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Agenda and minutes

Venue: via Microsoft Teams

Note: If you are interested in observing the meeting, please contact Democratic Services 2 working days in advance of the meeting so that joining details for the meeting can be sent to you. This meeting is being ran online but will not be livestreamed. Email: democratic.services@cambridge.gov.uk 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest




Pre-Application Briefing by the Developer - (Eddeva Park Phase 2)

Approx: 17:00 – 18:30pm


Site History and Context


>      Eddeva Park (formerly known as Land South of Worts Causeway) is a prominent and important Site on the SE edge of Cambridge, within the City Council. It is bound to the north by Worts Causeway, to the south by Babraham Road, to the west by existing residences, and to the east by open fields abutting Babraham Road Park&Ride.

>      Site allocated (as ‘GB2’) along with GB1 for 430 homes and released from the Green Belt by the Cambridge Local Plan 2018.

>      Outline application submitted in 2019, approved by committee in Summer 2020, and granted planning permission upon completion of S106 agreement in Spring 2021 for: 230 homes and up to 400m2 of non-residential floorspace within A1/A3/A4/B1/D1 uses, with detail of access.

>      Outline Permission (19/1168/OUT), spatially governed by a set of Parameter Plans including on land use height, landscape, transport, and urban form.

>      A Non-Material Amendment was approved in August 2021, which enabled a phasing of the development. The working set of outline conditions are as per Decision Notice 19/1168/NMA1.

>      Phasing Plan agreed pursuant to Condition 4, detailing 4 phases as follows:

-      Phase 0 – demolition of existing farm

-      Phase 1 – Site-wide infrastructure comprising the two main accesses, spine road and ped/cycle paths, southern landscape gateway, water main re-alignment. Subject to a live Reserved Matters Application, with approval targeted for March

-      Phase 2 – 80 homes to the east of the spine road, and the central square to the west of the spine road.

-      Phase 3 – all remaining land to the west of the spine road, comprising 150 homes and the neighbourhood centre.

Planning Policy Context


>      The Outline Planning Permission sets no requirements above and beyond adopted Local Plan policies.

Reserved Matters Proposal


>      Reserved matters approval sought for the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for Phase 2 of the development. Key proposals include:

-      80 residential dwellings – mix of apartments and houses 

-      40% affordable homes, split 75:25 social/affordable rent to intermediate products.

-      Central square, linear park and ecological buffer and SUDs features




Briefing Minutes


·      Background


Eddeva Park (formerly known as Land South of Worts Causeway) is a site on the south eastern edge of Cambridge, within the City boundary. It is bound to the north by Worts Causeway, to the south by Babraham Road, to the west by existing residences, and to the east by open fields abutting Babraham Road Park&Ride.


The site was allocated (as ‘GB2’) along with GB1 for 430 homes and released from the Green Belt by the Cambridge Local Plan 2018. An outline application (19/1168/OUT), was submitted in 2019, and approved by committee in Summer 2020, and granted planning permission upon completion of S106 agreement in Spring 2021 for: 230 homes and up to 400m2 of non-residential floorspace within A1/A3/A4/B1/D1 uses, with detail of access. The outline permission was spatially governed by a set of parameter plans including land use, height, landscape, transport, and urban form.


A Non-Material Amendment was approved in August 2021, which enabled a phasing of the development. The working set of outline conditions are as per Decision Notice 19/1168/NMA1. Phasing Plan agreed pursuant to Condition 4, detailing 4 phases as follows:


-       Phase 0 – demolition of existing farm

-       Phase 1 – Site-wide infrastructure comprising the two main accesses, spine road and ped/cycle paths, southern landscape gateway, water main re-alignment. Subject to a live Reserved Matters Application, with approval targeted for March

-       Phase 2 – 80 homes to the east of the spine road, and the central square to the west of the spine road.

-       Phase 3 – all remaining land to the west of the spine road, comprising 150 homes and the neighbourhood centre.


·      Presentation to Members


The applicants provided a presentation to members on the proposed development of Phase 2 with details on the location of the site, the number of houses to be provided, affordable housing provision, landscape considerations, sustainability details and biodiversity net gain.


·      Summary of Issues Raised


Members sought for clarification on affordable housing provision and the applicant provided additional commentary in this respect. Questions were also raised in respect of the use of solar panels and EV charging provision on the site, with members expressing the need to reconsider the use of slow charging provision as it was beneficial to have a better provision of rapid charging points.


There were also comments raised in relation to water capacity for each dwelling which the applicant advised was tied to the outline permission provision of 110 litres.


Members expressed a desire for a greater level of cycle parking provision within the site and to ensure that the parking provision within garages was sufficient and catering for larger cycles (including cargo bikes). The applicant advised that they had provided policy compliant provision but would continue to consider this further.


The car club parking provision was considered to be too modest, and Members advised that more car park spaces should be dedicated for this purpose as this would incentivise the use of the car club vehicles and reduce  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22/2/Plan