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Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ. View directions
Contact: Toni Birkin Committee Manager
No. | Item | |||||||||
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Marchant-Daisley |
Declarations of Interest Members
are asked to declare at this stage any interests, which they may have in any of
the following items on the agenda. If any member is unsure whether or not they
should declare an interest on a particular matter, they are requested to seek
advice from the Head of Legal Services before the meeting.
Public Questions (See Below) Minutes: There were no public questions. |
To approve the minutes of the held meeting on 17th July 2012. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the 17th July 2012 were agreed as a correct record. |
Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Infrastructure Delivery Study 2012 PDF 55 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Matter
for Decision: In March 2010 Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District
Council commissioned an Infrastructure Delivery Study. This was part of the
requirement under Planning Policy Statement 12 (PPS12) that local planning
authorities, as part of the plan making process, develop a robust evidence base
in relation to physical, social and green infrastructure to ensure sustainable
communities are delivered. PPS12 has since been replaced by the National
Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which also requires that infrastructure
planning must be part of plan making. The Executive Councillor was recommended
to adopt the study as part of the evidence base for the Local Plan and CIL Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning
and Sustainable Transport: The Executive
Councillor agreed: To endorse the Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Infrastructure
Delivery Study for use as an evidence base document for the review of the
Cambridge Local Plan and the Cambridge Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Reason for the Decision: As set out in the Officer’s report. Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: Not applicable. Scrutiny Considerations: Following
a presentation from John Baker, Executive Director of Peter Brett Associates, the
Committee received a report from the Senior Planning Policy Officer regarding Cambridge City Council and South
Cambridgeshire District Council Infrastructure Delivery Study. The
consultant responded to question from members as follows:
The funding appears to peak in the mid period of the
plan due to the reluctance of service providers to commit to long-term plans.
Developers were increasingly looking for infrastructure
to be in place at the early stages of development projects and this creates a
funding stream timing mismatch. Large spends would be required in the early
years of the plan.
Members were reminded that this is an evolving document
and initial costing had been based on the 2006 Plan and would need to be
Funding for telecommunication appears to show
conflicting information due to the differing requirements and extent of
existing provision across the area.
At present there was insufficient information on health
care costing and therefore this is listed with a zero value. Councillor
Reid suggested that the energy infrastructure needs appeared to be based on the
outdated ‘predict and provide’ approach. She suggested increasing the profile
on low carbon and reduced energy solutions for future development within the
plan. In
response to a question from Councillor Hipkin, Mr Baker stated that the test of
what was critical to the plan would based on deliverability. The critical
elements would include any measures needed to ensure that acceptable
development came forward. The viability of future developments would be
dependant on balancing the relationship between funding streams and the need to
provide affordable housing with the requirement for infrastructure. The Committee resolved (nem con) to endorse the
recommendations. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted) Not applicable. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Matter
for Decision: On 12th June 2012 the Development Plan Scrutiny
Sub Committee approved the Interim Planning Policy Guidance (IPPG) on The
Protection of Public Houses in the City of Cambridge for public consultation
from 15th June until 27th July 2012. Members’ views are sought on a number of key issues that
have been raised during the six-week period of public consultation. Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning
and Sustainable Transport: The Executive Councillor agreed the proposed responses to
the key issues as set out in Table 3.1 of the Officer’s report. Reason for the Decision: As set out in the Officer’s report. Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: Not applicable. Scrutiny Considerations: The Committee received a report from the Senior Planning
Officer regarding the Protection of Public Houses in the City of Cambridge
public consultation. In response to a member question he summarised the
responses as individuals who had concerns about specific Public Houses or saw
them as having a community value and other members of the public who suggested
that non-viable businesses should be allowed to fail. Business responses
suggested that they would not welcome onerous additional bureaucracy. In response to members’ questions the following points were
inspector interventions had developed a means of assessing how community
support could contribute to the viability of an estabishment. This would be
referenced in the final report and the appeal decisions would be used as
background information.
management of a Public House could affect a pub’s viability.
The final
report would note the consultation responses.
The report
focused on existing provision rather than new Public Houses. A policy could be
included in the new Local Plan for new public houses.
changes to the IPPG criterion 4(c) were discussed and it was agreed that the
contents would be moved/simplified but not deleted from the guidance
was provided regarding the use of any specific wording suggested by consultees
and reference to recent appeal decisions. Members suggested
that the final document needed to be flexible on matters such as car parks and
garden space where their loss could be
acceptable in some cases to ensure pub viability. The Committee resolved to endorse the recommendations with
the amendments discussed The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation. |
Draft Consultation Response to South Cambridgeshire Local Plan - Issues and options Report PDF 66 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Matter
for Decision:
The City Council, South Cambridgeshire District Council
and Cambridgeshire County Council have a long and effective history of joint
working on planning matters, particularly on plan-making. As part of the duty to cooperate, the three
councils have agreed to work collaboratively and in parallel on new Local Plans
and a transport strategy for the Cambridge area. This approach will ensure that cross-boundary issues and relevant
wider matters are addressed in a consistent and joined-up manner.
On 12th July 2012, South Cambridgeshire District Council
published their Local Plan – Issues and Options Report for consultation,
hereafter referred to as Issues and Options.
This consultation forms the first stage in preparing an updated Local Plan
for South Cambridgeshire that will set out the vision for the district for the
period up to 2031.
report sets out the Council’s suggested consultation response to the Issues and
Options to be submitted to South Cambridgeshire District Council. The representations are set out in Appendix
A of the Officer’s report. Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning
and Sustainable Transport: The Executive
Councillor agreed the comments as set out in Appendix A of the Officer’s report
and that these are subsequently submitted to South Cambridgeshire District
Council as Cambridge City Council’s formal response to the consultation. Reason for the Decision: As set out in the Officer’s report. Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: Not applicable. Scrutiny Considerations: The Committee received a report from the Senior Planning
Officer regarding draft consultation response to the South Cambridgeshire Local
Plan – Issues and Options report. She confirmed that cross-boundary issues had
been taken into account in drafting representations and officers would remain
engaged in working with South Cambridgeshire District Council to progress both
Local Plans. Members welcomed the quality of the representations and
suggested the following additions:
Q57 Gypsy and Traveller provision. The wording would be
strengthened to reinforce a positive approach to closer working with South
Cambridgeshire on shared provision, possibly in the boundary areas.
Q75 Retail Provision. Highlight the need for smaller,
independent units to be encouraged in new development sites as per the policy
option in the Cambridge Local Plan Towards 2031 – Issues and Options report.
Q103 Cycle Parking. A comment encouraging cycle parking
provision should be added. The Committee resolved to endorse the recommendations. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted) Not
applicable. |
Representations to the Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire (TSCSC) PDF 60 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Matter
for Decision:
Cambridgeshire County Council is consulting on what a new Transport
Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire (TSCSC) should look like. This
is the first step in the process and the document (Appendix B of the Officer’s
report) highlighted some of the main issues and challenges for transport in the
area, and asked what approach they should take in developing a new transport
strategy to address these issues.
The Executive
Councillor is recommended to agree the City Council’s proposed representations
to the County Council consultation on a Transport Strategy for Cambridge and
South Cambridgeshire, as set out in Appendix A. Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning
and Sustainable Transport: The Executive Councillor agreed the City Council’s proposed representations
to the County Council consultation on a Transport Strategy for Cambridge and
South Cambridgeshire, as set out in Appendix A of the Officer’s report and
subject to the amendments discussed below. Reason for the Decision: As set out in the Officer’s report. Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: Not applicable. Scrutiny Considerations: The Committee received a report from the Planning Policy and Transport Officer regarding the representations relating to the Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire. The officer tabled an amendment sheet updated the report. Members raised the following points:
The validity of the statistics for travel
modes in other cities was questioned and members requested details on the
source of the data.
Members suggested that the strategy lacked
reference to the City of Cambridge ambitions for reduced carbon emissions and
suggested this be added to the representations.
The strategy was thought to be unambitious,
which might be acceptable for a holding document, but suggested that they would
support a more challenging final document.
A additional comment supporting additional
Park and Ride sites, possible located further afield, and/or expansion of
existing provision was suggested. However, this needed to me mindful of any
impact on rural bus provision.
Members requested more clarity regarding
Community Bus Subsidies and how this would work in an urban environment.
A stronger introduction to the
representations was requested to reflect the need for a detailed transport
strategy sooner rather than later. This would also need to acknowledge
infrastructure funding issues. The Committee resolved to endorse the recommendations. The
Chair and Spokes to agree the final draft to include the above suggestions. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted) Not applicable.