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Home > Council and Democracy > Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
No. | Item | ||||||
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from SCDC Councillor Chamberlain, SCDC Councillor de Lacey, SCDC Councillor Hunt (SCDC Councillor Daunton was present as alternate) and County Councillor Ashwood. |
In the absence of Councillor de Lacey, Councillor Sargeant (Vice Chair) assumed the Chair |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Minutes: The minutes of the meetings of the 21 August 2019 and 18 September 2019 were agreed and signed as correct records. |
Phase 1b, Marleigh (Wing), Land North of Newmarket Road Minutes: The Committee received a
presentation from Alexis Butterfield, PTE Architects, Dan Cox PTE Architects, Chris Flood, Marshall’s and Sean Harries, Hill
Residential regarding Phase 1b, Marleigh (Wing), Land North of Newmarket Road. The presentation covered: i.
A recap on what was
included in Phase 1b of the development. ii.
Highlighted the route
connecting Newmarket Road, through the site and linking the open spaces. iii.
Considered the
constraints, objectives and character of the site. iv.
Highlighted the open
space area known as the ‘Plains’. v.
Detailed the timelines of
the build programme. Members raised comments/questions as listed below. Answers were
supplied, but as this was a pre-application presentation, none of the answers
were to be regarded as binding and so are not included in the minutes. 1.
Was there a commitment to maintain the open spaces
in perpetuity? 2.
When would the improvement work to the Airport Way
roundabout be undertaken? 3.
Expressed disappointment at the 30% affordable
housing figure. 4.
Requested further details on the tenure mix across
the site. 5.
Asked for details on how the open spaces would be
protected from development in the future. 6.
Suggested that the houses should be orientated to
make the best use of solar energy. 7.
Questioned how non-resident parking would be
addressed. 8.
Asked for more details on the planned planting.
Would mature / semi mature trees be used? 9.
Had the drainage systems been designed to cope with
100 year events and future increases in rain fall? 10.
The ‘Plains’ presented a large area to one side of
the site which would make it an attractive option for future building. 11.
Valley gutters were often problematic. Why had this
style been chosen? 12.
Suggested the team visit South Trumpington to view
the excellent example of allotment provision. 13.
Questioned the ‘lifetime homes’ standards of the
design brief. 14.
Sought confirmation that gardens and open spaces
would be Hedgehog friendly. 15.
Suggested grouping parking spaces together rather
than on plots so that they could be surrendered at a future date and turned
into usable open spaces. 16.
Questioned the accessibility of High Ditch Road as
a through route. 17.
Asked for clarity regarding the role of the ha-ha.
Was it part of the drainage system or was it designed for added security to
householders? 18.
Expressed a hope that front doors and letterboxes
would be located in sensible accessible places. 19.
Suggested the site be aspirational, car free and
zero carbon. 20.
Asked if the roads would be wide enough for buses
to serve the entire site. 21.
Asked for more details regarding the Land Trust.
Would this be an existing organisation or a new entity related to the
management of the site? 22.
Requested confirmation that the affordable rents
would be in line with local housing allowance rates. 23.
Asked for confirmation regarding a future viability
review mechanism. 24.
Suggested that the Market Square needed an
alternative name to avoid confusion with other Market Squares. 25.
Requested good connectivity and signage to Fen
Ditton Village. 26.
Sought an assurance that Fen Ditton Parish would
not be required to assume any responsibility for the site. 27.
Had proposals from Sustrans
regarding converting the old railways line to a cycle route in the area been
taken into account? 28.
What impact would a potential relocation of the
Airport have on the scheme? 29.
Questioned the use of the term mews as the roads
did not appear to be of mews style. |
Rural Travel Hub, Junction of Bartlow Road and A1307 Minutes: The Committee received a presentation from Mark Mathews, Mott
Macdonald, Associate Town Planner and Ed Ducker, GCP The presentation covered:
An overview of the wider transport
issues and projects.
Detailed Greater Cambridge Partnership
projects relating to ‘Cambridge South East Transport’.
Outlined timelines for the highways
Confirmed that considerable public
consultation would be undertaken.
Outlined 2 proposed improvements to
the Cambridge to Haverhill Road. a.
Scheme 15 Bartlow
Road Roundabout and rural hub. b.
Scheme 4 Haverhill Road, the Gog Farm
Shop road safety improvement. Members raised comments/questions as listed below. Answers were
supplied, but as this was a pre-application presentation, none of the answers were
to be regarded as binding and so are not included in the minutes. 1.
The existing park
and ride sites are often full. Could the rural hub be bigger? 2.
As additional park
and ride provision is expected in the next few years, would there be a long
term need for the Hub? 3.
The Hub would
attract cars rather than encouraging alternative modes of transport. 4.
Had research been
undertaken to establish where vehicles were coming from? 5.
Suggested that
traffic from the Gogs Farm Shop needed to be forced
to turn left rather than cross oncoming traffic. 6.
Scheme 4 would not
improve safety and would not assist cyclists or pedestrians. 7.
Traffic in the Gog
Magog / Wandlebury area needed to be slowed to 30mph. 8.
Sightlines for
drivers approaching the Gogs Farm Shop turning from
Haverhill were poor and, at some times of day, the problems were compounded by
glare from the shiny road surface. Installing a pedestrian crossing at this
point would be extremely dangerous. 9.
Questioned where
the budget for the projects was coming from. 10. Suggested that a road safety audit was needed for
both projects and this needed to pay special attention to the needs of
cyclists. 11. Suggested that the schemes were not logical and, in
their current form, would be unlikely to be supported by this committee. |