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Home > Council and Democracy > Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ. View directions
Contact: Toni Birkin Committee Manager
No. | Item | ||||||
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Reid. Councillor Stuart attended as an alternate member. |
Declarations of Interest Members
are asked to declare at this stage any interests, which they may have in any of
the following items on the agenda. If any member is unsure whether or not they
should declare an interest on a particular matter, they are requested to seek
advice from the Head of Legal Services before the meeting.
To approve the minutes of the meeting of 12th September 2012 Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a true and accurate record. |
Public Questions (See Below) Minutes: Malcolm Schofield addressed the committee and encouraged the
committee to carefully consider the options and opportunities for the north
east of the city. Mr Schofield outlined a number of potential opportunities
such as i. Union Place
complex ii. Sports
Lake extending to Waterbeach iii. Science
Park Station Members were encouraged to consider the options for the area
in a holistic manner jointly with other relevant authorities to ensure
appropriate long-term development. The Head of Planning Services confirmed that the area would
be subject to special attention through the local plan process. In response to further comments ·
The area was larger and covered the area up the A14 as
well as the site of proposed Science Park Station. ·
The Head of Planning Services assured that all the relevant
issues would be considered through the Local Plan process, but that part of the
area was outside of the direct control of the city council as it was South
Cambridgeshire. In conclusion the Executive Councillor for Planning and
Climate Change thanked Mr Schofield for his contribution and outlined the work
undertaken by the Fen Road Steering Group chaired by the Honorary Councillor
Ian Nimmo-Smith. |
Assessment of the effectiveness of Percentage Renewable Energy (Merton rule) Policies PDF 54 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider an assessment of the
effectiveness of Percentage Renewable Energy (Merton rule) Policies Decision of
Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change: The Executive
Councillor resolved; i. To
consider the findings of the Merton Rule Assessment Study and to endorse its
use as part of the evidence base for the review of the Local Plan. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee received a report regarding the assessment of
the effectiveness of percentage renewable energy (Merton Rule) policies. The committee welcomed the report and expressed interest in
receiving more information as the work progressed. The Scrutiny Sub Committee considered the recommendations
and endorsed them by 3 votes to 0. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations. Conflicts of
interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Employment Land Review: Update 2012 PDF 2 MB Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider the Cambridge and South
Cambridgeshire Employment Land Review: Update 2012. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change: The Executive
Councillor resolved; a) To consider the findings
of the Employment Land Review 2012; b) To endorse the Employment Land Review for use as an
evidence base for the review of the Local Plan and as a material consideration
in planning decisions (Appendix A of the committee report). Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee received a report from the Planning Policy and
Economic Development Officer, which provided an update on the Cambridge and South
Cambridgeshire Employment Land Review: Update 2012. i. Clarification was requested on the
nature of the proposals for Alconbury, and whether this would result in a
transfer of businesses from Cambridge. The enterprise zone has been set up to
avoid displacement. Businesses can only locate to the enterprise zone from
within the local area if it is doing this in order to achieve growth. The
Employment Land Review Update 2012 notes that for businesses in Cambridge the
market view is such that firms will be reluctant to relocate there because it
is isolated. It is hoped that the enterprise zone will complement the Cambridge
Cluster by providing employment land that will be used for manufacturing the
"ideas" from the Cluster. Officers provided further examples on
potential circumstances in which business may be permitted to re-locate from
Cambridge to Alconbury. ii. Further information was requested on
the current thinking in relation to the provision of strategic employment land.
Officers explained that the process was ongoing and that a number of options
were being considered, but the committee were assured that the city was being
considered as a whole. iii.
In response to a question, the Planning Policy Manager
confirmed that no sites had been identified at this stage for start up
companies and social enterprise. iv.
Members suggested it would be useful to highlight
existing land commitments in the report. An update was requested on the
provision of employment sites. Officers advised that the existing commitments
principally those located in Cambourne and Landbeach, had experienced low
levels of demand. v.
Officers were asked if there was anything that could be
done to expedite the provision of the existing commitments. The committee was
advised that officers were in regular discussion with the key stakeholders to
bring forward developments. Officers also provided clarification on the limits
proposed types of industry. The Scrutiny Sub Committee considered and endorsed the
recommendations by 5 votes to 0. The Executive Councillor agreed the recommendation. Conflicts of
interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider the Key issues arising from the issues and options
consultation and timetable update. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change: The Executive
Councillor resolved; i. To
note the key issues arising from the consultation on the Issues and Options
ii. To
note the current timetable and ongoing approach to the duty to cooperate and
joint working (paragraphs 3.21 to 3.23 of the committee report); and iii. To
endorse the approach to preparing the next stages of the Plan as set out in
paragraph 3.11 of the committee report. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee received a report regarding the key issues
arising the Issues and Options Consultation and timetable update. The committee congratulated officers for collating the
11,000 comments from 850 different people/organisations. Members sought clarification on whether the process as
outlined was expected to comply with the duty to co-operate test. The Head of
Planning Services explained that the proposed process was based on best
practice and was expected to meet the tests in the legislation. The committee
were advised that officers were monitoring the issues arising from the earlier
adopters and making amendments accordingly. The Planning Policy Manager
explained that the City Council was jointly engaging with the Planning
Inspectorate with South Cambridgeshire. In response to questions from members the Planning Policy
Manager explained that detailed responses to issues raised would be presented
to the committee between November and January. Councillor Hipkin addressed the committee with the permission
of the Chair and made the following comments i. Congratulated
the officers on the work to date ii. Stressed
the importance of the process iii. Some of the responses had been
prepared on behalf of residents associations and membership groups with many
hundreds of members and this should be acknowledged. iv. The importance of preserving the green
belt between Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire was stressed. Clarification was requested on the criteria for assessing
sites and ensuring that it was not simply a popularity contest. The Planning
Policy Manager re-assured members that a balanced process was in place to
appropriately assess sites. Clarification was requested whether the duty to co-operate
extended to the County Council. The Planning Policy Manager assured the
committee that officers were working closely with the County Council and South
Cambridgeshire to assure that the transport strategy and local plan processes
were aligned. The Scrutiny Sub Committee considered the recommendations and
endorsed them by 5 votes to 0. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations. Conflicts of
interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Local Plan Review - Assessment of Sites for Allocation in the New Local Plan PDF 40 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider assessment of sites for
Allocation in the New Local Plan. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change: The Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change resolved i. To endorse the methodology for assessing
sites to be included as allocations within the Cambridge Local Plan as set out
in Appendix A of the committee report. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee received a report regarding the assessment of
sites for allocation in the new local plan. Councillor Hipkin addressed the committee and stated that
the impact on existing communities should be carefully considered and that the
chapters should be organised to place this at the centre of the document. The Executive Councillor acknowledged the suggestion,
however expressed concern that re-organisation would create duplication in the
document with the same issues being considered in multiple places. The committee received an email from Councillor Herbert
outlining a number of comments regarding the report. The Planning Policy
Manager explained that a written response would be sent to Councillor Herbert
outside of the meeting. In response to the points raised the Principal Planning
Officer confirmed that all the issues were already being considered and
addressed in the proposed methodology. The Scrutiny Sub Committee considered the recommendations
and endorsed them by 5 votes to 0. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations. Conflicts of
interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted) N/A |