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Venue: Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ [access the building via Peashill entrance]. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
Note: Addendum Report 21/02052/FUL contains main pack report and covering report
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Flaubert. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 3 November 2021 and 1 December 2021
were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
21/02052/FUL - Land South of Wilberforce Road PDF 275 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee
received an application for full planning permission. The
application sought approval for the demolition of existing buildings/structures and
the erection of college accommodation, new access and landscaping. Mr Shrimplin
(Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application. The Committee: Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning permission
in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the
Officer’s report, and subject to the conditions recommended by the Officer and the
prior completion of an Agreement under s106 of the Town and Country Planning
Act 1990 [with delegated authority granted to Officers to negotiate, secure and
complete such an Agreement on terms considered appropriate
and necessary]. |
21/04795/FUL - Retail Units at Hobsons Square Local Centre PDF 178 KB Minutes: The Committee received an application for
full planning permission. The application sought approval for the
amalgamation of two of the retail units (consented within parcel 8B under
reserved matters approval 15/0844/REM), to create a single convenience store,
amendments to the servicing layby and details of operating hours for the retail
units, at Parcel 8B of the Clay Farm Site. The Planner updated her report by referring
to updated condition 15 wording on the Amendment Sheet. Condition 15 amended to: Notwithstanding the provisions of
Article 3 Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted
Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re[1]enacting
that order with or without modification), the 8 restaurant / café hereby
approved (formerly approved as use Class A3) and retail unit 1 (formerly
approved as use Class A1) shall not be used for any other purpose than Class
E(a) or Class E(b) and retail unit 2 (formerly approved as use Class A1) shall
not be used for any other purpose than Class E(a), Class E(b) or Class E(e)
within Class E of the Schedule to the Town and Country planning (Use Classes)
Order 1987 or in any provision equivalent to that Class in any statutory
instrument revoking and re[1]enacting that
Order with or without modification. Use of these units under any other
subcategory of Class E shall not be allowed without the granting of a specific
planning permission. Reason: To ensure that the
proposal provides for the day[1]to-day
needs of the local community Cambridge Local Plan policy 72 and section 93 of
the NPPF. The Committee received a representation in objection to the application
from a resident of Hering Road: i.
Neighbours to the units did not
support the application. ii.
main objection was to the café. Residents were concerned it was described as a
bar. They noted officers had restricted the Use class so it could not be used
as a bar.
concern about how the restaurant would impact on children e.g.
the site open to late hours and congregation of smokers outside. Mr Walters (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the
application. Councillor Porrer
proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation to include a management
plan to control areas where people could smoke. This amendment was carried
unanimously. Councillor Smart
proposed and Councillor Porrer seconded an amendment to Condition 7 in so far
as Sunday opening hours should be restricted to 8am-10pm. This amendment was carried
unanimously. The Committee: Unanimously resolved to grant the
application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer
recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report, subject to: i.
the planning conditions set out in
the Officer’s report and Amendment Sheet;
authority to Officers in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes to
draft and include the following additional conditions: a.
a management plan to control areas where people could smoke; and b.
revised Condition 7 reflecting Sunday opening hours were to be
restricted to 8am-10pm instead of 7am-11pm. |
21/04439/FUL - Land North of Colville Road PDF 102 KB Minutes: The Committee received an application for
full planning permission. The application sought approval for the
installation of three modular retail units to provide temporary trading space
for the duration of development works associated with planning application
reference 21/02759/FUL. The Principal Planner updated his report by
referring to updated Condition 3 wording on the Amendment Sheet (and set out
below). Condition 3 should read as
follows: Within thirty months of the
commencement of development under planning permission reference 21/02759/FUL or
at least three months prior to the planned removal of the portacabins if sooner
than thirty months after installation, details for a programme of work to be
undertaken after the temporary permission expires, shall be submitted to and
approved in writing by the local planning authority and these works shall be
carried out as approved. Details shall include a method statement describing
the full extent of removal of any building foundations where applicable and the
strategy and timescales for providing the public car park as approved under
planning permission reference 19/1034/FUL. Reason: To ensure the land is
always left in an appropriate condition and that the approved public car park
is provided. (Cambridge Local Plan 2018; Policies 55 and 82). The Committee: Unanimously
resolved to grant
the application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation,
for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report subject to the conditions
recommended by the Officer including the amendment to Condition 3 as specified
in the Amendment Sheet. |
21/02120/FUL - Telephone boxes adj Church of St Mary PDF 119 KB Minutes: The Committee received an application for change
of use of 2 no. BT telephone box to E Class Use (for tour brochures). The Area
Development Manager proposed an
amendment to the Officer’s recommendation to remove A1 Use class from Condition
3. This amendment was carried
unanimously. Councillor Porrer
proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation to remove old use class
A1 restrict Use class in Condition 3 to Ea. This amendment was carried
unanimously. The Area
Development Manager proposed an
amendment to the Officer’s recommendation in Condition 4: Use hereby
permitted shall not be operated other than in accordance with the details
contained in the Design and Access Statement and Updated Procedure Guide. This amendment was carried
unanimously. The Committee: Resolved (by 4 votes to 2) to grant the application for planning
permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set
out in the Officer’s report, subject to: i.
the planning conditions set out in
the Officer’s report;
delegated authority to officers, in consultation
with the Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes, to draft and include the following
additional conditions: a. Condition
3 as amended Notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 3 Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning
(General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and
re-enacting that order with or without modification), the premises shall be
used for the sale of tour brochures, tickets and maps only and for no other
purpose (including any other purposes in Class E of the Schedule to the Town
and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 or in any provision equivalent to
that Class in any statutory instrument revoking or re-enacting that Order with
or without modification). Reason:
The application has been assessed on its individual merits and the use of the
premises for any other purpose may result in harm which would require
re-examination of its impact. (Cambridge Local Plan 2018 policies 35, 55, 57,
and 81) . b. Condition 4 (additional) The use hereby permitted shall not be
operated other than in accordance with the details contained in a Design and
Access Statement and Updated Procedure Guide. Reason - To minimise the obstruction to the public highway and the free
flow of pedestrians within this busy City Centre location (Cambridge Local Plan
2018 Policy 81). |
21/02121/LBC - Telephone boxes adj Church of St Mary PDF 104 KB Minutes: The Committee received an application for change
of Use and alterations to 2 no. BT telephone box to E Class Use (for tour
brochures). The Committee: Resolved (by 4
votes to 2) to grant
the application for change
of Use in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out
in the Officer’s report, and subject to the conditions recommended by the
Officer. |
21/01588/FUL - Telephone boxes, Bridge Street PDF 112 KB Minutes: The Committee received an application for change
of Use of 1 no. BT telephone box to 1 no. coffee and snacks pod (Class E(a)
(former A1 Use). The Area Development Manager proposed an
amendment to the Officer’s recommendation to include Condition 3 (as amended): Notwithstanding
the provisions of Article 3 Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General
Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and
re-enacting that order with or without modification), the premises shall be
used for the sale of tour brochures, tickets and maps only and for no other
purpose (including any other purposes in Class E of the Schedule to the Town
and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 or in any provision equivalent to
that Class in any statutory instrument revoking or re-enacting that Order with
or without modification). Reason: The
application has been assessed on its individual merits and the use of the
premises for any other purpose may result in harm which would require
re-examination of its impact. (Cambridge Local Plan 2018 policies 35, 55, 57,
and 81) . The Committee: Unanimously
Resolved to reject the
Officer recommendation to approve the application. Unanimously
Resolved to refuse the
application contrary to the Officer recommendation for the following reasons: i.
proposed change of use to a drinks and coffee pod would detract from the
character and setting of the listed phone box, surrounding heritage assets and
the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. The harm would arise as
the nature of the proposed use means that activity could not realistically be
contained within the limited confines of the phone box. It is therefore likely
that the door would need to be kept open for long periods of time and that the
use would be heavily reliant upon the already very busy and congested
surrounding outside space to properly function, thereby resulting in an
overdevelopment of the area. The proposed change of use and associated works
would therefore be contrary to Policies 58 and 61 of the Cambridge Local Plan
2018. It is considered the degree of harm to the heritage assets would be less
than substantial and, whilst it is recognised the proposal would provide an
alternative use for this listed structure, this is not considered to constitute
sufficient public benefit to outweigh the harm, particularly as there has been
no assessment of alternative uses that could secure the reuse of the phone box
whilst preserving the character of the area. The proposal is therefore also
contrary to Paragraph 202 of the NPPF 2021. ii.
phone box is located within an area that already experiences a high level of
pedestrian traffic and is surrounded by existing predominantly café and
restaurant uses. The proposed change of use to a drinks and coffee pod is
likely to result in the doors being kept open for long periods of time and a
reliance upon the surrounding outside space to adequately function. The
proposal would therefore cause an obstruction to the public highway and free
flow of pedestrians within this busy location, adversely affecting the safe and
efficient use of the public highway, contrary to Policies 58 and 81 of the
Cambridge Local Plan 2018. |
21/01589/LBC - Telephone boxes, Bridge Street PDF 89 KB Minutes: The Committee received an application for
the change of Use and alterations of 1 no. BT telephone box to 1 no. coffee and
snacks pod (Class E(a) (former A1 use). The Committee: Unanimously resolved
to reject the Officer recommendation to approve the application. Unanimously
resolved to refuse the application
contrary to the Officer recommendation for the following reason: The proposed change of use to a drinks and coffee pod would detract from
the character and setting of the listed phone box and surrounding heritage
assets. The harm would arise as the nature of the proposed use means that
activity could not realistically be contained within the limited confines of
the phone box. It is therefore likely that the door would need to be kept open
for long periods of time and that the use would be heavily reliant upon the
already very busy and congested surrounding outside space to properly function,
thereby resulting in an overdevelopment of the area. Additionally, it has not
been demonstrated that the use can be achieved without resulting in damage to the
structure of the listed building itself. The proposed change of use and
associated works would therefore be contrary to Policies 58 and 61 of the
Cambridge Local Plan 2018. It is considered the degree of harm to the heritage
assets would be less than substantial and, whilst it is recognised the proposal
would provide an alternative use for this listed structure, this is not
considered to constitute sufficient public benefit to outweigh the harm,
particularly as there has been no assessment of alternative uses that could
secure the reuse of the phone box whilst preserving the settings of the phone
box and surrounding assets. The proposal is therefore also contrary to
Paragraph 202 of the NPPF 2021. |
21/02862/FUL - 15 Tillyard Way PDF 161 KB Minutes: The Committee
received an application for full planning permission. The application sought approval for a two storey rear extension and loft
conversion of existing dwelling to create additional accommodation and
development to the side of the existing dwelling to create two self-contained
1-bed flats. The Planner updated
her report by referring to updated conditions 5, 6, 7 and 12 text on the Amendment
Sheet. Councillor Porrer proposed amendments to the Officer’s recommendation
that: i.
electric vehicle charging points should be provided
for the flats; and ii.
the landscape condition be
strengthened to refer to hedges; The amendments were carried
unanimously. Councillor Smart proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation
that details on the cycle store be submitted for agreement by Chair, Vice Chair
and Spokes prior to occupation of the dwellings. This amendment was carried
unanimously. Councillor Gawthrope Wood proposed amendments to the Officer’s
recommendation that relative to Condition 9 informatives are included encouraging installation of: i.
air source heat pumps or other sustainable heating
systems (or leaving space so they can be installed in future); ii.
solar panels on south
facing rooves. The amendments were carried
unanimously. Councillor Thornburrow proposed an amendment to the Officer’s
recommendation encouraging plans to comply with Fire Regulations Part B. This amendment was carried
unanimously. The Committee: Unanimously resolved to grant the
application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation,
for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report, subject to:
the planning conditions set out in
the Officer’s report and updated conditions 5, 6, 7 and 12 text on the Amendment Sheet;
delegated authority to officers, in consultation
with the Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes, to draft and include the following
additional conditions: a. electric
vehicle charging points should be provided for the flats; b. the
landscape condition be strengthened to refer to hedges; c. details
on the cycle store condition to be submitted for agreement by Chair, Vice Chair
and Spokes prior to occupation of the dwelllings.
informatives included on the
planning permission in respect of: a. air
source heat pumps or other sustainable heating systems (or leaving space so
they can be installed in future); b. solar
panels on south facing rooves; and c.
encouraging plans to comply with
Fire Regulations Part B. |
20/03579/FUL - Museum of Technology, 44 Cheddars Lane PDF 212 KB Minutes: The Committee
received an application for full planning permission. The application sought approval for retrospective planning permission for an outdoor bar and servery, and an
additional toilet block; and to add Use Classes A3 and D2 to existing D1 Use. The Committee received a representation in objection to the application
from a resident of Riverside Place: i.
Supported the Museum in principle.
Facilities were generally made available on the Museum site and there was a
buffer between residents and the Museum. ii.
The Engineer House had a negative
impact on residents: a.
More traffic on Riverside,
particularly in the evening and at closing time. b.
Impact on private driveways. c.
Anti-social behaviour (e.g.
littering). iii.
Queried how to manage visitors who
had left the Museum site but negatively impacted on residents. Mr Little (Applicant) addressed the Committee in support of the
application. Councillor Bennett (Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee about the
application: i.
The overall use of the Riverside Area was set out
in the Riverside Vision. a.
Residential area. b.
Active travel route. c.
Museum. ii.
Riverside had a long history of suffering from
anti-social behaviour and criminal activity particularly drug dealing. iii.
Residents saw the (legitimate) use of Engineer’s
House as protection against anti-social behaviour. iv.
There was a long record of outdoor drinking on Logan’s
Meadow. v.
There was a lot of noise and anti-social behaviour
issues in the Riverside Area generally unconnected to the Museum. vi.
A long-standing lack of toilets led to regular
anti-social behaviour such as urinating in public (as mentioned by the Objector). vii.
Any noise management plan would fail without
support from the community. viii.
Queried if the 2 years given to Museum to satisfy
financial conditions was fit for purpose in case the Museum could not satisfy
these. Planning conditions suited conditions pre-Covid but may not reflect
conditions now. Queried impact on Museum’s ability to seek grant funding in the
future. ix.
Residents had not objected to Museum’s proposals in
general, had made some requests for minor amendments such as green instead of
blue tarpaulins in green spaces. x.
The Museum may wish to put funding into toilet
facilities and leave temporary structures in place at present? Councillor Porrer proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation
to include an informative requesting parking space for cargo bikes. This amendment was carried
unanimously. Councillor Thornburrow proposed an amendment to the Officer’s
recommendation that a management plan should cover traffic and anti-social
behaviour issues. The plan would replace Condition 3. This amendment was carried
unanimously. The Committee: Unanimously resolved to grant the
application for retrospective planning permission in accordance with the
Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report,
subject to:
the planning conditions set out in
the Officer’s report;
delegated authority to officers, in consultation
with the Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes to draft and include an additional
condition requiring a management plan to cover traffic and anti-social
behaviour issues. The plan would replace Condition 3 included in the Officer
report; and
included on the planning permission in respect of parking space for cargo bikes. |
21/02861/FUL - 393-395 Newmarket Road PDF 130 KB Minutes: The Committee received an application for
full planning permission. The application sought approval for the installation of a mezzanine floor to Unit 2 and modification of S106
Agreement associated with planning permission 18/0363/FUL to allow open
non-food retail sales (Class E) from the Unit. Mr Scadding (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of
the application. Councillor Porrer
proposed amendments to the Officer’s recommendation to include informatives
regarding: i.
storage for cargo bikes;
and ii.
highlight the need for an
internal lift if site use changes in future. The amendments were carried
unanimously. Councillor Smart
proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation to include a condition
requiring cycle parking closer to Unit 2. This amendment was carried
unanimously. The Committee: Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning
permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set
out in the Officer’s report, subject to: i.
the prior completion of an
Agreement under s106A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 with delegated
authority granted to Officers to negotiate, secure and complete such an
Agreement on terms considered appropriate and necessary;
the planning conditions set out in
the Officer’s report;
delegated authority to officers,
in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes to draft and include the
following additional condition requiring cycle parking closer to
Unit 2; and
informatives included on the
planning permission in respect of: a. storage
for cargo bikes; and b. highlighting
the need for an internal lift if site use changes in future. |
21/01791/FUL - Land rear of 190 Green End Road - 3.15pm PDF 179 KB Minutes: The Committee
received an application for full planning permission. The application sought approval for the construction of a 1 bed
bungalow. Councillor Gawthrope Wood proposed and Councillor Thornburrow seconded a proposal to defer the application seeking
information on amenity space, access/egress and boundary lines for the
property. This proposal was carried
unanimously. The Committee: The application was deferred. |
Future Planning Committee Date Officers suggest moving Planning Committee from 23 March 2022 to 20 April 2022. Councillors may choose to use either or both dates. Minutes: The Committee
received a request to amend a future Planning Committee date. Officers suggested
moving Planning Committee from 23 March 2022 to 20 April 2022. Councillors may
choose to use either or both dates. The Committee: Unanimously
resolved to accept the Officer recommendation to hold a Committee
meeting on Wednesday 20 April. To keep
23 March in the diary only to be used if there were significant business
reasons i.e. Planners request using this date. |