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Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2 - Guildhall
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Bard, Tunnacliffe
and Price |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 13 September were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair |
Planning Application for 16/2188/FUL - Cowley Road Park & Ride Site PDF 738 KB Minutes: The Committee considereded
an application for the temporary change of use of the former Park & Ride
site to a replacement depot for Cambridge City Council for a period of 3 years. The proposal also
included a storage building, electric vehicle charging points, waste storage
bays, vehicle wash-down facility, cycle storage facilities, porta cabin,
storage racks and welfare building. The application was a Regulation 3
application under Town & Country Planning General Regulations 1992. The Committee made the following comments in response to the report.
Sought clarification regarding the
location of disabled parking and whether it would be close to the office block?
Raised concerns over fuel storage
and potential contamination of the site.
Questioned whether larger vehicles
would be using the site including HGV’s. iv.
whether the site would exacerbate traffic congestion in the area particularly
at peak times.
Asked for
more detail on the type of waste to be stored on the site and whether the smell
from the waste could cause a problem. vi.
where the depot would move to after the three years temporary consent period. In response to Members’ questions the Planning Officer said the
disabled parking bays already existed toward the entrance of the site near the
welfare building. At least 5% of all the parking allocation was for disabled
that the Access Officer had raised concern about disabled access to the mobile
office building and recommended the applicant agree to the imposition of a
condition which required a submission and approval of the proposed ramp. The
applicant agreed.
that a condition would be imposed which prohibits any on site storage of fuel
or placing of any fuel storage facilities on the site without specific planning
permission to do so iv.
largest vehicles expected to use the site would be small vans used by Street
& Open Spaces Operatives and no HGV’s.
collected by Operatives would be sorted on this site and then taken to Waterbeach Waste Management Park for disposal. The organic
waste would not be on site long enough to begin to compost so odours would not become an issue. Environmental Health
officers had not raised any concerns. vi.
that a transport assessment had been undertaken, the County Highways Authority
were content with the results. The land had previously been used as a park and
ride site and that generate significantly more traffic than the proposed new
depot. The early nature of staff working hours meant that busy periods would
avoid rush hour congestion. vii.
The City
Council Property Services applied for temporary permission because future plans
for the site and wider regeneration of the Cambridge Northern Fringe East were
still unclear. With the approval of the Chair, the Principal Transport Officer from
Cambridge County Council joined the Committee at the table. He outlined that
the transport modelling provided with the Transport Assessment had shown enough
capacity on the network to cope with the additional traffic anticipated as a
result of the application. A Travel Plan would be undertaken annually to ensure
effective monitoring of the situation. The applicant had also been advised to
become a member of Travel Plan Plus because membership worked well with other
employers in the area. The Committee: Resolved (by 13 votes to 1) to grant the
application for planning permission in accordance with the officer
recommendation, for the reasons set out in the officer report, and subject to
the conditions recommended by the officers. It was agreed by members that the following additional condition and informative would be added; Fuel stores 12. No fuel stores will be placed on the site unless approved by the local planning authority under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Reason: To protect the amenities of nearby office space in accordance with Policy 4/13 of the Cambridge Local Plan 2006. INFORMATIVE: Fuel stores No permanent or temporary fuel stores are permitted on the application site. The storage of fuel in permanent or temporary fuel stores on the application site will require planning approval under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. DECISION: Approve with conditions as recommended together with the additional Fuel Stores condition 12 and Informative above. |
17/1358/FUL Report (The AURA Marketing Suite) PDF 47 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for full
planning permission to retain the existing marketing suite at Great Kneighton (Clay Farm) for a further period of three years. The Committee made the following comments in
response to the report.
Raised concern that the original plan was for the site to become an open
communal space after the initial period, this application meant that residents
would not be able to use the land for a further three years.
Queried whether the planning permission could be for a shorter period of
time than 3 years?
Sought clarification regarding the
role and purpose of the suite. Asked whether an unsold property could be used
as the suite in order to free up this land for alternative community use? iv.
Stated that selling the properties
at a cheaper price would speed up the rate of sale. The Vice Chair confirmed that the occupants
of the site did not have to stay for the whole three years, they could vacate
sooner. In response to Members’ questions the
Trainee Planner said the following: i.
The suite
was designed to help sell the remaining properties on the site. The housing
market had been slow so there were more properties available than expected. ii.
that the land around the suite could be used communally already. The Committee: Resolved by 10
votes to 0 (SCDC Councillors did not vote) to: grant the application for
planning permission in accordance with the officer recommendation, for the
reasons set out in the officer report, and subject to the conditions recommended
by the officers. |