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Venue: Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ [access the building via Peashill entrance]. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from City Councillor Thornburrow (Councillor
Baigent attended as an alternate), City Councillor Flaubert (Councillor
Page-Croft attending as alternate), SCDC Councillor Stobart (SCDC Councillor
Garvie attending as alternate) and SCDC Cllr Williams. The JDCC’s Standing Orders provide that the Chair and Vice-Chair shall
be drawn alternately from each of the two authorities. As the Chair position
was held by a South Cambs District Council last year and the Vice-Chair
position held by a City Councillor, this municipal year the Chair position
should be held by a City Councillor and the Vice-Chair position held by a South
Cambs Councillor. The Joint Director
of Planning took the Chair whilst the Committee elected a
Chair. Councillor Scutt proposed, and Councillor
Bradnam seconded, the nomination of Councillor S. Smith as Chair. Unanimously resolved that Councillor S. Smith
be Chair for the ensuing year. Councillor Smith took over as Chair of the
meeting. Councillor S. Smith proposed, and Councillor
Hawkins seconded, the nomination of Councillor Bradnam as Vice Chair. Unanimously resolved that Councillor Bradnam be Vice Chair for the ensuing year. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
21/03224/FUL - Cambridge Airport Newmarket Road Cambridge PDF 790 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee
received an application for full planning permission. The application
sought approval for the dismantling and removal of two existing radars and construction
of a new radar and other associated works. The Strategic
Sites Development Manager updated her report by referring to updated condition
wording on the amendment sheet: 1. Proposed
Condition 3 (Removal of AR15 Radar) (Appendix C, Page 71 of Agenda): Minor change to
include the words ‘following commissioning’ after ‘H17 Radar’ as follows: ‘Condition 3 -
Removal of AR15 Radar Within three
months of the first operation of the H17 Radar (following commissioning), the
AR15 Radar (shown on the plans hereby approved) shall be removed from the site
and the site shall be restored in accordance with the programme of work set out
in Appendix A3.2 (Construction Environmental Management Plan) of the
Environmental Statement: Cambridge City Airport, Radar Replacement Project,
July 2021 and in accordance with drawing 20591- RPS-CBG-XX-DR-C-2003-P01 (AR15
Radar Site - Proposed Plan (Restored Site). Reason: In the
interests of good planning and to ensure that the decommissioned AR15 Radar is
removed from the site when the H17 Radar comes into first use’. 2. Proposed update
to officer recommendation (Section 23.0 of officer report, Page 70 of Agenda): Additional
criteria (iii) to address the requirements of the EIA Regulations with regard
to the decision making process: ‘(iii) With
delegated authority to officers to set out as part of the planning decision
notice and in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (EIA) Regulations
2017, Regulation 29 ‘information to accompany decisions’ a reasoned conclusion
of the significant effects of the development on the environment and to carry
out appropriate notification under regulation 30 accordingly’. The Committee received a representation in objection to the application
from a resident of The Westering: i.
Various residents were concerned
due to loss of sleep and anxiety due to living close to the radar. ii.
The large rotating object caused
distress. Took issue with the Officer’s report which said there were no
concerns. iii.
Queried evidence for lack of
objections. No high powered radar should be located so close to residents.
Please move further away. Mr Cunningham (Applicant’s
Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application. Councillor Howard (Abbey Ward City Councillor) addressed the Committee
about the application: i.
The radar had been erected under permitted
development rights. ii.
There should be no radar near residents, not 40m or
200m distant. iii.
There had been a lot of noise complaints from
residents as referenced in the Officer’s report, which suggested it was a major
issue. Mitigation measures had not been adequate to address concerns. iv.
Requested radar be moved off site. The Agent said
this was not viable, but this was due to cost not technical problems that
needed to be overcome. It was technically possible. v.
The proposed radar was the same size as one used by
Heathrow, which was a bigger airport. vi. Residents suggest Marshall’s Airport downplayed the work to be undertaken on site in communications ... view the full minutes text for item 22/19/JDCC |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Resolved (by 9 votes to 0) to defer the application to enable further discussions to take place with the Councils’ Housing Officers regarding the application of national planning policy guidance and the Greater Cambridge Housing Strategy with regard to Build to Rent. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee
received an application for full planning permission and two applications for
non-material amendments. The full planning
application sought approval for construction of a drainage pond (relocation of
drainage pond permitted under reference S/0001/07/F) to support Darwin Green 1
site wide strategic drainage including revised access and landscaping details. The non-material
amendment applications sought approval for variations to surface water drainage
conditions on the Darwin Green 1 outline planning consent 07/0003/OUT and the
Darwin Green 1 full planning permission S/0001/07/FL to be consistent with the
proposals within the full planning application. Mr Fry (Applicant) addressed the Committee in support of the
application. The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Expressed concern over the lack of open space in
Darwin Green 1 development. Green space replaced by housing/balancing pond.
Queried why the need to locate the balancing pond outside the site was not
picked up when the Darwin Green 1 outline was granted.
Darwin Green 1 residents need amenity space and
should not have to wait until Darwin Green 2/3 provided it.
Expressed concern about considering the proposal
separate from the Darwin Green 2/3 outline proposals and potentially building
more houses on the site of the approved balancing pond.
Queried public access to the pond.
Queried works to hedgerows. The Principal Planner said the following in response to Members’
Darwin Green 2/3 is a Local Plan site allocation.
How the site of the approved balancing pond would be used is part of Darwin
Green 2/3 proposals rather than this application. An outline application has
been submitted for Darwin Green 2/3.
The balancing pond was appropriate for the site in
the context of the Darwin Green 2/3 outline proposals and illustrative
The Darwin Green development as a whole was
expected to provide sufficient amenity space once phases 2 and 3 are complete.
Plans show there would access trails indicating
public access. Would be managed by the City Council. Long-term access to the
pond would be considered in Darwin Green 2/3 proposals.
There were no objections from the Drainage Officer.
The proposal is not inappropriate development in
the green belt. vii.
A biodiversity net gain was expected. viii.
Tree Officer comments in the report from November
2021 were out of date and superseded by paragraph 8.32. Condition 8 required compliance with tree
works. The Committee: S/1355/17/FL - Land Immediately West Of The
Electricity Pylon And Foul Pump Station Histon Road Impington. Resolved (by 10
votes to 0) to grant the application for
planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the
reasons set out in the Officer’s report, and subject to the conditions
recommended by the Officer including delegated powers to Officers to make minor
amendments to conditions in the interest of good planning. 07/0003/NMA2 - Land Between Huntingdon Road
and Histon Road Cambridge. Unanimously resolved to grant the application in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s ... view the full minutes text for item 22/21/JDCC |