedestrian facilities; and, new electrical substations; associated infrastructure, enabling and other relevant works” Minutes: Members raised comments/questions as
listed below. Answers were supplied, and comments from Officers but as this was
a pre-application presentation, none of the answers or comments are binding on
either the intended applicant or the local planning authority so consequently
are not recorded in these minutes. 1. Noted the proposed level of biodiversity net gain and asked if this could be increased. 2. Asked if the affordable housing provision would comply with planning policies. 3. Asked if tenants would have security of tenure. 4. Queried management of landscaped areas. 5. Asked if roads were proposed to be adopted by the Highway Authority. 6. Queried whether parking hubs would be used. 7. Queried future tree maintenance. 8. Asked if there would be nursery provision. 9. Queried whether displacement parking in surrounding areas had been considered and would be mitigated. 10. Asked if s106 contributions would be made towards residents parking schemes. 11. Queried whether measures would be put in place to ensure surface water drainage would not cause flow under the railway to the residential area within the flood plain at Fen Road, Chesterton. 12. Queried transport links from the development to the City centre. 13. Asked if a supermarket would be delivered on site. 14. Asked if a crossing over the railway would be delivered as part of the development. 15. Queried long term maintenance of shared facilities (such as laundry facilities). 16. Asked about cargo bike parking provision. 17. Asked about trip budgets. 18. Queried mobility hub locations. 19. Asked if there would be any single aspect residential properties. 20. Asked about co-working spaces and community space. |