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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ

Contact: Democratic Services  Committee Manager

No. Item




City Councillor Smart (City Councillor Moore present as alternate), SCDC Councillor Bygott (SCDC Councillor Cone present as alternate), County Councillor Richards (County Councillor Whitehead present as alternate) and County Councillor Ashwood.


Declarations of Interest






Councillor Bradnam


Personal: Application was located within her county division and she has discussed the application with the Parish Council and the local school but had not fettered her discretion.

Councillor Cone


Personal: Application was located within his ward division but he had not fettered his discretion.

Councillor Williams


Personal: Application was located within his ward division but he had not fettered his discretion.

Councillor Baigent


Personal: Member Cambridge Cycling Campaign

Personal: Member Bus User Support Group

Councillor Sargeant


Personal: Member Cambridge Cycling Campaign


Councillor de Lacey


Personal: Member Cambridge Cycling Campaign




Minutes pdf icon PDF 236 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the 19th June 2019 were agreed and signed as a correct record.


Planning report - S/1096/19/RM - Phase 1a, Wing pdf icon PDF 294 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a reserved matters application detailing access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the creation of 239 new homes and non-residential floor space including 'Market Square', internal roads, landscaping and associated works as part of Phase 1a of the Wing masterplan, pursuant to condition 5 (reserved matters) of outline planning permission S/2682/13/OL.


The Committee noted the amendments and corrections presented in the amendment sheet.


Mr Cobley (Wing Development, Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Chair invited South Cambridgeshire Ward Councillor for Fen Ditton and Fulbourn, Councillor Daunton to address the Committee about the application as follows:


     i.        Raised concerns regarding the timeline for the build out of the site and the delivery of services to the new community.

    ii.        Questioned the 30% target for affordable housing.

   iii.        Asked for clarity regarding the name of the area as some advertising hoarding had begun to call it Marleigh.


In response to Members’ questions the Assistant Director Delivery, Sharon Brown and the Principal Planner, John Evans said the following:

     i.        There is an early delivery mechanism in the S106 agreement. It was anticipated that work would begin on site in the next few months.

    ii.        The 30% affordable units levels had been agreed at the outline stage to take account the relocation costs necessary to free up the land for development.

   iii.        The name of the development would be Marleigh.

  iv.        Flat over garage house types are a common building style and building regulations would address fire risk.

   v.        A detailed high level strategy for noise insulation for the ‘flat over garage’ apartments on Morley Lane was proposed as members had concerns regarding insulation levels.

  vi.        The main square was currently being referred to as Market Square. Formal naming would take place at a later date.

 vii.        ‘Lifetime Homes’ standards had been agreed as part of the outline permission.

viii.        Should the developer choose to apply for ‘Secure by Design’ accreditation, Cambridgeshire Constabulary advise that the development has the potential to achieve a Gold Standard.

  ix.        There are no minimum standards for outdoor space associated with the nursery. Use of the public realm would be a commercial decision of the nursery operator.

   x.        Officers confirmed that the space to the side of the Community Building and adjacent to the podium would be usable for different activities. It would receive natural light because of its position on the northern range of the building.

  xi.        Marshall’s had committed to continued stewardship of the site and would retain control of the open spaces.

 xii.        The definition of affordable rents had been agreed at the outline stage of the planning process as part of the viability assessment.

xiii.        Conditions were already in place regarding noise associated with venting from the commercial units.

xiv.        The location of letter boxes was not yet decided. Members expressed the hope that they would not be behind a locked door.

xv.        Hill install sprinklers in their apartment blocks and an informative would be added to encourage the Registered Provider, L&Q, to do likewise.

xvi.        The City Council Housing Department would be encouraged to advocate for sprinklers in the affordable housing units.

xvii.        Confirmed that the County Council was in discussions regarding a consultation  to consider a transport strategy for the wider area. 

xviii.        Members suggested that reduced car use could result in alternative uses for internal garages. A condition to control future alternative uses for garages was suggested.

xix.        Confirmed that the management plan would address any potential conflicts or excessive noise levels associated with the shared open space of the podium area.

xx.        Explained that the Market Square was intended to be a flexible community area. It would have a Local Area of Play and that larger equipped areas of play provision would follow in the next phases of the development. 


Members concerns regarding on street parking and commercial deliveries were addressed by Assistant Director Delivery, Sharon Brown, Principal Planner, John Evans and Development Management Engineer, Dr John Finney as follows:


     i.        The Development Management Engineer confirmed that on street parking would be under the regulations of South Cambs District Council and not subject to City Council enforcement measures. The situation could be different by the time the site was completed.

    ii.        The primary streets would be adopted by the Highway Authority. Marshall’s would retain overall maintenance responsibly for the unadopted public realm.

   iii.        Confirmed that parking spaces for the three bedroom units had been subject to a ‘swept path analysis’ and had been deemed acceptable.

  iv.        The Assistant Director Delivery stated that the development in principle had been agreed at the outline planning stage. If Members wished to restrict parking further, this would need to be addressed as part of the new Local Plan.

   v.        Confirmed that there was currently no policy requirement regarding car charging points. However, Hill had committed to installing one slow charge EV unit for every dwelling house with off street parking.

  vi.        A management plan was in place regarding commercial deliveries. Detailed conditions were in place to assist should problems arise in the future.


Following the discussions the following amendments to the officer’s recommendations were considered.


1.   Agreed unanimously informative advising the applicant to liaise with officers on the final locations for letter boxes for block S1.

2.   Agreed unanimously informative strongly advising the applicant to install sprinklers in all of the residential apartments in block S1.

3.   Agreed unanimously additional condition regarding the high level strategy for noise insulation for the ‘flat over garage’ apartments.

4.   Agreed (13 vote to 0 with 2 abstentions) additional condition requiring all garages to be retained for car parking.


The Committee:


Unanimously resolved to grant the reserved matters application in accordance with the officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the officer report, and subject to the conditions recommended by the officers, including the changes reported on the amendment sheet and the following new conditions and informatives agreed at the Committee meeting:


-      New informative, advising the applicant to liaise with officers on the final locations for letter boxes for block S1.


-      New informative, strongly advising the applicant to install sprinklers in all of the residential apartments in block S1.


-      New condition seeking details of the high level strategy for noise insulation for the ‘flat over garage’ apartments on Morley Lane.


-      New condition, requiring all garages to be retained for car parking.