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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Committee Manager

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Councillors De-Lacey, Kenney, Tunnecliffe (Councillor Moore substituting) and Turner.



Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare at this stage any interests that they may have in an item shown on this agenda. If any member of the Committee is unsure whether or not they should declare an interest on a particular matter, they should seek advice from the Monitoring Officer before the meeting.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 296 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 15 February 2017 as a correct record. 


The minutes of the meeting held on 15 February 2017 were agreed and signed as a correct record.


S/2646/16/RM & 16/1769/REM: Phases 10 & 11, Trumpington Meadows pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Committee considered a reserved matters application for Phases 10 and 11 that included 392 new dwellings, 40% of which were affordable with associated internal roads, car and cycle parking, landscaping and open space pursuant to outline planning approval S/0054/08/O



Mr Jake Nugent, agent for the applicant addressed the Committee in support of the application. 


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report.


i.       Drew attention to the endorsements received on the application and welcomed the provision and type of affordable housing within the proposed phase of the development.

ii.     Clarified routes through the development, confirming that there were no cul-de-sacs and questioned routes for cyclists.

iii.    Questioned the provision of disabled visitor parking and its location in relation to the proposed development. 

iv.   Clarified the overall number of car parking spaces that would be provided within the development.

v.     Drew attention to shared use pavements that were unsuitable for the elderly.

vi.   Queried the provision of cargo bike storage on the proposed development. 

vii.  Queried how the application had altered from when it had received comments from the Cambridgeshire Quality Panel.   

viii. Highlighted the importance of ensuring that communal refuse bins were accessible for disabled people.    


In response to Members’ questions Officers said the following:


i.       Confirmed that all streets within the development connected and drew attention to the link between the country park and the site.  Officers pointed out that vehicles would not be travelling quickly through the site because of the nature of the road and its design.

ii.     Confirmed that further consideration would be given to the quantity and location of disabled visitor car parking at the development.

iii.    Explained that there was an error contained within the officer report regarding the overall number of car parking spaces and the actual total number was 561.

iv.   Drew attention to the provision of cargo bike storage planned within the development that consisted of secure wooden bike sheds located in the rear garden of every house and all apartments would have a secure communal cycle parking area with Sheffield stands and provision of off gauge cycle spaces to allow sufficient space for trailer and cargo bikes.

v.     Explained that the changes to the application from when it was presented to the Cambridgeshire Quality Panel were minor.

vi.   Explained that management of refuse would fall within the remit of the site-management company.  Officers confirmed that discussions would take place with the developer regarding the matter. 


The Committee:


Resolved (unanimously) to approve the application in accordance with the officer recommendation and subject to the conditions set out in the officer report.



S/0009/17/DC & S/2732/16/DC and 15/2317/COND3 & 15/2317/COND20: Land at Chesterton Sidings, Cowley Road, Cambridge (Station development) pdf icon PDF 448 KB


The Committee received a report that recommended the discharge planning conditions related to planning applications S/2646/16/RM and S/2732/16/DC and 15/2317/COND3 and 15/2317/COND20 that related to land at Chesterton Sidings, Cowley Road, Cambridge.  The report also recommended that a delegation be granted to the Joint Director for Planning and Economic Growth for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire for condition 7 and 27 of planning application S/3102/15/FL and condition 20 of planning application 15/2317/FUL for agreement following acceptable positioning and design of the crossing for the busway. 


The Committee noted the amendments detailed in the amendment sheet published and circulated in advance of the meeting.   


Mr Neil Waterstone, agent for the applicant spoke in support of the application.


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report


i.       Queried the provision of tactile signage, highlighting its importance for the visually impaired and drew attention to the Emergency Procedure Strategy that did not take adequate account of people with sensory impairments.

ii.     Confirmed that a hedge illustrated along the boundary of the application site would have to be accounted for within any future planning application to develop land adjacent to the site.   

iii.    Drew attention to the provision of lifts within the station and questioned disabled access to and from the platforms in the event of a lift breaking down. 

iv.   Highlighted the importance of the Signage Strategy, drawing attention to the poor quality signage at the main Cambridge station. 


In response to Members’ questions officers said the following:


i.       Informed Members that work regarding signage at the station would continue as part of the Travel Plan which committed to continued monitoring and improvement of signage and communications.  Officers advised that trains were fitted with hearing loops and the station would be equipped with digital signage and be staffed at all times. 

ii.     Explained that staff would be available at the station to assist anyone with disabilities in the event of a lift failure.  Arrangements would be made to transport the affected person to or from the next station by taxi.  A procedure had been developed which covered all eventualities in case of lift failure.


The presenting officer informed Members of an error within the final recommendation that should request delegated authority for conditions 7 and 30 and that condition 27 should be deleted from the recommendation.


The Committee:


Resolved (unanimously) to:


a)   Condition 3 of S/3120/15/FL – Discharge

b)   Condition 3 of 15/2317/FUL – Discharge

c)   Condition 7 of S/3102/15/FL – Part discharge in relation to information and way finding signs 6 and 7 as shown on the following plans:

5134906-RLS-CIS-HWY-00500 REV C02

513906-RLS-CIS-HWY-00501 REV C02

513906-RLS-CIS-HWY-00509 REVB02

d)   Condition 30 of S/3102/15/FL - Part discharge except for details that relate specifically to the crossing of the busway as detailed below:

Appendix C

Appendix E

e)   Condition 20 of 15/2317/FUL – Part discharge except for details that related specifically to the crossing of the busway as detailed below:

Appendix C

Appendix E

f)    Condition 35 of S/3102/15/FL – Agree

g)   That authority be delegated to Joint Director for Planning and Economic Growth for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire for condition 7 and 30 of S3102/15/FL and condition 20 of 15/2317/FUL for agreement following acceptable positioning and design of the crossing for the busway.