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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Training Room - The Depot. View directions

Contact: Clare Rankin  Cycling and Walking Officer

No. Item


Any Other Business


1. Apologies – Cllr Martin Smart


2. Minutes of the last meeting – Thursday 4th September 2014 and matters arising.

·        Carter Bridge Ramp (CR).  The proposal for the ramp forms part of an outline condition for the CB1 station development and has been submitted for approval (13/1041/S73 condition 43) - . https://idox.cambridge.gov.uk/online-applications/files/AFB6473F29E34A9C638B489E48631045/pdf/13_1041_S73-CARTER_BRIDGE_WESTERN_ACCESS_IMPROVEMENTS-1568366.pdf

The proposed design is the preferred option agreed by the Cycling and Walking Liaison Group in 2012. The Tenison Road Area improvement scheme consultation included improvements to Devonshire Road and there were further discussions about whether these could be enhanced, possibly in lieu of the ramp option which was always seen as a compromise solution. This wasn’t supported by Highways and any works on Devonshire Road are not currently seen as a high priority for the Tenison Road Area scheme.

·        YHA Cambridge. In terms of the provision of secure cycle parking to the rear, it has been established that although there is a gate, the area is not very secure and therefore unsuitable for open racks. All the approved lockers should be installed shortly and the agreed parking provision to the front (and pump to the rear) has already been installed. 

·        Metal bollards (Guided Busway). Cllr Tucker enquired what they were for. According to MD these bollards were useful in terms of being easily lifted, locked and unlocked when maintenance or emergency vehicles needed access but the design meant that additional reflective strips could not be added to the bollards themselves.  Reflective paint and solar lights had been installed around the bollards but there had been no progress on replacing them with a more visible design.  The situation would be improved in the section to be lit (from Trumpington to the Station).


3. Promotion grant funding – update (CR)

The approved funding for the Wintercomfort and YHA schemes has been spent. Over £3000 has been earmarked for the Accordia projects although there is currently a land ownership issue involving Clare College and the point where the proposed bridge lands. An additional cost of £350 was also requested to replace the kissing gate for a more wheelchair accessible solution.

CR confirmed there was £1189 remaining in the fund. CR requested that £250 be used for the Grand Arcade free pushchair rental service as a double pushchair has not been returned. This would leave approx. £600 remaining.

Some doubt has been cast as to the future of the promotions grant as larger cycling related schemes take priority. Cllr Robertson thought that the availability of small pots of funding for such schemes was useful.


Conclusion: The Steering Group to approve funding of the pushchair and bid for the Accordia kissing gate subject to the land ownership issue being resolved.


4. County Team Leader Cycling Projects – update (MD)

Cambridge was successful in its bid for DFT Cycle Ambition funding in August 2013. Work on improvements to Huntingdon Road has begun with works on Hills Road to begin at the end of January. This work is to include ‘floating’ bus stops  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.