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Venue: Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ [access the building via Peashill entrance]. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Bennett and Dryden. Councillor
Howard attended as Alternate to Councillor Bennett. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
22-02066-FUL Owlstone Croft PDF 924 KB Minutes: The Committee
received an application for full planning permission. The application
sought approval for the demolition of the nursery building, part of outbuildings;
partial demolition, refurbishment and extension of other existing college
buildings and the erection of four accommodation blocks containing 60 rooms for
postgraduate students; associated landscaping, car and cycle parking, refuse
and other storage and new electricity substation within outbuildings. The Principal
Planner updated his report by referring to the amendment sheet, this contained
amendments to
The officer report at paragraphs, 1.9, 9.55, 9.90
and 9.233.
Condition 18: c) delete “entire”. The Committee received a representation in objection to the application
from a resident of Chedworth Street: i.
Queens’ College had submitted a
plan that would blight the area. ii.
Expressed concern about: a.
The impact of the development on
neighbouring garden and school. b.
How construction work would affect
the neighbourhood, possibly for years. iii.
There was a need to balance: a.
Growth against quality of life and
the environment. b.
Needs of the University and
residents. iv.
Asked for the application to be
rejected or to set the stage where parties on all sides could negotiate a
settlement. The Committee received a representation in objection to the application
from the Chair of Friends of Paradise Nature Reserve (FPNR):
They were not consulted on these
plans as claimed only shown them. Concerns were raised not just by FPNR, but by
every local resident association, the Forum, the school and Councillors.
FPNR views were ignored, the plans
submitted were unchanged, and the opposition to them widespread.
It was not an exaggeration to say
that this development, with construction lasting around 2 years, would have a
disastrous impact on wildlife and biodiversity in this small area.
There had been no environmental
assessment and FPNR worked to raise funds to pay for consultants to give their
expert opinions. The City’s Ecology officer said in his report that the plans
were acceptable based on the information supplied by the applicant.
FPNR consultants found the
Applicant had provided inadequate and misleading information; there had been a
lack of scrutiny of the important issues regarding the Nature Reserve and the
impact on the neighbourhood. a. It
was claimed that bat activity was ‘negligible’ but the Bioscan bat surveys
found at least 8 species including the endangered Barbastelle. b. It
was claimed that there would be no harm to the bats as they were accustomed to
high levels of light. This had been proven to be incorrect. c. It
was claimed that the line of trees to be felled for the drainage scheme were in
poor condition but this was untrue. They were vital for the bats as a conduit
and foraging ground. d. It
was claimed that there was no flood risk to the site or surrounding area, but
consultant hydrologists GWP had said the flood risk assessment and proposed
drainage scheme was inadequate. e. It
was claimed that the access to Owlstone Croft was a highway, but it was a
footpath, and the safety of the many pedestrians using it to visit the Nature
Reserve, including people with disabilities, has not been considered.
These issues were not mentioned by
the Council’s Access Officer in his report. He failed to look at this development
in its context. vii.
The Council declared Climate and
Biodiversity Emergencies. It had policies in the Local Plan and the
Biodiversity SPD that should offer protection. viii.
The decision made by
Committee on this application would be
seen as a test of whether the policies could be upheld..
The plans may be deemed acceptable
based on the information supplied by the applicant but this had been shown to
be inadequate at best and misleading in many cases. It did not stand up to
scrutiny and could not be a basis on which to approve this Planning
Application. Mr Bainbridge (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in
support of the application. A resident of Owlstone Croft addressed the Committee in
of the application. Councillor Smith (Castle Ward Councillor)
addressed the Committee about the application:
Expressed concern about: a. Site
context. b. Adverse
impact of the application on Paradise Nature Reserve. Specifically habitat,
biodiversity and bats.
Referred to petition from
The Supplementary Planning
Document set out policies where the City Council would not accept applications
due to impact on biodiversity.
Referred to National Planning
Policies 199 and 200 plus Local Plan Policies 8, 31, 32, 34, 52, 55, 57, 59,
61, 67, 69, 70, 71; and said the application did not meet criteria. The Committee Manager read out the following points on
behalf of Councillor Copley (Abbey Ward Councillor):
Expressed concern regarding the risk
to children attending Newnham Croft School as a result of a large development
on the immediate boundary of the site. The British Lung Foundation and Asthma
UK published a report - "The invisible threat" - in February 2021
which described the huge harm done due to a lack of action on air pollution,
how there were huge risks of breathing in polluted air, and that there was
still far too little being done to protect those at risk. As a medical doctor,
to hear a fellow medical doctor - Professor Sir Stephen Holgate - Special
Advisor to the royal college of Physicians on Air Quality describe how serious
the problem was using the following words "These toxic gases and tiny
particles cut thousands of lives short every year and affect the lives of many
more" makes me compelled to share these concerns. The report uses the
strongest possible terms - that this was a health emergency and it demanded
urgent action.
Their research attached to the report
showed that over a third of schools in England were located in areas with air
pollution (specifically fine particulate matter or PM2.5) over levels
recommended by the World Health Organisation, and that in Cambridge their
modelling indicated there were 39 schools and colleges in areas above the WHO’s
guideline for PM2.5. Newnham Croft School was in the current Air Quality
Management Area for Cambridge indicating this was within a wider area of
increased air pollution. Air pollution has a huge impact on children's
developing lungs and their risk of having further respiratory problems. In
2021, during the inquest of Ella Kissi-Debrah, it was finally recognised that
air pollution was a major cause of the tragic loss of life for this young girl
with severe asthma, and air pollution featured on her death certificate.
If this development was permitted,
250 children would be forced to play and exercise on a daily basis just metres
from the building of the next door development for at least two years, exposing
them to dust and particulate matter which represents air pollution and avoidable
harm. The need for Queens' College to had 40 additional bedrooms cannot
possibly outweigh the risks presented to 250 children for a long period of
their formative development. Pointed out to the college there was a 36-bed
student property currently for sale less than half a mile away on Grange Road
that could readily meet Queens' College's accommodation needs, with
significantly reduced harm.
Urged the committee to reject the
application. The Committee Manager read out the following points on
behalf of Councillor Holloway (Newnham Ward Councillor):
Over the last year, had spent many
hours listening to Newnham residents’ views on this planning application.
While there had been some residents
who had expressed their support for the application, the overwhelming majority
appear to be opposed.
There were some advantages to the
proposed development – it would provide much-needed housing on a very
conveniently located site and would in many senses be highly sustainable.
Was grateful to Queens’ College for
their willingness to engage with residents on issues that had been raised.
On balance, opposed the application,
based on two major areas of concern: the impact on the safety and wellbeing of
children at Newnham Croft school, and the increased flood risk posed to the
school and Paradise Nature Reserve. Newnham
Croft School
Newnham Croft Primary school was within
50m of the proposed development, with the classrooms and play area for the
youngest children immediately adjacent. vii.
Construction would cause air pollution through the
emission of harmful particulates such as PM10, NO2 and PM2.5. Air pollution
poses a major health risk to young children, including through increased
susceptibility to respiratory illness and reduced lung function. International
Air Quality Guidance classifies children as ‘High Risk’. viii.
The applicant’s Air Quality Statement
uses incorrect and out of date assessments. There were no site-specific
criteria on air pollution and Condition 8 does not set any standard or show how
this could be achieved. The proposed criterion
for particulate matter PM2.5 was 5 times higher than considered safe. Before this application can be determined, reliable
evidence was required of the air pollution risks to children at Newnham
Croft School, as well as proposals for their mitigation.
The buildings would also overlook the
school and its playing field, creating potential safeguarding issues.
Once complete, the development would
cause increased traffic, including from visitors, taxis and delivery vehicles.
This increased traffic could increase risks for children arriving at and
leaving the school. Flood
The proposed development would
potentially significantly increase the flood risk to Newnham Croft School and
Paradise Nature Reserve. xii.
Consultants with expertise in flood
risk assessment, management, and mitigation design had reviewed the submitted
Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy on behalf of the Friends of
Paradise Nature Reserve. The consultants identified seventeen failures,
including: a.
to carry out the flood risk assessment in accordance with best practice and
national guidance for a major site. The
fluvial flood risks for the 1 in 100 and 1 in 1000 annual probability events
were not adequately assessed. It remains to be proved that the site,
development and adjacent properties would not be subjected to high levels of
flood risk and adverse impacts. b.
to demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of the stormwater drainage
scheme. Winter groundwater monitoring
data was required to inform a robust design of effective attenuation and
infiltration systems. The consultants felt that such data would be likely to
demonstrate the proposed on-site stormwater run-off scheme would be
ineffective. c.
to assess adequately assess winter
groundwater flooding risks. An assessment was required to establish the impact of the foundations on
existing groundwater flows and the potential to exacerbate groundwater flood
risk to adjacent properties. d.
to assess interaction with fluvial flooding. In the absence of a correctly
defined fluvial flood level for the site that accounts for climate change, it
has not been proved that the proposed swales would not be impacted by flooding. e.
Failure to demonstrate no adverse
impact on biodiversity as required by Local Plan policy 69. In the
absence of evidence about the flow of storm water from the ditch into the
nature reserve, the reserve’s biodiversity should be considered highly
vulnerable due to changes in existing run-off characteristics and volumes, and
low-level pollution. xiii.
The consultants concluded: ‘in the
absence of an adequate flood risk assessment including a demonstrably viable
drainage scheme, planning permission should not be granted.’ xiv.
For these reasons, and for those set
out by others opposing the application, did not believe the application should
go ahead. Councillor Howard (Abbey Ward
Councillor) addressed the Committee about the application: i.
There was no political motive
behind the Green Party’s objection to this development as suggested by the
Applicant, it failed to meet planning policies.
Paradise Nature Reserve was loved
by local groups and wider stakeholders.
Expressed concern about the impact
of the application on habitat, biodiversity and rare species in particular.
A full impact assessment, not a
preliminary assessment, was required to demonstrate the impact of the
development. Took issue with some details submitted by the Applicant as they
were erroneous. This made it difficult to assess which planning conditions
could effectively mitigate the impact of the development (if approved).
Queried the use of Local Plan
Policies if they did not protect the Paradise Nature Reserve and nearby school.
Agreed there was a need for
affordable and sustainable homes, but on suitable sites which this was not. Councillor Collis (King's Hedges Ward
Councillor) addressed the Committee about the application:
Quoted from David Attenborough
speech: How do we fit into the natural world?
This was an important consideration
when looking at the impact of the application on the local area eg biodiversity
and loss of open space.
Cambridge Colleges were rich and
had alternative sites they could turn to, biodiversity did not have these
Paradise Nature Reserve was a
special area and could not be replaced if lost. It was an important habitat for
bats, particularly red listed (rare) ones.
The Ecology Officer based comments
on information supplied by the Applicant. If there was any doubt about details,
they should be reviewed.
Proposed accommodation blocks were
too near the Paradise Nature Reserve. vii.
Referred to City Council policies
to protect the natural world. These should be followed. Requested the
application be refused. Councillor Nethsingha (Newnham Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee
about the application:
Expressed concern about: a. Impact
of application of nearby school and children’s’ health. b. Construction. c. Relationship
between Paradise Nature Reserve and development site. Specifically impact on
biodiversity. It was not possible to over emphasise the benefit of Paradise
Nature Reserve to the area, and the Applicant appeared to downplay this. d. Light
pollution from site.
There was cross-party objections
to the application from different political groups.
This was the wrong application for
the site. Costs outweighed benefits. The Committee Manager read out the following points on behalf
of Councillor Gilderdale (Market Ward Councillor):
Owlstone Croft was part of the green river corridor which
stretched from the city centre to Grantchester Meadows. It adjoined Newnham
Croft Primary School playing field, a protected open space, and Paradise Nature
Reserve, a city and county wildlife site and local nature reserve (LNR).
committee report gave little weight to this wider site context.
Conservation Officer’s assessment focussed on the existing built form and
street pattern and impact on the original Owlstone Croft buildings. The
assessment paid no regard to the garden’s place in the river corridor, and its
significance in the urban/rural interface which was recognised as a key
characteristic in the conservation area appraisal.
only mention of the LNR was the reference to the ‘good landscape linkages back
to the Paradise Nature Reserve’. This sees the LNR only as a visual backdrop to
the proposed development, diminishing its significance.
Planning Officer’s opinion that large blocks a few metres away would enhance
the view from the LNR boundary was not shared by the hundreds of people who had
objected. The proximity of the buildings to this boundary was one of the most
opposed elements of the proposal.
Past Present and Future sum up the harm that would be caused, stating: ‘The
development of 3 storey high buildings in close proximity to the local nature
reserve would had an adverse impact on the character and amenity of the
reserve.’ vii.
would affect the experience of people visiting the Reserve, especially when
using the boardwalk next to the boundary. This was installed by the City
Council and provides one of the few places it was possible for people with
disabilities to access and enjoy unspoilt green space. The adverse impact of
this development would be greatest for people with disabilities as they cannot
use the alternative path by the river. viii.
would also be at particular risk on the access track to Owlstone Croft, which
was not a highway as claimed by the applicant and has no segregated footpath.
Construction traffic using this narrow lane over a likely 2 year period raises
serious concerns about the safety of the many pedestrians visiting the LNR. In
the event of fire this lane would be the evacuation route for people and access
route for fire engines.
committee report noted in points 243 and 244 that, ‘Following discussion with
Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Department, the presence of parked cars on the
double yellows along Owlstone Road was currently presenting difficulties for
the turning of fire vehicles into the application site’.
applicant asserts that, ‘the City Council had a responsibility to ensure Short
Lane was adequate for fire tender access’. However, ownership of this lane was
unknown, parking controls cannot be enforced and the Council’s legal liability
was unclear.
issues of legal responsibilities and liability were complex and could not be
left to conditions. They needed to be decided before planning permission was
granted as it may not be possible to resolve them afterwards. Councillor Baigent proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation
that fire safety provision should be adequate i.e.
ensure fire engines could use the access road and access the buildings. This amendment was carried
by 6 votes to 0. Councillor Gawthrope Wood proposed an amendment to the Officer’s
recommendation regarding electric vehicles
accessing the site during construction. This amendment was carried
by 6 votes to 0. Councillor Porrer proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation that
the Applicant should have a single point of contact for residents and nearby
school regarding general/construction management. This amendment was carried
by 6 votes to 0. The Committee: Resolved (by 5 votes to 1) to reject the
Officer recommendation to approve the application for planning permission in
accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the
Officer’s report, (as amended
in debate). Resolved (by 6 votes to 0) to refuse the application contrary to the Officer
recommendation (as amended in
debate) for the following reasons: i.
By virtue of the proposed development’s excessive height, scale, massing and lack
of subservience, and siting in close proximity to the Paradise Local Nature
Reserve, it would result in a cramped and imposing form of development and loss
of openness experienced by users from the local nature reserve. As such, the
proposal would be out of context with its immediate surroundings. The proposal
would result in harm upon the recreational and amenity value of Paradise Local
Nature Reserve, which is a protected open space within the local plan set
within the wider River Cam corridor. Consequently, the proposal would be
contrary to policies 8, 55, 56, 57, 59 and 67 of the Cambridge Local Plan 2018
and paragraph 174 of the NPPF 2021. ii.
Incomplete bat
survey information has been provided to demonstrate that protected species
would not be unduly harmed, contrary to Policies 69 and 70 of the Cambridge
Local Plan 2018 and paragraph 180 of the NPPF 2021. iii.
By virtue of the
layout of the site for future students, the associated seasonal on-site wetland
habitat would be adversely affected and the ecological relationship with the
local nature reserve would be diminished. Furthermore, there is insufficient
evidence to demonstrate that the scheme would not result in harm upon the
biodiversity within Paradise Local Nature Reserve, contrary to policies 55, 56,
59, 69 and 70 of the Cambridge Local Plan 2018. |
20-04261-FUL Synagogue, Thompsons Lane PDF 534 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Collis
left the Committee before this item was considered and did not return. The Committee received an application for full
planning permission. The application sought approval for the demolition
of the existing Synagogue and Jewish Community facility and the erection of a
new Synagogue and Jewish Community facility including replacement parking
spaces and new cycle storage and associated works. The Senior Planner updated her report by referring
to the amendment sheet regarding Amends to condition 1 (time limit) and 16
(noise insulation) and additional condition 40 (Demolition and Construction
Environmental Management Plan condition). The Committee received a representation in
objection to the application from a resident of Portugal Place to express the
following concerns:
Loss of amenity.
Close proximity of rear of
existing building so impact of development would be magnified: Height, mass,
sense of enclosure and loss of view/outlook.
There was no consultation between
the Synagogue and local residents since the 2021 Development Control Forum. The
‘costs’ of the scheme outweighed the ‘benefits’. The ‘benefits’ were irrelevant
if they could be gained by a (more appropriate) amended scheme. A Thompson's Lane
resident and Mr Perlman [speaking on behalf of the Trustees of the Synagogue
(the Applicant)] addressed the Committee in support of the application. Councillor Bick
(Market Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee about the application:
Had no objection to the application in
Questioned if the impact of
application on local residents meant it may not be appropriate for the site.
The Synagogue and Portugal Place
Residents’ needs had to be balanced equally.
The existing Synagogue was built
in a time with different planning regulations. This did not mean it could
expand its height/mass now.
Neighbouring residents reported a
lack of consultation on options to address their concerns after the 2021
Development Control Forum.
Rejecting the application would
give the Applicant an opportunity to rethink the design. vii.
If the application was approved,
asked the Committee to be mindful of the impact of demolition and construction
activity on Portugal Place residents. This would negatively impact them as many
people worked at home after lockdown. Requested a single point of contact and
regular updates on application development as part of condition 40. Councillor Baigent
proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation that residents be
consulted on the roof colour. This amendment was carried by 7 votes to 0. Councillor
Thornburrow proposed amendments to the Officer’s recommendation: i.
To take into account trees
to safeguard against soil subsidence and climate change consequences. ii.
Contractor parking /
management plan. iii.
No roof lights at night or
controls on using them. The amendments were carried by 7 votes to 0. The Committee: Resolved (by 7
votes to 0) to reject the
Officer recommendation to approve the application for planning permission in
accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the
Officer’s report (as amended in debate). Resolved (by 7 votes to 0) to refuse the application contrary to the
Officer recommendation (as
amended in debate) for the following reasons: i.
virtue of the scale and massing of the proposal, the confined nature of the
site and the building’s close proximity to Portugal Place properties which have
small and confined rear amenity spaces and windows in close proximity to the
boundary of the site, the proposal would result in additional significant harm
as a result of enclosure to the outlook from the rear of Portugal Place
properties. The proposal would therefore not have a positive impact on its
neighbours and is therefore contrary to Cambridge Local Plan 2018 policies 55
and 57 and the NPPF 2021 para. 130. ii.
proposed design of the building would fail to assimilate itself successfully
into its surroundings and therefore fail to respond successfully to its
historical context. As such it would harm the character and appearance of the
Conservation Area and be contrary to policy 61 of the Cambridge Local Plan 2018
and the NPPF paras. 200 and 202 amounting to less than substantial harm. The
public benefits would not outweigh the harm that would arise to the
Conservation Area. iii.
proposal has failed to demonstrate that the scheme could be delivered without
harm and or the loss of trees on or adjacent to the site. The potential harm
and loss trees of high amenity value would result in wider harm to the setting
of the Conservation Area that is not outweighed by the public benefits arising
from the scheme. Thereby the proposal is contrary to policies 55, 56, 61 and 71
of the Cambridge Local Plan 2018 and para 131 of the NPPF 2021 which seeks for
existing trees to be retained wherever possible. |
22-03076-FUL Edeva Court PDF 399 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The application was deferred to the next Committee. |
22-02936-FUL 208-208a Cherry Hinton Rd PDF 400 KB Minutes: The application was deferred to the next Committee. |
22-01971-FUL 346 Milton Road PDF 372 KB Minutes: The application was deferred to the next Committee. |