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Venue: Storey’s Field Community Centre, Eddington Avenue, Cambridge CB3 1AA
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
No. | Item |
Welcome, Introductions and Apologies Minutes: Apologies were
received from: ·
Page-Croft and Councillor Thittala ·
members: Graham Lewis, Judith Margolis, Orsola
Spivak, and Raheela Rehman ·
members: Ariadne Henry, Alistair Wilson and Joe Obe |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No interests were declared. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the 16th July were approved
and signed as an accurate record. |
Cambridge Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation Minutes: The Panel received a
presentation from Jonathan Dixon, Principal Planning Policy Officer, which
included the following points: i. The Issues and Options report for the
Local Plan has been produced as the first stage towards preparing the Greater
Cambridge Local Plan - a new joint Local Plan for Cambridge and South
Cambridgeshire. ii. The Local Plan will affect the way we
live, work and play in Greater Cambridge over the next 20 years and beyond. iii. Consultation on the Issues and
Options paper starts on 13 January and runs until 24 February iv. The Big Themes in the Issues and
Options paper were introduced including: o
change o
and green spaces o
places’ (good design and protecting/ enhancing/ adapting our historic buildings
and landscapes) o
and social inclusion. v. The Local Plan will include plans for
new homes, jobs and business developments. The Issues and Options paper
provides 6 broad options for where new homes could be built and asks for
people’s views. vi. The Local Plan will also consider the
need for additional Gypsy, Traveller and caravan sites, both for those who
travel and those who are settled. vii. The consultation process aims to be
as inclusive and accessible as possible. For instance: o
information will be online on a dedicated, segmented, easy-to-use website (also
accessible through smart phones) o
information will be provided in plain English o
will reach out to under-represented groups o
and social media will be used o
will be a roadshow to over 20 community venues, including pop-up events o
is a Big Debate event on 18th February. This will be an opportunity
for 8 local groups to share their ideas for what the new Plan should contain to
a public audience. The Panel Members
asked the following questions and made the comments on the Local Plan: i.
will the Planning Service ensure its consultation process obtains views from
people with a range of protected characteristics? ii.
the Local Plan also consider how new development relates to people who cannot
afford to live in the city and South Cambridgeshire but who work in the city?
Organisations, including Cambridge University, are finding it harder to recruit
people who cannot afford to live in the city, but would finding transport into
the city too expensive iii.
new developments, is consideration being given to enabling people to have more
flexible working options (such as houses with workshops attached) so people do
not need to commute? iv.
the Local Plan focus on creating high skilled jobs and business locations to
support the continued growth of the high tech sector, or will the plan seek to
create local employment opportunities in new developments in a variety of
industries and skill levels? v.
will young people be involved in the consultation process? Young people will
grow up in the city and the Local Plan covers a large portion of their
lifespan. vi.
Sixth Form Geography students be able to help consult with schools? vii.
will University students be consulted? To engage with university students, the
Planning Service could write to student bodies who might help promote
discussion on the Local Plan on behalf of the Planning Service viii.
was felt that the £3 ticket for admission to the Big Debate event would prevent
people on low incomes and families from attending, especially where people may
already need to pay travel costs to attend. ix.
can disabled people and others how may not be able to attend consultation
events be included? Ideas were shared as to how the Planning Service could
reach different audiences such as participatory software and including
reference to the Local Plan consultation on the Planning Service’s telephony
system x.
will other equality groups, including LGBTQ+ and older people, be engaged in
the consultation? xi.
to consider how to get timely information on Local Plan consultation to village
newsletters Jonathan Dixon
responded to the Panel’s comments: i.
Planning Service is ensuring it will obtain views from different protected
characteristics by consulting with charities that are part of the Equality and
Diversity Partnership in the city, and undertaking equalities monitoring of
online consultation responses. ii.
Planning Service will consider whether new ideas suggested by the Panel members
on how to consult with different groups can be taken on board. iii.
is expected that the roadshow will help the Service to seek views from a very
wide range of people. iv.
of young people will be sought by making Local Plan consultation documents
available on smart phones, capturing views on Twitter as consultation
responses, and through visiting Anglia Ruskin University and to local FE
colleges. It has been difficult to engage with secondary schools because their
curriculums mean they are pushed for time. v.
proposal for a £3 entry charge to the Big Debate was intended to ensure that
those who book places at the event actually attend. However, the Planning
Service will consider whether to make entry to the Big Debate event free of
charge so that it does not exclude people with low incomes. vi.
growth and connectivity, also in relation to plans for transport, are very
important to the Local Plan. People’s views on these issues, including those
expressed by Panel members above, will be captured in the consultation. vii.
councils have been informed about the consultation early on and been asked to
share this with local groups and/or in newsletters. |
Cambridge Northern Fringe East - Equality Impact Assessment Minutes: Julian Sykes, Principal Planner (Project Manager),
presented on the North East Cambridge development and equality impacts
identified for the project so far. He shared: i.
The North East Cambridge (NEC) area is predominantly
in business use with residential uses to the south, north and east ii.
Cambridge City Council and South
Cambridgeshire District Council are preparing a joint Area Action Plan (AAP) to
provide a detailed policy framework to guide development and investment
decisions in the area iii.
The planning vision is for ‘a socially and
economically inclusive, thriving, and low carbon place for innovative living
and working; inherently walkable where everything is on your doorstep’ iv. The
Planning Service is going to use the EqIA to inform
ongoing work on the AAP and its evidence documents v.
Some equality impacts identified so far are: o How
new district developments tend to attract a high proportion of families with
young children. Draft proposals within the AAP will include appropriate
education and healthcare facilities to serve new residents and those existing
communities in the vicinity of the site. o The
Draft AAP will seek the provision of sustainable public transport and
pedestrian/cycle links to/from and within the plan area. Such proposals will benefit those with
reduced mobility ensuring the development is accessible for all. o There
is an existing Gypsy and Traveller community close to the site. Consultation is
planned with these communities during the AAP preparation and implementation. o Evidence
suggests that some large new developments can create feelings of social
isolation in the early years before the community is established. Community
development and support will be a key element in the creation of this new city
district. Panel Members shared the following comments and
questions: i.
Is there scope to consult with existing
communities in the North of the city that will surround the new development by
attending Arbury Carnival and the Big Lunch? ii.
Can carbon credits be used to provide people
with low-incomes in the surrounding communities with
home improvements to reduce energy bills? iii.
How might the Council and other partners
ensure that the Gypsy and Traveller communities have improved access out of Fen
Road when the level crossing of Cambridge North station goes down? iv. It
was suggested that Cambridge City Council could use learning from Trumpington
around how new and existing communities can be brought together. v.
That the Planning Service consider provision
for young people, especially in the evening, which was identified as an issue
for the Trumpington development vi. In
consultation with the Science Park, can the Planning Service ensure it consults
with employees and workers with a range of incomes who work there? vii. Is the
Planning Service considering opportunities there may be for people to earn
money locally on the new development, which would include a range of jobs at
different salaries? Julian Sykes responded to the comments and questions: i.
The community events in the North of
Cambridge would be held too early for consultation (in that the papers are
going to Committee at the end of June to be approved for consultation).
However, the Planning Service might be able to attend the events to raise
awareness about the upcoming consultation. A draft report to be consulted on
will be publicly available for mid-May. ii.
Agreed to investigate the use of carbon
credits and upon recommendation of Helen Crowther, Equality and Anti-Poverty
Officer, will also liaise with the Cambridgeshire Home Improvement Agency on
opportunities iii.
The Council cannot ask developers to improve
road access to Fen Road, because Fen Road and Gypsy and Traveller sites are not
on the North East Cambridge development site itself. However, as part of
ensuring good planning for the wider area the City Council is discussing
options with the County Council and Network Rail around access. iv. The
Planning Service will consider how to consult with people on a variety of
incomes. v.
The Planning Service is seeking to ensure
mixed use activities for the new development, that the surrounding communities
with many households on low incomes can be supported and that the new
development is inclusive. vi. The
Planning Service will continue to consult with students at Cambridge Regional
College and the Planning Service will identify other means to consult with
young people. vii. In
late February / early March 2021, there will be a much more targeted
consultation exercise on Community and Culture placemaking. Members of the Panel were asked to provide any further
feedback on the EqIA directly to Julian by 3 February
2020. |
Cambridge Market Square Project Minutes: Joel Carré, Head of
Environmental Services, introduced the previously circulated briefing paper on
the market square redevelopment project, and highlighted the following key
points: i. The project is at the stage of
initial concept design and financial planning work. ii. There is a feasibility assessment
report publicly available on Cambridge City Council’s website that sets out
information on the issues and opportunities related to redevelopment of the
market square. iii. The market square is one of the few
areas in the city centre with a public service function and in any
redevelopment plans retaining the market function will be of key importance. A Panel Member asked
for clarification on what issues have been identified with the current function
of the market. Joel Carré shared that these related to: i.
fact that stalls are fixed. ii.
is a lack of public seating. iii.
is a need to ensure the market is fit for purpose for the growing population of
the city and the large number of tourists and visitors. iv. The surfacing of the market is not
very accessible for people with mobility and/or visual impairments. v.
road and pavement area surrounding the market square itself is confusing in
terms of use at the times of day when it is not being used by vehicles
supplying shops and for setting up and taking down the market. The Panel were asked
to feedback their views on benefits of the existing use/ management of the
market square space for different equality groups or people with protected
characteristics. Panel Members identified some benefits as: i. Variety in cost (with some affordable
options) of produce and good range of local goods. ii. The variety of small business
ventures the market supports, which are mainly independent businesses iii. It is a meeting place for people and
an established tourist attraction. iv. The positive function of the space
for civic purposes, including for protest, demonstrations and vigils. v. Market traders are aware of and
support some vulnerable members of the Cambridge community. Panel Members were
asked to comment on changes to the daytime use/ management of the space they
felt would benefit different equality groups or people with protected
characteristics. Some points raised included: i. Agreement that the cobbles provide
accessibility barriers for some disabled people but also for people needing to
use pushchairs and buggies. Levelling surfaces was identified as important. ii. There is a need to maintain vehicle
access for deliveries to shops and to ensure that disabled people can continue
to use disabled parking bays outside the shops. iii. There is currently no play space for
children. The council could explore installing a fountain or water feature.
Such features serve as free, popular play spaces in other cities, and are a
means for people to keep cool in summer. iv. Consider accessibility of the space
during busy periods v. In planning redevelopment, the
Council should consider the urban environment the market is situated in, who
uses it the most, and who we want to use it. vi. There was some debate about the
current function of the market, with some Panel Members feeling that it was
used by a mixture of residents, including people on low-incomes, and employees
of local businesses, and other suggesting that it was more geared to tourists
and did not fulfil the same function as traditional, genuine markets in other
cities. Panel Members all agreed the market was heavily used by tourists and
visitors. vii. In managing market space, to
acknowledge the variation in income of current stall holders and aim not to
‘price out’ some traders. viii. Safety issues between pedestrians and
cyclists, especially in area surrounding the market square. Panel Members were
asked about changes to the night-time use/ management of the space that would
benefit different equality groups or people with protected characteristics.
They shared views on: i. The need to consider community safety
issues if the Council expanded the operational hours of the market or
encouraged other evening and night-time uses of the market square space. ii. If the Council were to use the space
to generate income from the night-time economy, then it would need to ensure
that there is a staff presence to look after people’s safety. iii. How improved lighting and layout of
CCTV may help prevent anti-social behaviour at night. Part of the reason why
there is anti-social behaviour in the space at night currently is because there
is no activity in the evening. iv. There is not much for young people to
do at night, which could be considered in identifying potential night-time
activities in the space. v. The toilets that surround the market
currently shut at 8pm and this would need to be considered if the market space
was to include activities later in the evening. |
Any Other Business Minutes: ·
There was a discussion regarding whether the Council should have a policy on
the inclusion of personal pronouns at the bottom of email signatures to be inclusive and welcoming as possible to people
with different gender identities, or whether this should be a voluntary matter
for staff. Helen Crowther was asked to explore the matter further, in
consultation with HR, staff and the trade unions. |