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Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ. View directions
Contact: Claire Tunnicliffe Committee Manager
No. | Item |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Minutes: None were declared. |
Biomedical Campus (CBC) Phase 2 site is situated to the South of the first
phase. The site is bounded by the Addenbrooke’s Rd
and railway to the west, Dame Mary Archer Way to the north, the Bell School
Site (residential site currently under construction) to the east
and the Green Belt to the south. The site (approximately 10ha) was taken
out of the Green Belt in the 2006 Cambridge Local Plan (site 9.09) for clinical
development and research uses but was safeguarded for post 2016. The site did not
form part of the application approved in 2009 for Phase 1 of the CBC
development. The site now forms part of Policy 16 in the Draft Cambridge Local
Plan and para 3.46 states that ‘development here will be similar to that
approved for the remainder of the site, with approximately a third of the land
to be developed for NHS and private clinical development and two-thirds for
biomedical and biotechnology research and development activities’. The new master-plan
is currently the subject of pre-application discussions and an Environmental
Impact Assessment including Landscape Visual Impact Assessment and Transport
Assessment. The application will come forward in outline form. Parallel to the
outline application a full application is also likely to come forward for the
first building on the site, which will be the ‘gateway building’ to the west of
the site. Although a full application, this building will be worked up
alongside the parameter plans for the outline application to ensure
comprehensive development of the wider site. This briefing is
intended for officers and the applicants to update members on progress to date
and to discuss the key issues ahead of a target submission for a new outline
application. Minutes: Officer
Presentation The case officer
took members through the history of the CBC Phase 1 site, and the floorspace build out to date for clinical research and
treatment uses, and biotech and biomedical R&D. The case officer
set the policy background for the proposal, and its context within the 2006
Cambridge Local Plan and 2014 Draft submission plan. Developer
Presentation Outline
Developer’s vision is one of a landscape led
approach ii.
Application submission in November or
December this year iii.
Landscaping will be brought into the
development with the building lines being the defensible edge. Multi-storey car
parks will ensure land is used efficiently for landscape. iv.
Phase 2 will provide for connections to phase 1 to the north. v.
Design development led to the ‘piano key’
solution using courtyards. vi.
Linear park running parallel with Dame Mary
Archer Way vii.
Northern courtyards provide active meeting
paces, urban in nature. viii.
MSCP locations- variety of options looked at;
‘bookend approach’ considered best. ix.
Cycle and pedestrian activity prioritised
within the core of the development. x.
Heights are lower than Phase 1, proposals are 31m high stepping down to 27m towards the
Green Belt edge. xi.
The Southern courtyards are more rural in
nature with planting and sustainable drainage. Southern buffer will also
include rain gardens, native shrubs etc. First Detailed
application i.
Abcam is
a Cambridge company which has seen recent growth ii.
First building will set the benchmark
for the development of the rest of the second phase. iii.
Site constraints with foul pumping
station to west of the site iv.
High cycling potential for staff v.
Building will be seen as a gateway to
the site, with no ‘back of house’ to the building and a front entrance to both
the north and south. vi.
Landscape will have a woodland buffer
concept to the south and the orchard/colourful planting to the north. vii.
Building will have series of ‘social’
spaces to include the café, atrium and landing spaces, and the roof top garden
at the top floor. viii.
The elevations have emphasised the
vertical elements to add more proportion. Lab benches have been screened
through the façade. Fins will act as brise soleil and shadows/reflection will change as you move
around the building. ix.
Parking will be applied for in a
temporary nature (at grade parking) although the plan will be for a MSCP
application to come forward enabling the MSCP to be built instead of the
temporary parking. Member
is the energy load for the building and how will this fit with overheating? The architects will undertake modelling and
will provide for Brise soleil
patterns, which alters for different elevations. The buildings could produce
too much heat and we will look at what that rejected heat could be used for.
How has the land use ‘spilt’ been decided and could this change? For phase 1 the floorspace, and its split is set out in the planning permission. A ... view the full minutes text for item 2. |