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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ. View directions

Contact: Sarah Steed  Committee Manager

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Councillors Baigent, Hipkin and Kenney.


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare at this stage any interests that they may have in an item shown on this agenda. If any member of the Committee is unsure whether or not they should declare an interest on a particular matter, they should seek advice from the Head of Legal Services before the meeting.


No declarations of interest were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17 June 2015.


 Minutes to follow.


The minutes of the meeting held on the 17 June 2015 were approved as a correct record subject to the amendment of the typographical error regarding Councillor Kenney’s name on p2 of the minutes.  


S/0994/15/RM - Trumpington Meadows pdf icon PDF 152 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Price was not present for the whole of the discussion regarding this item and therefore did not vote on this item.


The Committee received a reserved matters application for the primary road link from the end of the approved constructed road within the first phase of development, through the proposed local centre, to link the primary school to the penultimate junction before the southern junction with Hauxton Road.


The Committee noted the amendment sheet which detailed consultation responses from Anglian Water and County Archaeology, the wording of condition 6 was verbally amended by officers at the meeting to read as follows:


No development shall commence until a detailed level strategy for the road profile has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  The strategy shall demonstrate that a 1 in 100 year flood event plus climate change can be accommodated within the road profile and that there are adequate exceedance routes. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved strategy.


Reason: To ensure that a satisfactory and sustainable means of surface water drainage and to prevent the increased risk of flooding to third parties in accordance with DP1 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework 2007 and policies CFS/2 and CSF/24 of the Cambridge Southern Fringe AAP 2008.


Peter Biggs the applicant’s agent addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:

i.             The shared spaces on the through route did not encourage cycling. The design was not up to current thinking on cycle routes.  

ii.            Expressed concern about traffic congestion on and around the site.

iii.           Questioned whether a cycle lane could be put on the road.

iv.          Expressed concern at the use of lime trees within the development, some of which could cause allergic reactions.

v.           Expressed concern that dropped curbs had not been provided.



In response to Members’ questions the Principal Planner and the County Council Highway Engineer Development Control Officer advised as follows:


          i.             At the time the Master Plan was drawn up the width of the road was sufficient; although the road was described as a spine road it was not intended to be a through route and vehicle flows should be relatively low. 

         ii.             Cyclists would cross the road to gain access to other strategic cycle routes along the cycle network.

       iii.             The development had a 20 mph traffic calmed zone, which informed the development road layout.  The traffic calmed areas were paved so that the area looked like a pedestrian area, this should encourage traffic to slow down. 

       iv.             A cycle lane on the road should not be required as this was a residential area.

        v.             The road met the requirements of the outline permission.

       vi.             A discussion had taken place with the Landscape Officer and the type of lime trees that were proposed (silver limes) to be used would not create allergic reactions.

     vii.             A s38 adoption agreement could address the mobility and access issues, which had been raised by the Committee.

    viii.             The levels on the site needed to be looked at to ensure that pools of water did not collect on the site and to ensure that water could be safely discharged into the balancing ponds on the site.


The Committee:


Resolved (by 10 votes to 1) to grant the application for reserved matters approval in accordance with the officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the report and subject to the conditions recommended by the officer and in accordance with the revised condition 6, which had been verbally amended at the meeting to read as follows:


No development shall commence until a detailed level strategy for the road profile has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  The strategy shall demonstrate that a 1 in 100 year flood event plus climate change can be accommodated within the road profile and that there are adequate exceedance routes. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved strategy.


Reason: To ensure that a satisfactory and sustainable means of surface water drainage and to prevent the increased risk of flooding to third parties in accordance with DP1 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework 2007 and policies CFS/2 and CSF/24 of the Cambridge Southern Fringe AAP 2008.