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Venue: via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Introduction by Chair to the Forum Minutes: The Chair outlined the role and purpose of the Development Control
Forum. They stated no decisions would be
taken at the meeting. |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from SCDC Councillors Chamberlain and Cone and City Ward Councillor Payne. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Application and Petition Details PDF 3 MB Application ref: 21/03609/FUL Site Address: National Institute Of
Agricultural Botany Huntingdon Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB3 0LE Description: Retention of
the former NIAB Headquarters building, the demolition of all other buildings
and structures, and the erection of buildings with basements for 291 Build to
Rent units (Use Class C3) including affordable housing and a 202 bed
Apart-Hotel (Sui Generis) and associated facilities along with access, car and
cycle parking, landscaping and infrastructure works. Agent: Peter
Mckeown Address: One
Station Square Cambridge CB1 2GA Lead Petitioner: Resident
of Howes Place Case
Officer: Rebecca Ward Text of Petition: The grounds for asking for a Forum on this
application are as follows: • HARM to the context of the local
heritage asset of Howes Place and the amenity of existing residents through the
overbearing massing and height of the proposed development and location of a
micro-brewery and bar alongside local the heritage asset. • HARM to specific elements of the built
and landscape heritage assets. This harm would arise from proposals for the
selective demolition of two houses at Nos. 14 and 15 Howes Place and felling of
at least ten (10) pleached limes trees which are protected under TPO 10/1991.
These houses and trees are essential parts of the built environment and the
landscape setting of the local heritage asset. • HARM to the setting of the local
heritage asset by making Howes Place the back yard of the proposed development
for commercial vehicles, drops-offs and pick-ups and cut through for
pedestrians and cyclists, including electric cycle and scooter traffic,
transitioning to and from the development and parts of Darwin Green to the city
centre. Noting that Howes Place is a private, unadopted, unlit and narrow
access. This imposes unnecessary harm to the setting as the development site is
already served by purpose-built footpaths and cycle lanes on Lawrence Weaver
Road and a traffic light controlled junction with
Huntingdon Road. • HARM to the health and well-being of
existing neighbouring residents and future residents of the proposed
development through the under provision and inappropriate provision of amenity
space within the proposed development. • Proposed under provision of 'Affordable
Private Rent' dwellings. • Proposed under provision of parking
spaces for residents, visitors to the Apart-Hotel and employees of the
Apart-Hotel, retail units, cafe, micro-brewery and bar
and building maintenance contractors. Do you think there are changes that could be
made to overcome your concerns? Yes • Significant reduction in the massing and
height of the proposed development and removal of the micro-brewery and bar
from the proposed development. • Retention of Nos.14 and 15 Howes Place
and all of the pleached limes trees which are
protected under TPO 10/1991 with sympathetic integration of these built and
landscape heritage assets into the proposed development. • Removal of any points of access from Howes Place to the proposed development to ensure that all vehicle, pedestrian and cycle access to the proposed development is from the purpose-built roadways, footpaths and cycle lanes on Lawrence Weaver Road ... view the full agenda text for item 21/4/JDCCDCF Minutes: Application
ref: 21/03609/FUL Site
Address: National Institute Of Agricultural Botany Huntingdon Road
Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB3 0LE Description: Retention of the former NIAB Headquarters
building, the demolition of all other buildings and structures, and the
erection of buildings with basements for 291 Build to Rent units (Use Class C3)
including affordable housing and a 202 bed Apart-Hotel (Sui Generis) and
associated facilities along with access, car and cycle parking, landscaping and
infrastructure works. Agent: Peter
Mckeown Address: One
Station Square Cambridge CB1 2GA Lead
Petitioner: Resident of Howes Place Case Officer: Rebecca
Ward Text of Petition: The grounds for asking for a Forum on this application are as follows: • HARM to the context of the local heritage asset of Howes Place and the amenity of existing residents through the overbearing massing and height of the proposed development and location of a micro-brewery and bar alongside local the heritage asset. • HARM to specific elements of the built and landscape heritage assets. This harm would arise from proposals for the selective demolition of two houses at Nos. 14 and 15 Howes Place and felling of at least ten (10) pleached limes trees which are protected under TPO 10/1991. These houses and trees are essential parts of the built environment and the landscape setting of the local heritage asset. • HARM to the setting of the local heritage asset by making Howes Place the back yard of the proposed development for commercial vehicles, drops-offs and pick-ups and cut through for pedestrians and cyclists, including electric cycle and scooter traffic, transitioning to and from the development and parts of Darwin Green to the city centre. Noting that Howes Place is a private, unadopted, unlit and narrow access. This imposes unnecessary harm to the setting as the development site is already served by purpose-built footpaths and cycle lanes on Lawrence Weaver Road and a traffic light controlled junction with Huntingdon Road. • HARM to the health and well-being of existing neighbouring residents and future residents of the proposed development through the under provision and inappropriate provision of amenity space within the proposed development. • Proposed under provision of 'Affordable Private Rent' dwellings. • Proposed under provision of parking spaces for residents, visitors to the Apart-Hotel and employees of the Apart-Hotel, retail units, cafe, micro-brewery and bar and building maintenance contractors. Do you think there are changes that could be made to overcome your concerns? Yes • Significant reduction in the massing and height of the proposed development and removal of the micro-brewery and bar from the proposed development. • Retention of Nos.14 and 15 Howes Place and all of the pleached limes trees which are protected under TPO 10/1991 with sympathetic integration of these built and landscape heritage assets into the proposed development. • Removal of any points of access from Howes Place to the proposed development to ensure that all vehicle, pedestrian and cycle access to the proposed development is from the purpose-built roadways, footpaths and cycle lanes on Lawrence Weaver Road and ... view the full minutes text for item 21/4/JDCCDCF |