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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Committee Manager

No. Item


Appointment of a Chair



Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were made.



Meeting Procedure



Tesco: 172 East Road pdf icon PDF 456 KB

Additional documents:


The Senior Technical Officer presented the report and outlined the application.


In response to Members’ questions the Senior Technical Officer confirmed that each application should be judged on its own merits.


Applicant’s Representative


Mr Bark made the following points on behalf of the Applicant:

     i.        There was an amendment to the application, the application currently sought a premises licence to supply alcohol (off the premises) between 7am until 10pm Monday to Sunday however a revised application sought a premises licence to supply alcohol (off the premises) between 11am until 8pm.

    ii.        He referred to the Cumulative Impact Policy and the test which was contained within paragraph 5.10. He explained that this was in fact a two stage test.

   iii.        In any event this application would not add to the cumulative impact.

  iv.        Previous premises licence applications had been submitted but each application should be determined on its own merits.

   v.        There had been no representations from the Police on this application and no Responsible Authorities had objected.

  vi.        The application had been developed over a period of 2 years and there had been extensive consultation with the Police and Jimmy’s homeless shelter.

 vii.        The Police were the guardians of the Cumulative Impact Policy (as they had requested the policy). The Police were happy with the hours that the application covered. The subsequent modification to the hours applied for at the hearing was to give reassurances to the community.

viii.        Tesco Express stores were a convenience store, typically customers bought shopping for the next day or day and a half and spent around £15 and left with 2 bags of shopping.

  ix.        The store had a product range of around 5000 and 100 alcohol products which were mostly red and white wine.

   x.        95% of sales of alcohol were linked to the sale of food.

  xi.        This store had the best performance of ‘shrinkage’ in the area.

 xii.        Referred to a plan on p33 of the agenda which provided details of the proposed store layout. The alcohol display would be at the furthest point away from the entrance.

xiii.        Tesco treated any application for a premises licence seriously.

xiv.        Did not believe that the application would add to the cumulative impact.

xv.        Referred to paragraph 4.3 of the policy which stated that licensing was a small element of dealing with anti-social behaviour.

xvi.        There had been a decline in the incidents in relation to alcohol related crime.

xvii.        Tesco was a responsible operator and neighbour.

xviii.        Tesco was the first operator to have a ‘think 21 policy’ and then changed this to a ‘think 25 policy’.

xix.        If an age restricted product was scanned at the till, it required a member of staff to override this either by confirming that ID was shown or that the person was clearly over 25. The till would also display the date of birth for a person who would be 18 on that date, so that it was easy for staff to carry out  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19/9/Lic