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Venue: Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ [access the building via Peashill entrance]. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Apologies Minutes: No apologies were received. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
23-04686-FUL Fanshawe Road Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Carling was not present at the beginning of the
item and therefore did not participate in the debate or vote. The Committee received an application for full planning
permission. The application seeks planning permission for the demolition
of the existing buildings and hardstanding and the erection of 84 homes,
landscaping and associated works. The Principal Planner updated their report by referring to
amendments contained within the Amendment Sheet namely: i.
Amendments to Text: ·
The East of England Ambulance Service has
requested a S106 contribution towards infrastructure. The Committee received a representation in objection to the
application from a representative from the Fanshawe and Davys Neighbours Group. i.
Wanted sustainable building that were built
intelligently and in keeping with the area and built in areas where wildlife,
flora and fauna were not. ii.
Wanted more socially rented homes. iii.
Objected because site contained many established
trees. Would like all retained. iv.
Sapling survival rate in the area was low due to
drought and climate change. v.
Area was home to various wildlife which
demolition of current buildings would disturb. vi.
Disturbed by demolition company already removing
swift bird boxes. vii.
Object to renamed and reconfigured open space as
it was not acceptable. viii.
Current green space had been publicly declared
as protected. ix.
Stated the proposed number of homes it too many
for the area. x.
Stated tall buildings were out of character of
the neighbourhood. Ben Binns (Development Assistant Director) and a
representative for the developer addressed the committee in support of the
application. Councillor Tong, Ward Councillor, addressed the Committee
speaking in objection to the application. Councillor Griffin, Ward Councillor, addressed the Committee
speaking in support of aspects of and in objection to aspects of the
application. Councillor Carling, Ward Councillor, addressed the Committee
speaking in support of the application. The Delivery Manager offered the following summary of
amendments to the Officer’s recommendation (as set out on p34 of the agenda)
for the planning application reflecting Members’ debate during the meeting: Approve subject to: i.
The Final List of Recommended Planning
Conditions set out in an appendix to the Amendment Sheet and in addition: 1.
The replacement of Condition 8 with a more
detailed construction and environmental management plan requiring a resident
point of contact regarding demolition and construction works. 2.
Am amendment to Condition 20 to make reference to rainwater recycling. 3.
An informative in regard to water re-use and the
use of dual pipe systems for grey water. 4.
An informative with regard to the encouragement
of the provision of indoor electric charging for bicycles. 5.
An amendment to Condition 11 to allow for
watering provision. The Committee: Resolved by (6 votes to 1) to approve the planning
application subject to: i.
The planning conditions as set out within the
Final List of Planning Conditions appended to the Amendment Sheet (with
delegated authority to officers to amend and add conditions where required) and
in addition: 1.
The replacement of Condition 8 with a more
detailed construction and environmental management plan requiring a resident
point of contact regarding demolition and construction works. 2.
Am amendment to Condition 20 to make reference to rainwater recycling. 3.
An informative in regard to water re-use and the
use of dual pipe systems for grey water. 4.
An informative with regard to the encouragement
of the provision of indoor electric charging for bicycles. 5. An amendment to Condition 11 to allow for watering provision. |
23-03653-S73- Aylesborough Close Minutes: The Committee received a Section 73 Application to vary
condition 2 (approved drawings) to amend the approved refuse strategy of ref:
22/1995/FUL. Approve subject to: i.
The Final List of Recommended Planning
Conditions set out in an appendix. Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report. |
23-03519-FUL Tyndale House, 36 Selwyn Gardens Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received an application for full planning permission. The application sought the demolition of the existing building and
erection of a replacement library, meeting rooms and short term accommodation
with associated landscaping and car parking (sui generis). The Principal Planner updated their report by referring to amendments
contained within the Amendment Sheet namely:
Amendments to conditions in bold and deletions
shown below: Water Efficiency 8. The development hereby approved shall not be used or occupied until
the water efficiency specification to achieve 5 Wat01 credits as set out in the
submitted BREEAM Wat01 Water Efficiency Calculator has been implemented in
full. Any changes to the proposed specification shall be submitted to and
approved in writing by the local planning authority and will only be approved
if the amended specification continues to achieve 5 Wat01 credits. The
development shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed details. Reason:
To respond to the serious water stress facing the area and ensure that
development makes efficient use of water and promotes the principles of
sustainable construction (Cambridge Local Plan 2018 Policy 28 and the Greater
Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD 2020. Archaeology Programme- Written Scheme 12.No demolition/development shall commence until the applicant, or
their agents or successors in title, has implemented a programme of
archaeological work, commencing with the evaluation of the application area,
that has been secured in accordance with a Written Scheme of Investigation
(WSI) that has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority
in writing. For land that is included within the WSI, no demolition/development
shall take place, other than under the provisions of the agreed WSI version 3
(Pre-Construct Archaeology) (9 January 2024), until the WSI has been
submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing and Reason: To safeguard archaeological assets within the approved
development boundary from impacts relating to any demolitions or groundworks
associated with the development scheme and to ensure the proper and timely
preservation and/or investigation, recording, reporting, archiving and
presentation of archaeological assets affected by this development, in
accordance with national policies contained in the National Planning Policy
Framework (MHCLG 2021). Traffic Management Plan -Demolition 13.No demolition works shall commence on site until a demolition Reason: In the interests of highway safety. (Cambridge Local Plan 2018
policy 81). Traffic Management Plan -Construction 14.No construction works shall
commence on site until a demolition and construction traffic management plan
has been agreed in writing with the Planning Authority. Reason: in the interests of highway safety. (Cambridge Local Plan 2018
policy 81). Condition 19 Bat 19. No development above ground level shall, other than demolition,
commence until a scheme for the provision of bat nest boxes in accordance with
the Ecological Impact Assessment Issue 3 (Delta Simons) (6 September 2023) has
been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The
scheme shall include details of box numbers, specification and their location.
The development shall be occupied until nest boxes have been provided in
accordance with the approved scheme. Reason: To conserve and enhance ecological interests. (Cambridge Local
Plan 2018 policy 57). Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment – Demolition 28.No development (including demolition, enabling works or piling) shall
commence until a demolition noise and vibration impact assessment associated
with the development, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the
local planning authority. The assessment shall be in accordance with the
provisions of BS 5228:2009 Code of Practice for noise and vibration on
construction and open sites and include details of any piling and
mitigation/monitoring measures to be taken to protect local residents from noise
or vibration. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the
approved measures. Reason: To protect the amenity of the adjoining properties. (Cambridge
Local Plan 2018 policy 35). Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment – Construction 29.No development (including Reason: To protect the amenity of the adjoining properties. (Cambridge
Local Plan 2018 policy 35). Dust- Demolition 30.No development, including demolition, shall commence until a
scheme to minimise the spread of airborne dust from the site including
subsequent dust monitoring during the period of demolition has been submitted
to and approved in writing by the local planning authority The development
shall be implemented in accordance with the approved scheme. Reason: To protect
the amenity of nearby properties (Cambridge Local Plan 2018 policy 36). Dust- Construction 31. No development, excluding
demolition shall commence until a scheme to minimise the spread of airborne
dust from the site including subsequent dust monitoring during the period of
construction has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local
planning authority The development shall be implemented in accordance with the
approved scheme. Reason: To protect the amenity of nearby properties (Cambridge
Local Plan 2018 policy 36). EV Charging Scheme 33. Reason: In the interests of encouraging more sustainable modes and forms
of transport and to reduce the impact of development on local air quality, in
accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF 2021) paragraphs
107, 112, 174 and 186, Policies 36 and 82 of the Cambridge Local Plan (2018)
and Cambridge City Council's adopted Air Quality Action Plan (2018). Restriction of use 39. The proposed residential
accommodation shall only be occupied by persons undertaking research Reason: To ensure that the accommodation is used as intended in the
interests of the amenity of future occupants. (Cambridge Local Plan 2018,
Policy 58). The Committee received a representation in objection to the application
from a local resident.
Would like a Condition added that no sire traffic
relating to either the construction or ongoing maintenance of the building
should use the lane at the rear of the site. Stated it was a safety risk.
Would prefer that air source heat pumps be located
on the northeastern edge of the site.
Landscaping plan shows multiple commercial rotary washing lines in the southwest corner of the site.
Would be 2 metres from speakers window, would be
visually unattractive and would bring a steady stream of students to that
corner resulting in significant loss of privacy. Would like this aspect
reconsidered. Simon Sykes (representative for the Applicant) addressed the committee
in support of the application. The Delivery Manager offered the following summary of amendments to the
Officer’s recommendation (as set out on p34 of the agenda) for the planning
application reflecting Members’ debate during the meeting: Approve subject to:
The Final List of Recommended Planning Conditions
set out in an appendix to the Amendment Sheet and in addition: 1.
Amendment of Condition 23 in relation to
agricultural method statement in relation to trees. 2.
An informative in relation to the relocation of
washing lines. 3.
An amendment to Condition 14 to include the
revision to the traffic management plan to prohibit the use of the lane to the
rear of the site. 4.
An additional Condition in relation to water
monitoring, final wording of to be agreed through Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes. 5.
A Condition in relation to some visitor bicycle
parking at the front of the property. The Committee: Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning permission
in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the
Planning Officer’s report (with delegated authority to Officers to make minor
amendments to the conditions as drafted), subject to:
The Final List of Recommended Planning Conditions
set out in an appendix to the Amendment Sheet and in addition: a)
Amendment of Condition 23 in relation to
agricultural method statement in relation to trees. b)
An informative in relation to the relocation of
washing lines. c)
An amendment to Condition 14 to include the
revision to the traffic management plan to prohibit the use of the lane to the
rear of the site. d)
An additional Condition in relation to water
monitoring, final wording of to be agreed through Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes. e)
A Condition in relation to some visitor bicycle
parking at the front of the property. |
23-03068-FUL 163-167 Mill Road Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Baigent spoke as a Ward Councillor for this
application and did not take part as a committee member in the discussion or
decision making for the application. The Committee received an application for full planning
permission. The application sought planning permission for the
refurbishment of the building including internal slab openings with steel
framing, roof replacement, new plant, substation, external alterations and
temporary removal of shopfront to facilitate MRI installation (first phase). The Principal Planner updated their report by referring to
amendments contained within the Amendment Sheet namely: To note: i.
163 - 167 Mill Road, Cam bridge, Noise Impact
Assessment Non-Technical Summary is attached as appendix 1 to the Officer
Report. ii.
Additional conditions as recommended by the
Environmental Health Officer are suggested as follows: 1.
Replacement Condition 7 (reference to
Non-Technical Summary) Plant Noise Compliance Condition The plant / equipment as approved shall be installed and
operated in accordance with the principles, design and specifications
(including operational noise levels, attenuation / mitigation and the results
of the BS4142-type assessment) contained within the following documents: ·
“163-167 Mill Road, Cambridge; “Noise Impact
Assessment”, Version 2, Ref 230248 (CPWP, 24/10/2023)” ·
“163 - 167 Mill Road, Cambridge, Noise Impact
Assessment Non-Technical Summary”, reference L01.1/230248 (CPWP, 9th February
2024) The plant / equipment and the mitigation as approved shall
be maintained and retained thereafter. Reason: To protect the amenity of nearby properties
(Cambridge Local Plan 2018 policy 35: noise and vibration) 2.
Additional Condition 12 Plant Noise – Post Completion Testing Except for its testing, prior to the use of all external
plant as approved, an acoustic commissioning / completion report shall be
submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The
report shall demonstrate, through the use of monitored noise data, compliance
with the detail contained within the following documents (including operational
noise levels, attenuation / mitigation and the results of the BS4142- type
assessment daytime and night-time): ·
“163-167 Mill Road, Cambridge; “Noise Impact
Assessment”, Version 2, Ref 230248 (CPWP, 24/10/2023)” ·
“163 - 167 Mill Road, Cambridge, Noise Impact
Assessment Non-Technical Summary”, reference L01.1/230248 (CPWP, 9th February
2024) Any additional mitigation measures required shall be clearly
identified and evidenced within the report including the timing for
implementation. The plant / equipment and any mitigation as approved shall be
maintained and retained thereafter. Reason: To protect the amenity of nearby properties
(Cambridge Local Plan 2018 policy 35: noise and vibration) 3.
Additional Condition 13 Hours of Use The premises shall not be open to visiting members of the
public between 9pm and 7am on any given day. Reason: In the interests of residential amenity (Cambridge
Local Plan 2018 policy 35) The Committee received a representation in objection to the
application from a resident of Sedgwick Street. i.
Had been a resident of the area for 25 years. ii.
Stated that 172 local residents signed a
petition objecting to the application. iii.
Stated there were 65 objections on the planning
portal. iv.
Stated did not conform to local plan as the
Heath Facility would not serve the local community of Romsey but all of Greater
Cambridgeshire. Stated that the local plan states should be set in the
Biomedical Campus. v.
Stated the facility would exacerbate traffic
issues. vi.
Would be noise issues as facility would exceed
noise levels. Stated the noise impact assessment submitted by applicant was
flawed. vii.
Stated 25 homes were in the noise sensitive area
of this application. viii.
Stated that excess noise could cause health
problems. Simon Wood (Applicant’s Representative) provided a written
statement read out by the Committee Manager to the Committee in support of the
application. Councillor Baigent, Ward Councillor, addressed the Committee
speaking in objection to the application. The Committee received a representation in objection to the
application from a resident of Sedgwick Street. i.
Mill Road was primarily a residential street. ii.
There was now increased traffic crated by non locals due to café’s
and restaurants. The Delivery Manager offered the following summary of
amendments to the Officer’s recommendation (as set out on p159 of the agenda)
for the planning application reflecting Members’ debate during the meeting: Approve subject to: i.
The Final List of Recommended Planning
Conditions set out in an appendix to the Amendment Sheet and in addition: 2. An
informative in relation to a travel plan. The Committee: Resolved by (6 votes to 1) to approve the planning
application subject to: i.
The planning conditions as set out within the
Final List of Planning Conditions appended to the Amendment Sheet (with
delegated authority to officers to amend and add conditions where required) and
in addition: 1.
An additional condition regarding frontage
landscaping hard and soft, final wording of to be agreed through Chair, Vice
Chair and Spokes. 2. An informative in relation to a travel plan. |
Appeals Information Minutes: The Committee noted the appeals list. |