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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Committee Manager

No. Item




Apologies were received from County Councillors Bradnam and Hudson and SCDC Councillor Bygott.



Declarations of Interest





SCDC Councillor de Lacey


Personal: He was the SCDC representative for Girton and this development was on the edge of the village.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 206 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on the 24 October 2018 and 21 November 2018 were agreed and signed as a correct record.



Proposed hotel and aparthotel, Eddington



The Committee received a pre-application presentation on the proposed hotel and aparthotel in Eddington. This followed a previous pre-application briefing on the 21 November 2018 (minute reference 18/38/JDCC), which raised the following issues:

·        Basement and grade level parking

·        Cycle parking


Members raised comments/questions as listed below. Answers were supplied, but as this was a pre-application presentation, none of the answers were to be regarded as binding and so are not included in the minutes.


1.   Asked how many staff would be on site at any one time.

2.   Asked if there would be any contribution to fund bus services to Cambridge North Station (through NIAB site).

3.   Asked if the applicant would seek to recruit employees from the local area.

4.   Asked if the electric grid could support the number of electric car charging points being provided.

5.   Commented that there were 22 parking spaces for staff and asked if any of these were accessible staff parking spaces.

6.   Asked if the proposed mini-bus would be accessible.

7.   Asked how many of the hotel rooms had wet rooms.

8.   Asked about a taxi drop off point.

9.   Asked how many car parking spaces were being provided that were not electric car charging spaces.  

10. Asked if the hotel development did not come forward whether any other development would come forward for example residential.

11. Raised concerns about displacement of parking in the area and asked how the parking provision figures had been calculated.

12. Asked for clarification about what assistance would be given to employees to help them find a place to live.

13. Asked to see the parking survey results.

14. Commented that the application had improved since the previous pre-application presentation.

15.   Asked how many cargo bike parking spaces were proposed.

16.  Questioned whether the community use proposed on the ground floor would work in practice.

17.  Asked for further details regarding the specifications for the slow charging points.

18.  Questioned what measures would be in place to prevent petrol/diesel cars parking in an electric car parking space.

19. Asked if the parking data covered both the longer stays (in the aparthotel) as well as the shorter hotel stays.

20. Asked what the hotel would do if there was insufficient parking available on site for their customers.

21. Asked for clarification what the short stay cycle parking was for.