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Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ. View directions
Contact: Committee Services Committee Manager
No. | Item |
Apologies |
Declarations of Interest |
Pre-Application Briefing by the Developer - 143-149 Newmarket Road The site that is the subject of this presentation lies on
the north-eastern side of Newmarket Road, to the east of the Grade II Listed
Abbey Church (St Andrew The Less). On 29th August
2018, two separate applications relating to directly adjoining land at 143-149
Newmarket Road, and a parcel of land immediately to the rear/north that forms
part of the Church site were considered at Planning Committee. These
applications are listed below: 17/1815/FUL – 143-149 Newmarket Road – Demolition of No.149, and the erection of new buildings comprising 11
residential units and Class A3 café space on the ground floor This application was reconsidered at Planning Committee on
7th November 2018 at which Members agreed a ‘minded to refuse’ resolution,
contrary to Officer recommendation, due to: impact on
the amenities of occupiers of dwellings in Beche
Road; impact on the streetscene; poor standard of
amenity for future occupiers; absence of affordable housing provision; and
contrary to Policy 51. An appeal against non-determination of the application
was submitted prior to the November Committee meeting and the application
cannot therefore be determined by the Council. 17/2163/FUL – Abbey Church St Andrew the Less – 3 dwellings Refused due to: poor standard of amenity
for future occupiers; absence of information regarding impact on trees; absence
of information regarding amenities for future occupiers if church brought back
into community use; and lack of biodiversity information. The two parties were encouraged to come together and work on
a joint proposal by members at a Development Control Forum meeting in January
of this year. The pre-application presentation relates to a residential development scheme on land that encompasses both sites, with a view to securing a schedule of repair works and the bringing back into use of the Church, which is identified by Historic England as a Building at Risk, as a public benefit of the scheme. |
Councillor attendance Whilst any subsequent planning application relating to this site will be
determined by the Planning Committee, all Councillors are invited to attend and
take part in this pre-application developer presentation. Purpose
of the meeting These meetings allow developers an early
opportunity to present proposals for future planning applications to elected
members of the Council. The process allows Councillors to feed into
the process at an early stage and raise any questions or concerns that can then
be addressed by the developer prior to a formal planning application being
submitted. Whilst the meetings will be held in public,
they do not form part of the formal decision making process. All planning
applications will be determined in line with formal processes as adopted by
Cambridge City Council. Format of the Meeting For each Briefing: ·
Introduction by the Head of
Planning Services or a Senior Planning Officer – up to 10 minutes ·
Presentation by the
developer of the proposal – up to 30 minutes ·
Opportunity for Members to
ask questions, raise issues, seek clarification, comment on the apparent
positive and less positive aspects of the proposal – up to 40 minutes During this part of the meeting it is important that
Councillors who may ultimately make the decision on any subsequent planning
application do not feel unduly constrained by what they can ask or raise.
However they should avoid expressing views that might give any appearance that
they are approaching the proposal with a closed mind. The discussion should not
be used for negotiations with the developer. These should take place with
officers separately from the meeting. Members of the public must refrain from
entering into the discussion at the meeting. · Summing up – up to 10 minutes A Planning Department representative will take notes of the
meeting, which will be a summary of the proceedings. Nothing said by
Councillors at the meeting will in any way be binding on the Committee that
subsequently determines the application. The notes will be uploaded to the City
Council’s website upon completion. |