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Venue: Committee Rooms 1&2, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
No. | Item | ||||||
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Application and Petition Against Details (24/00622/FUL: Westbrook Centre Milton Road Cambridge CB4 1YG) Application No: 24/00622/FUL Site Address: Westbrook Centre Milton Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4
1YG Description: Demolition
of existing buildings, retention and re-use of part of the undercroft parking
structure, erection of employment floorspace (Class E(g)) and cafe (Class E(b))
and alterations to the site layout including revised car and cycle parking, new
drainage, associated hard and soft landscaping with a play area, and associated
accesses and infrastructure works. Applicant: Savills (UK) Limited Agent: Mr Timothy Price Address: 33 Margaret Street London W1G 0JD Lead Petitioner: Resident of
Lilywhite Drive, Cambridge Case Officer: Alice Young Text of Petition: The
Westbrook Centre is part of a large block in West Chesterton that is
impermeable to walking. The lack of walking links make it difficult for
residents to access nearby schools, work, or other community facilities by
foot. We are
asking for a Forum on application 24/00622/FUL because it fails to provide new
pedestrian access to the Westbrook Centre from Gilbert Road, Corona Road and
Lilywhite Drive that are included in the Mitcham’s Corner Development
Framework. These links would serve to improve the walking network in the area,
enabling quicker and safer walking routes (especially for children walking or
cycling to nearby schools), reducing congestion and air pollution. The
application therefore does not meet the following policies of the Cambridge
Local Plan (2018): • Policy 5 (Sustainable Transport and infrastructure) which
requires development proposals to “aim for a joined-up city-wide cycle and
pedestrian network by addressing ‘pinch-points’, barriers and missing links’ We do not
hold an in principle outright objection to the application and our concerns
could be overcome by providing the walking and cycling links described in the
Mitcham’s Corner Development Framework. These connections should be wide and
well-lit with good sightlines and natural surveillance. |
Application and Petition in Support Details (24/00622/FUL: Westbrook Centre Milton Road Cambridge CB4 1YG) Application No: 24/00622/FUL Site Address: Westbrook Centre Redevelopment, Westbrook Centre Milton
Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 1YG Description: Demolition of existing buildings, retention and re-use of
part of the undercroft parking structure, erection of employment floorspace
(Class E(g)) and cafe (Class E(b)) and alterations to the site layout including
revised car and cycle parking, new drainage, associated hard and soft
landscaping with a play area, and associated accesses and infrastructure works. Applicant: Savills (UK) Limited Agent: Mr Timothy Price Address: 33 Margaret Street London W1G 0JD Lead Petitioner: Resident of
Corona Road, Cambridge Case Officer: Alice Young Text of Petition: We have noted that
a petition has been filed regarding a new cut-through between the Westbrook
Centre and Corona Road. This cut-through was removed from the original proposal
after the developer consultation period based on strong, united objection from
local residents. We are filing this petition to ensure that, as neighbouring
residents, we have the opportunity to be heard at the same DCF. We wish to
reiterate at this forum why the cut-through would be unsafe, inappropriate, and
not in keeping with Cambridge planning policies. The
cut-through to Corona Road has already been subject to a consultation period,
the conclusion of which was to remove it from proposals based on strong
resident opposition combined with planning and safety concerns. We are
concerned that this is now being revisited outside of the consultation period,
and wish to see the outcome of the planning consultation remain in place, with
no new cut-through to Corona Road. Minutes: Case
by Applicant
i.Was a live application.
ii.Had been significant
liaison with different groups and was ongoing.
iii.Site located north of Mitchams Corner. Access to site off Milton Road.
iv.Current hardscape would
be turned into public landscape space.
v.Currently there is no connection to Gilbert Road or Corona Road.
vi.Discussion points with
public was access points for pedestrians and cyclists to Lilywhite Drive and
Corona Road.
vii.There had been five
consultations during the process. Engagements with local community. Two youth
engagements with Milton Road Primary School. Case
by Petitioners (In Support)
i.Was a resident of
Corona Road.
ii.The original plan of applicant
included the addition of walking and cycling links.
iii.Developers carried out 5-month consultation with
residents. These consultations concluded that links should be removed from the
final planning submission based on resident’s feedback.
iv.Stated that another
entry point onto Mitchams Corner was not safe.
v.Objections to links
during consultation included, lack of privacy, preservation of quiet area.
vi.Links would worsen
already dangerous cycling patters on Mitchams Corner.
vii.Mitchams Corner was already
dangerous for cycling and pedestrians. Adding a link would increase this
viii.Pavement around Mitchams Corner was very narrow.
ix.Stated pavement widths
on Corona Road were not sufficiently wide.
x.Stated that increased foot
and cycling traffic would cause a danger.
xi.There was a green
margin separating commercial and residential areas and this area provided a
barrier between the two areas. The proposed links would remove large sections
of this green margin. This would affect mature trees in the border as well.
xii.The proposed new
building would be taller than previous and removing green
barrier would cause a loss of privacy to neighbouring homes.
xiii.Felt links would add an
increased risk in crime. Case
by Petitioners (Against)
i.Petitioners were
residents of Lilywhite Drive.
ii.Were supported by
walking charity Living Streets and Cambridge Cycling Campaign.
iii.Cambridge City Council
published report on North of Cambridge stating that one of the highest priorities for residents is a
safer, better-connected cycling and
walking network for local trips.
iv.Problem that needed to
be addressed was Westbrook Centre forms part of a large block bound by Gilbert
Road, Milton Road and Victoria Road and it was not possible to cross by foot.
v.Lack of connectivity
has several consequences including unsafe walking
routes. This limits the area that could be covered by foot.
vi.Made it difficult to
avoid areas that were dangerous for walking and cycling.
vii.Felt there was
sufficient infrastructure to provide walking links to Lilywhite Drive.
viii.Stated local and national planning policies supported new walking links.
ix.Had started a petition
in favour of walking links.
x.Stated that Cambridgeshire
County Council also supports new walking links.
xi.New links would provide
option to bypass Mitchams Corner, enabling safer routes to nearby schools.
xii.Stated properly designed footpaths would
not increase the risk of crime.
xiii.Stated similar links
were already common in Cambridge. Case
Officer’s Comments
i.Application was
received 28 February 2024. Neighbours and consultees were notified on that date.
ii.Several site notices
were put up advertising the application on 08 March 2024.
iii.The consultation was
due to finish on 25 April 2024.
iv.There were currently 70
representations. 53 in objection, 11 neutral and 4 in support.
v.Current representations
currently focus on connectivity and permeability.
vi.Officers had worked
with applicants through the pre-application process to explore improved connectivity through local planning policies.
vii.Officers and applicants
had come across roadblocks to delivering links, including land
ownership issues. Were hoping some of these roadblocks would become unblocked.
viii.The development had
been designed to not prejudice links coming forward in the future.
ix.The applicant team were
open to delivering links within their
control, secured via planning conditions or section 106 agreement.
x.Had gone out to
consultation and had received comments from Highways and Transport
Assessment Team. Responses
to Members’ Questions
i.Was not aware of any links from Victoria Road to Chesterton College. Would need to walk East or West to travel there.
ii.There was a route down
Garden Walk that could be used.
iii.Currently many students
and parents need to travel around Mitchams Corner to get to Milton Road Primary School.
iv.The main points of
petitioners in support was the gyratory, crime and safety.
v.The objectors stated that the links would avoid Mitchams Corner area and make it safer for pedestrians.
vi.The petitioner in
support stated that the links to Corona Road was
focused on as Gilbert Road link had issues regarding third party ownership.
vii.There were crime and
privacy concerns from residents of Lilywhite Drive.
viii.Regarding managed access suggestion (key
fobs, gate locking at a certain time), the petitioner in
support stated that the fact that these options would be deemed necessary, proves
that there were issues with the links. Stated safety
concerns and crime risk would still be relevant. Does not
believe that option would be positive
for the broader community.
ix.The applicant’s
representative stated there would be 24/7 CCTV at the site.
x.Any accesses would be
made safe for users.
representative stated that FOB access
would not be appropriate. The option would need to be a
gate on a timer.
xii.Petitioners in objection stated that Gilbert Road link access would enhance
cycling commuters.
xiii.Petitioners in objection stated that any safety concerns could be designed out.
xiv.The Chair stated that the owners of
Fellows House had said no to the links. He had asked Fellows House to re-examine that stance and was now being discussed.
xv.The Planning Officer stated that they had not had a consultation response
from the Access Officer yet. The Designing Out Crime Officer had commented that
they agreed with comments from residents of Corona Road and that there were enough access points towards the school. There would not be a requirement
to increase the risks for crimes to be committed with the
introduction of an additional access route.
Recommendation would be to not add any additional footpaths to the area.
representative stated they were engaging
with Fellows House as well.
xvii.Petitioners in objection stated that opinions of safety regarding the gyratory, did not think the links added an additional safety risk. Stated that the less walking and safety links added increased the use of vehicles.
xviii.Petitioners in support stated that the safety risks were valid at the gyratory. Summing
up by the Applicant’s Agent
i.Would take away what
was heard today and continue to engage with Officers and local
residents. Summing
up by the Petitioners Against
i.New connections would support
local and national planning policies.
ii.Stated Corona Road and Lilywhite Drive drives would improve routes to destinations in the South.
iii.Link from Gilbert Road would improve access to Westbrook Centre, children’s play area and local school.
iv.Stated that now was the
best time to create these links. Summing
up by the Petitioners in Support
i.Wanted to reiterate
safety and crime concerns.
ii.Current Mitchams Corner gyratory was not appropriate for additional links. Final
Comments of the Chair Notes of the Development Control Forum would
be made available to relevant parties, published on the council’s website and appended to the Planning Officers report. The planning case officer should contact
the applicants/agent after the meeting to discuss the outcome of the meeting
and to follow up any further action that is necessary. The applicant will be
encouraged to keep in direct contact with the petitioners and to seek their
views on any proposed amendment/s. The Council will follow its normal
neighbour notification procedures on any amendments to the application. Application to be considered at a future
Planning Committee. Along with other individuals who may have
made representations on the application, the petitioners’ representatives will
be informed of the date of the meeting at which the application is to be
considered by Committee and of their public speaking rights. The Committee
report will be publicly available five clear days before the Committee meeting. |