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Home > Council and Democracy > Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ. View directions
Contact: Claire Tunnicliffe Committee Manager
No. | Item | ||||||
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies
were received from Councillors Ashton, Gawthrope and Tunnacliffe. Councillor
M Smart attended as an alternate for Councillor Gawthrope. |
Declarations of Interest Members
are asked to declare at this stage any interests, which they may have in any of
the following items on the agenda. If any member is unsure whether or not they
should declare an interest on a particular matter, they are requested to seek
advice from the Head of Legal Services before the meeting. Minutes:
Minutes To approve the minutes of the meeting on 17 December 2015 (attached separately). Minutes: Councillor C Smart requested that under 15/37/DPSSC: (Cambridge Northern Fringe East Area Action
Plan, Issues and Options Consultation Feedback), to delete the following
text and replace with the following (deleted text Any Alternative
Options Considered and Rejected
Following these amendments the minutes of 17 November 2015 were then approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record. |
Re-ordering of the Agenda Minutes: Under paragraph 4.2.1 of the Council Procedure Rules, the Chair used his
discretion to alter the order of the agenda items. However, for ease of the
reader, these minutes will follow the order of the agenda. |
Public Questions Minutes: There were no public quesitons. |
Ridgeons Site, Cromwell Road PDF 1 MB Additional documents:
Minutes: Matter
for Decision
consider the draft Ridgeons Cromwell Road Planning
and Development Brief Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (Appendix A)
produced for public consultation. The document outlined the aspirations of the site,
key issues, constraints and opportunities that would influence how future
development on the site would take place. Detailed local and stakeholder
consultation had taken place throughout 2015 and assisted with drafting of the
brief. Decision
of Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport i.
Agreed the
content of the draft Ridgeons Cromwell Road Draft
Planning and Development Brief SPD (Appendix A of the Officer’s report) ii.
Agreed that if
any amendments were necessary, these should be agreed by the Executive
Councillor in consultation with Chair and Spokes of Development Plan Scrutiny
Sub Committee iii.
Approved the
draft SPD for public consultation from 18 January to 29 February 2016 iv.
Approved the
consultation arrangements as set out in paragraphs 3.10 to 3.12 and the
proposed schedule of consultees in Appendix B of the
Officer’s report. Reason
for the Decision As set out in the Officer’s report. Any
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected Not
applicable. Scrutiny
Considerations The Committee received a report from the
Design and Conservation Manager. The report referred to the adopted Cambridge Local Plan 2006 which had
allocated the southern part of the Ridgeons site for
housing (site allocation 5.14) and the emerging Local Plan which allocated the
entire site for 245 homes (R12). The proposals scheduled in the emerging Local
Plan states that ‘the site promoters would be expected to prepare a Planning
and Development Brief for the site demonstrating how development would
successfully integrate with the existing residential area as well as addressing
the constraints and opportunities of the site. Scale, massing and density
considerations in the design and disposition of new and existing housing would
be expected to have regard to the character of the existing area’. Comments from the
Sub Committee i.
Stated that the Chisholm Trail
consultation had included Cromwell Road and Brampton Road as alternative routes
but there seemed to be no reference to the Chisholm Trail and Cromwell Road in
the Officer’s report. ii.
Recommended that references to Veritas Court in the consultation document should be
changed Pym Court. iii.
The map on page 63 of the agenda pack
showed Thoday Street in Petersfield
which was incorrect. iv.
Queried what the area of development
would be called and should be in keeping with the area. v.
Suggested the development could be named
after Katherine Chidley,
a female leader of the Levellers. vi.
Sought reassurance that the relevant
stakeholders concerning the Chisholm Trail had been contacted as part of the
process when compiling the consultation document for this development. vii.
Sought clarity about the
approach to car parking standards. Officers stated the following: i.
that page 55 of Appendix A referenced the Chisholm Trail with the proposed
route to the North of the development. ii.
County Council’s preferred route was access to the East which connected to
Brampton Street but it was also intended to have a side spur to run through the
site to link to Crowell Road. iii.
to check the rewording, and potentially amend, from Veritas
Court to Pym Court. iv.
of the development had not yet been discussed. v.
that the map would be updated with the correct names as required. vi.
on behalf of Ridgeons and City and County Officers
had worked with Chisholm Trail representatives and would continue to do so. It
was important to the developers that cyclists would be able to use and have
access through the site. vii.
Confirmed that the approach
to car parking standards would be in accordance with the Local Plan and a
section relating to car parking standards is set out in the draft SPD. The Committee resolved
unanimously to endorse the recommendations. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations. Conflicts
of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations
Granted). No
conflicts of Interest were declared by the Executive Councillor. |
Annual Monitoring Report 2015 PDF 105 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Matter
for Decision To consider the Annual Monitoring
Report. This is an important part of the planning process,
providing feedback on the performance of development plan policies in terms of
their use and implementation. The Council is required to produce an Annual Monitoring
Report (AMR) at least on a yearly basis. Decision
of Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport
the content of the AMR (Appendix A)
that if any amendments are necessary, these should be agreed by the Executive
Councillor in consultation with Chair and Spokes of Development Plan Scrutiny
Sub Committee. Reason
for the Decision As set out in the Officer’s report. Any
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected Not
applicable. Scrutiny
Considerations The Committee received a report from the
Planning Policy Officer. The report referred to how comprehensive monitoring was essential in
order to establish whether the Council was succeeding in promoting and managing
the future development of Cambridge. The
Localism Act 2011 and Section 34 of the Town and Country Planning Act (Local
Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 had established the statutory need for
monitoring reports. The Planning Policy Officer highlighted the
tabled amendments to paragraphs 8.26 and 8.27 of the report due to the amended
data that had been received from Cambridgeshire County Council. Comments from the Sub Committee i.
Requested confirmation on how many
Public Houses were on unprotected sites in the City. ii.
Enquired how the figure of 23.8% (key
services) under the heading of the Accessibility of Services referenced in 8.27
of the amendment sheet had been calculated. iii.
Asked if the £78 million spend in the
local area per annum generated by Language schools referenced in 8.3 of the
Officer’s report related to student spending. Officers stated the following: i.
The number of safeguarded public houses
currently stood at a total of 102. The
Council has produced Interim
Planning Policy Guidance (IPPG) on the Protection of Public Houses, and this
document is used to deal with planning applications affecting public
houses. The IPPG confirmed that
safeguarded public houses are those which were operating as public houses on 21
July 2006 (when the Cambridge Local Plan 2006 was adopted). As sites came
forward for Public House use, the IPPG would continue to be used, until
replaced by policy in the emerging Local Plan, and the Annual Monitoring Report
would be updated as any new public houses come forward or any public houses
close. ii.
figure of 23.8% signified the percentage of new housing developments which were
within 15 minutes public transport or walking distance of six key services. The
six key services included retail centre, area of employment, primary school,
secondary school, GP surgery and hospital with outpatients. Information had
been taken from new developments completed within the monitoring year. iii.
further data could be obtained from the County Council regarding the population
in Cambridge who were within fifteen minutes of the six key services when using
public transport. iv.
£78 million related to the fees and income generated from the
Language Schools and spend in the local area generated from the presence
of language schools. The Committee resolved
unanimously to endorse the recommendations. The
Executive Councillor approved the recommendations. Conflicts
of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations
Granted). No
conflicts of Interest were declared by the Executive Councillor. |