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Home > Council and Democracy > Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ [access the building via Peashill entrance]. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Flaubert. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 21 March 2022 and 26 May 2022 were
approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Public Questions Minutes: Members of the public asked a number of questions, as set out below. 1.
Ahmed Karaahmed raised the following issues: i.
The livery colour of
taxi vehicles licensed by the City Council was changed as requested by the
Council. Drivers licensed by other local authorities were not required to
follow the City Council taxi colour or emission schemes. ii.
Demand for taxis collapsed in
lockdown and operating costs increased. iii.
The Officer’s report recommended
Hackney Carriages be silver coloured and electric or low emission vehicles. iv.
Manufacturers produced few silver
vehicles without tinted windows that met the City Council Hackney Carriage
criteria for suitable vehicles. v.
Requested the vehicle colour scheme
be reviewed as per Newmarket (town) to allow more options. The Environmental Health Manager responded: i.
The issues
above had been brought to committee before. ii.
Council Officers had taken on
board comments about vehicle colour scheme and electric vehicles. Officers had
listened to Taxi Trade recommendations and silver livery with a green strike
was the preferred colour. iii.
The Council could revoke the
licence for non-silver vehicles but had taken the decision not to. If the Taxi
Trade would like non-silver vehicles (within the City Council’s control) barred
then the decision could be reviewed. iv.
The Council allowed taxis to
impose a 40p surcharge as fuel prices had increased. v.
Tinted windows were reviewed on a
case by case basis for electric vehicles. The policy will be reviewed (for
general application) in future. Ahmed Karaahmed asked
for taxi livery to be reviewed but not for licences to be revoked for
non-silver taxis. Vehicles were operating using different colour schemes. Councillor Bennett suggested that respraying cars to change their colour was an
environmental issue. Queried if this could be reviewed? The Environmental Health Manager responded: i.
Silver, black and white were
popular base colours. ii.
People were not expected to
respray vehicles, just purchase a vehicle with a base colour and add a stripe. 2.
Aslam raised the following issues:
If the Committee approve recommendation 2.1 then item 4 (agenda p11 of
the agenda pack) should apply to all hybrid cars (maximum life of 9 years).
Agenda pack P12 item 6 (environmental interventions) should be reviewed
by 2027.
Agenda pack P14 point 3.10 should be reviewed in March 2028.
Supported the use of hybrid vehicles. The Environmental Quality & Growth Manager
said the recommended
age limit would allow people to use conventional hybrid vehicles for their full
working life before replacing them with zero emission vehicles. Afzal Aslam suggested that plug in or self-charging
hybrid vehicles:
Only saved drivers £5000 as the electric motor could only be used in
urban areas whereas the petrol motor had to be used out of town.
Had similar emission levels. The Environmental Quality & Growth Manager said published
emission data did not support Afzal Aslam’s views. 3.
Winek raised the following issues:
The taxi trade was trying to be more environmentally friendly and
efficient for customers.
Customers wanted accessible vehicles eg for wheelchair users.
Asked Licensing Committee members to attend the 10 July Taxi Trade Forum
to listen to issues raised. The Environmental Health Manager said she
would forward the 10 July invitation to Licensing Committee members. The
Committee recognised that the Taxi Trade were an important part of the public
transport system. They operated a 24-hour service unlike trains and buses. 4.
Taylor raised the following issues:
Asked for extension of licensed
vehicle life due to the impact of lockdown.
He had plates but was awaiting delivery of replacement vehicle to use
them on.
Expressed concern about high operating costs for taxi vehicles and
pending recession. The Environmental Health Manager responded: i.
The City Council empathised with taxi
drivers on how they were dealing with a difficult situation and tried to be
flexible. The City Council had introduced measures during covid lockdown to
support the trade eg temporarily suspend a taxi
licence. ii.
The country was transitioning from
‘lockdown’ back to ‘normal’. Some boundaries needed to be set hence the proposal
bringing in the 9 year vehicle working life rule from July 2022. iii.
Officers allowed plates to remain
with the driver (who had a Bill of Sale) whilst they were awaiting a
replacement vehicle as a mitigation measure in difficult times. This prevented
a driver losing plates between not using old vehicle and (possible) delayed
delivery of new vehicle. Steve Taylor reiterated: It was better to
extend the working life of a vehicle than temporarily suspend a taxi licence.
Requested that well maintained vehicles’ working life should be extended to 10
years. The Environmental
Health Manager responded: i.
Would liaise with Environmental
Quality & Growth Manager to check if extending licensed vehicle working
life to 10 years would impact on air quality in the city. ii.
Vehicles were currently reviewed
on a case by case basis as the Council recognised it was difficult to source
replacement parts/vehicles. iii.
Drivers were allowed to keep
plates whilst vehicles were off-road or they would lose the plates. In response to Councillors’ questions Steve Taylor said taxi drivers were unaware of the July date to limit taxi working life to 9 years or the option to review working life on a case by case basis. He suggested more publicity would be welcome. |
Environmental Consideration for Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Environmental Health
Manager. She clarified point 1.10 should read “emissions of less than The purpose of the Officer’s report was to consider the
relaxation of Ultra-Low and Zero Emission vehicles policy within the Hackney
Carriage and Private Hire vehicle fleet. There was a need to reduce polluting emissions to improve
poor air quality in City Locations dominated by emissions from buses, taxis and
service vehicles. This must be achieved whilst maintaining sufficient levels of
access and capacity for travel in the City, for the vehicles using those areas. This could only be achieved by intervening to ensure uptake
of Ultra-low and Zero emission technologies within those vehicle fleets. The UK government had a long term vision for all new cars and
vans to be zero emission by 2040 and for nearly every car and van to be zero
emission by 2050. These recommendations fit with national policy. Financial support for rapid charging infrastructure for taxis
was committed by the City Council at Full Council in February 2016. In October 2016 Members amended the Hackney Carriage and
Private Hire Policy to include a commitment to implement changes to increase
the uptake of Ultra-Low and Zero emission vehicles, such as hybrid and
electric. Due to Brexit, the pandemic and the crisis in Ukraine, the
availability of such vehicles were becoming more difficult to obtain, and there
was also a waiting period of up to a year to purchase these types of vehicles.
So there was a need to build in flexibility into the policy to allow standard
hybrids with emissions of less that 120g/km of CO2. In response to Members’ questions the Environmental Quality & Growth
Manager said the following:
OLEV emissions were circa 120g/km of CO2, whereas ‘standard’ vehicles were
at least 300g/km but could be more.
Standard hybrid vehicles mainly used combustion
engines whereas plug-in hybrids could be driven longer on battery power so had
lower emissions. In response to Members’ questions the Environmental Health Manager said
the following:
Currently, the Hackney
Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy (as agreed at Licensing Committee in
October 2016) sets out: By December 2028, subject to review in 2026, all
Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles to be Ultra-Low or Zero Emission as and when the
market allows. This would be reviewed as officers were aware there was a low
number of accessible vehicles being manufactured.
The Demand Survey showed there was unmet demand for
taxis, not just wheelchair accessible ones. All Hackney Carriages could be
accessible, but the Demand Survey suggested only 50% of taxis needed to be
accessible. The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Air pollution was caused by various sources, not
just taxis.
Queried how to petition Central Government to
pressure manufacturers to produce more low emission accessible vehicles. The Chair undertook to liaise with officers
on options and report back to the Committee. For example contacting Daniel Zeichner MP.
There was no such thing as a standard wheelchair
accessible vehicle. Powered wheelchairs were getting bigger and heavier, but not
all vehicles could take them which impacted on users. Councillor McPherson proposed an amendment to the Officer’s
recommendation that
licenced vehicles that turn 9 years old and are due for a renewal
between July 2022 and 18th July 2023 may have a renewal extension
for 1 year only. This amendment was carried
unanimously. The Committee: Resolved
To approve the inclusion of standard hybrids within
the policy with emissions of less than 120g/km of CO2 with a review of this in
June 2024. (See Appendix 1 of the Officer’s report.)
A new standard hybrid vehicle licence would not be
granted in respect of a vehicle unless it is less than 4 years old. A vehicle
licence for standard hybrid vehicles will not be renewed unless the vehicle is
less than 9 years old. |
Review of Enforcement Management System Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Environmental Health
Manager. The report advised that under the powers conferred to
Cambridge City Council under the Town
Police Clauses Act 1847 and the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
1976, (as amended), Cambridge City Council has responsibility for licensing
Hackney Carriage, Private Hire and Dual License Drivers as well as vehicle
proprietors and Private Hire Operators within the City. The
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing policy was produced in order to
provide the Council, its officers, the trade and the public with appropriate
guidelines that put the Council’s licensing requirements into practice in a
clear and transparent manner. Clarity
was required within the Policy to give more delegated authority to the
Environmental Health Manager on Enforcement Management issues. A
review of the Private Hire Operators Hearing Procedure was also required to ensure
there is appropriate delegation. In response to Members’ questions the Environmental Health Manager said
the following:
Some decisions regarding breaches of the
Enforcement Management System would be determined by the Licensing
Sub-Committee. In certain circumstances where there are breaches of the
Enforcement Management System may be determined by the Environmental Health
Manager. Both situations would use a similar process but a case could be heard
by Environmental Health Manager instead of 3 councillors for a more informal
review. The intention was to be more time/cost effective instead of requiring a
physical meeting with councillors and officers.
Offered to give Councillors details outside of
today’s meeting regarding cases considered by Officers and (separately) by
Councillors so they could comment on whether they thought the balance was
correct. Councillor Scutt proposed an amendment to the
Officer’s recommendation that the Environmental Health Manager should liaise
with Committee Chair about which decisions should be taken by officers or
councillors. A summary should be presented to each meeting of Licensing
Committee of decisions/cases considered, details to be redacted so they were
suitable for a public meeting. This amendment was carried
unanimously. The Committee: Councillor Carling took part in the debate but
left the Committee for another commitment before the vote was taken and did not
return. Resolved (by 8
votes to 0):
the Cambridge City Council’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy
attached as Appendix 1 to the Officer’s report.
the Private Hire Operators Hearing Procedure attached as Appendix 4 to the
Officer’s report.
The Environmental
Health Manager to liaise with Committee Chair: a.
To develop a procedure about which decisions should
be taken by officers or councillors. b.
To review the procedure in 2023. |
Further Public Questions Minutes: The Chair asked if public speakers wished to comment on what they had
heard discussed by Councillors in Committee. 1.
Taylor raised the following issues:
Few manufacturers produced accessible vehicles. It
was more usual to adapt a standard vehicle to make it bespoke then certify it
as a suitable vehicle to ply for trade. This was very expensive.
The trade preferred to use hybrid vehicles instead
of electric ones as they were more practical. Kamil Winek said only Hackney Carriages needed
to be accessible, Private Hire ones did not. Asked for both vehicle types to be
subject to the same criteria. Ahmed Karaahmed said Private Hire vehicles could turn away wheelchair users but Hackney Carriages could not. |