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Venue: Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ [access the building via Peashill entrance]. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
No. | Item | |||||||||
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors
Fane and Stobart with Councillors Garvie and John Williams attended as
alternates. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 12 December 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. The minutes of the meetings held on 24 January 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair subject to the following amendment for agenda item 24/4/JDCC 23/00835/FUL – Taylor Vinters Merlin Place, 460 Milton Road, Cambridge: The correction of a typographical error at point i of the Officer’s response to Members questions and comments: i.
The location of the crossing place at The minutes of the meetings held on 12 February 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
23/03347/REM - Land North of Cherry Hinton, Coldham's Lane, Cambridge PDF 836 KB Minutes: The application
sought reserved matters approval for the appearance, landscaping, layout, and
scale of 136 residential units with associated car parking, cycle parking and
landscaping. The application included details for approval required by
conditions on the outline consent, seeking to part discharge those conditions
in relation to this parcel only. The Planning
Consultant for Strategic Sites Team, highlighted the following changes that
were not on the Amendment Sheet:
Discharge of condition 20 in relation to this
parcel only.
Condition 30 would not be discharged in relation
to RM44. The Planning
Consultant for Strategic Sites Team then updated their report by referring to
the amendments contained within the Amendment Sheet as follows: 6.1 Active Travel England – No objection 6.2 Following clarifications, Active Travel England have updated
their response to one of ‘no objection’. 6.52 Waste Team, Greater Cambridge Shared Waste – No objection, following
clarification regarding bin collection points, collection for Block 2C and
reversing of collection vehicles. 15.8 Active Travel England
was advised of this background on the matter and have no objection regarding
the application. 15.10 The context of the hedgerow within neighbouring property has been relayed to Active Travel
England and on this basis, they have no objection to the proposal. 17.1 The outline planning permissions secured a requirement that all
homes would need to meet (or exceed) Nationally Described Space Standards
(2015). All homes within this phase would meet or exceed the NDSS 17.2 17.6 A total of 22 units (16% of the total dwellings) within Blocks 2E,
2G, 2H and 2M would have approximately 15 metres
back-to-back distance and would therefore be below the recommended distance.
Notwithstanding the proximity of the units, the layout of the parcels and
Blocks have been carefully designed and windows have been arranged so
that those serving rear habitable rooms do not face windows at habitable
rooms directly on neighbouring units. This allows
that good street design is promoted and is in line with the approved Design
Code. All proposed three storey properties exceed
the minimum distances. 18.8 24 |
Minutes: The application sought submission of details required by
condition 29 (Hard and Soft Landscape) of the deemed planning consent associated
with the Network Rail (Cambridge South Infrastructure Enhancements) Order 2022
(Local Planning Authority Reference 21/03035/TWA & 21/02957/TWA). The Principal Planner updated their report by a verbal
update to ensure that the recommendation referenced the deemed planning
permission as this detail had been omitted from the report. Elliot Stamp, Network Rail, (Applicant) addressed the
Committee in support of the application. The Principal Planner and the Strategic Sites Manager said
the following in response to Members’ questions and comments: i.
The Landscape Officer had originally suggested a
galvanised mesh could be used behind the Corten railing to provent litter
accumulating. However, the applicant explained the maintenance and litter
picking standards were such that this would not be required which the Landscape
Officer agreed. ii.
The applicant had confirmed that they would not
be providing a space for electric scooter parking as part of the development
because space was at a premium. There was also concern that the batteries were
flammable. iii.
The curved access arrangement from the guided
busway bridge to the eastern forecourt had been reviewed by the County
Council’s highway engineer who found the access arrangement to be acceptable.
The gradient coming down off the busway conformed with Building Regulations and
the Government's cycling design guidance LTN 120. iv.
Members requested ‘go slow’ signage to be
provided on the curved access to the station as part of the submission to
discharge this condition. v.
The ticket machines on both sides of the station
were under the canopy which would provide shelter. There would be lighting in
the area. vi.
Green screen on the AstraZeneca side of the
station would be covered by the five-year replacement requirement; if
unsuccessful Officers should be able to request an alternative boundary
treatment. vii.
Was not aware of how steep the ground levels
were in Hobson Park but work had been undertaken to ensure that these was
wheelchair accessible which the Landscape Officer had deemed acceptable. viii.
The wayfinding strategy was very detailed
particularly close to the station as that was where the applicant could put the
signage. There were totems proposed which would have wider way finding
information. ix.
The applicant had a legal agreement with the
Biomedical Campus which would ensure wayfinding through this part of the site.
The applicant was also engaging with the County Council regarding signage in
the wider area, the outside of the site edged red as shown in the plans. x.
Was unsure what the term ‘river units’ referred
to in terms of biodiversity but there was an element of Hobson Conduit which
run through the site, that may be related. xi.
Cycle parking would be covered by CCTV and there
was good level of natural surveillance which was different to closed
environment at Cambridge North Station. Cycle parking details were previously
approved by JDCC in August 2023. xii. Noted the comments with regards to future tree conditions should ... view the full minutes text for item 24/12/JDCC |
210 - 240 Cambridge Science Park Proposed demolition and redevelopment of site,
comprising flexible lab office buildings and supporting infrastructure. Minutes: The Committee
received a briefing/presentation from developer representatives. Members raised
comments/questions as listed below. Answers were supplied, and comments from
Officers but as this was a pre-application presentation, none of the answers or
comments are binding on either the intended applicant or the local planning
authority so consequently are not recorded in these minutes.
What provision had been made for the open spaces
to be accessible in the winter and how would the space be useable all
throughout the year?
How much shading would there be to the green
outdoor space which ran through the centre of the site particularly in the
winter months?
Would the changing places toilet be publicly
accessible? iv.
What segregation, traffic calming measures,
would be added to the main street for pedestrians and cyclists. It needed to
made clear the car was not the owner of that space but a shared space?
Asked what why the number of vehicles had not
been reduced on such a highly sustainable site, as was near to a park and ride
site and bus route in and out of the city. vi.
How many cargo bikes spaces were on site? vii.
Had provision been made for delivery drop off
points on site; people would arrange for packages to be delivered to their
work. viii.
Requested further information regarding the
glazing, this could add to the heat of the building. Was there a heat
management plan for the application. ix.
Sceptical about green walls, which could become
brown walls. When the application came to Committee, would be beneficial to
include detail on how these would be maintained.
When looking at the indicative views of the
building from the A14/A10 fly over, the massing was substantial and suggested
softening of the building with greenery. xi.
Requested further detail on the height of the
building and its relationship to surrounding structures. xii.
How many employees were currently on site and
how many would be on site in the future? xiii.
What was the rationale for reducing the height
from the original design which would reduce the office / lab space? xiv.
Car parking should not be permitted on site. xv.
Questioned how long the buildings would last. At
a previous meeting (September 2023), the Committee had a considered an
application for the 440 Unit at the Cambridge Science Park which had a forecast
of a 100-year life; would hope the application would match if not exceed
this. xvi.
How well integrated where the landscaping plans
with neighbouring applications, such as Unit 440. xvii.
How practical and deliverable was the modal
shift figures quoted from vehicles to cycles on site? Further detail should be
included to advise on how this would be achieved. xviii.
Would like to know the number of cycle parking
on site. |
The B2 land, land north of Newmarket Road, Cambridge Proposed new car dealership Minutes: The Committee
received a briefing/presentation from developer representatives. Members raised
comments/questions as listed below. Answers were supplied, and comments from
Officers but as this was a pre-application presentation, none of the answers or
comments are binding on either the intended applicant or the local planning
authority so consequently are not recorded in these minutes.
What was the intention for the site fronting
onto Newmarket Road?
What type of application would be brought
forward for the Committee’s consideration?
How would customers approach the building and
park from Austin Road, including vehicles that required servicing? iv.
Important to ensure there was cargo bike parking
on site.
Further detail on how the green wall would be
maintained should be presented to Committee when the application came forward
for consideration. vi.
Why would the height of the stairwell exceed the
parameter plans for the multistorey car park? vii.
What was the other side of the multistorey car
park; was this residential housing? |
Cambridge Biomedical Campus Phase 2 Proposed development at 2000/3000 Discovery Drive
and Multi Storey Car Park Minutes: The Committee
received a briefing/presentation from developer representatives. Members raised
comments/questions as listed below. Answers were supplied, and comments from
Officers but as this was a pre-application presentation, none of the answers or
comments are binding on either the intended applicant or the local planning
authority so consequently are not recorded in these minutes.
Would all the buildings be in private ownership,
or would there be any NHS involvement?
How would the green meadow be maintained above
the arched bike store as this would only be sitting on a thin layer of soil?
Important to take into consideration the safety
of staff when entering the bike store at night; this should not become a
bunker. iv.
Needed to consider the sustainability and
durability of the type of grass used for the amphitheatre style seating;
consider the climate and the number of people walking and sitting on the grass.
Should re-evaluate the use of a glass frontage
to the gym studio. vi.
Needed to be clear segregation between cycle and
vehicles on the highway which could be demonstrated when the application came
to Committee. vii.
Should consider the colour of materials on the
buildings - dark colours absorbed heat. viii.
Why was a multistorey carpark required and was
there a plan for future use of the carpark when not required? ix.
Should consider allocating a location for
e-scooter parking.
There was no public transport from Cambridge
South Station direct to the site. xi.
There appeared to be a lack of childcare
facilities across the campus. xii.
What was the life expectancy of the building? xiii.
Was the market demand for wet lab spaces greater
than what was being supplied; could the planning authority be doing more?