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Home > Council and Democracy > Agenda and minutes
Venue: This is a virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Democratic Services Email: 01223 457013
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors McPherson, Summerbell and Thittala.
Councillor Johnson attended as the Alternate. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 27 January and 28 May 2020 were approved as a correct record. |
Public Questions Minutes: A Director of Cambridge City Taxis Ltd
asked a question as set out below.
if the Mill Road Bridge closure was temporary or permanent.
this was the responsibility of the County Council but expressed concern that
taxis were unable to use the bridge. Councillor Massey responded: i.
The Mill Road Bridge closure
was the responsibility of the County Council. This should be a temporary
measure of eighteen months, and a review was expected after six. ii.
A consultation was in progress, but this was not well publicised. iii.
Councillors Bird and Massey had
concerns about the bridge closure, which they were following up with the County Council. |
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Taxi Vehicle CCTV implementation Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Environmental Health
Manager. The report advised that under the powers conferred to
Cambridge City Council under the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 and the Local
Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, (as amended), Cambridge City
Council has responsibility for licensing Hackney Carriage, Private Hire and
Dual Licence Drivers as well as vehicle proprietors and Private Hire Operators
within the City. The mandatory
installation of CCTV within Hackney Carriage and Private Hire vehicles was agreed by members in October 2017. A Director of Cambridge City Taxis Ltd asked if the installation of CCTV
could be delayed due to COVID-19. Queried if the cost would be subsidised by
the council. The Environmental Health Manager responded: i.
The report recommendation was a
starting point. ii.
If the recommendation was agreed,
taxi drivers would have twelve months to install CCTV to protect themselves and
passengers. iii.
It was a mandatory scheme that had
already been approved by committee. iv.
The cost of CCTV would not be
subsidised but the City Council and South Cambs District Council would seek the
best deal for drivers from CCTV providers. v.
The footage would be
accessed/viewed by the Police and City Council Officers. The Committee received a written representation from the Chairman of Cambridge Hackney Carriage
Association. The representation covered the following issues:
Wished to oppose to the
recommended implementation date of 1st April 2022 to install CCTV systems in
taxis. ii.
We were in unprecedented times and
currently about a third of the fleet are working. Drivers’ takings were about
20% at the moment. To cover their overheads, takings must be near to the 50 -
60% mark. iii.
Many drivers were unlikely to
return to work until there was a vaccine. Which could be sometime 2020 or
later. Furthermore, drivers expected to face economic uncertainty into next
year, possibly longer. Believed the CCTV system could cost drivers around
£700-800. Most of drivers would be unable to cover that cost. Therefore, they
felt it was too soon to implement CCTV as drivers could not afford it. iv.
Drivers wished to suggest April
2024. This would give them plenty of time to save for CCTV systems. The Environmental Health Manager said the
expected cost was circa £300. The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
The installation of CCTV within Hackney Carriage
and Private Hire vehicles was agreed in October 2017.
Many insurance companies required CCTV facilities
showing internal and/or external views.
The City Council and South Cambs District Council
should implement the CCTV scheme at the same time.
Empathised with drivers’ cost concerns. The City
Council would do what it could to support drivers. The Committee: Resolved
(unanimously) to approve the implementation date of 1 April 2022, by which date all
licenced vehicles must have an installed CCTV system, from awarded supplier.
System must comply with Cambridge City Council Technical specification. |
Officer Urgent Decision |
Officer Urgent Decision: Pavement Licences Minutes: The decision was noted. |