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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ [access the building via Peashill entrance]. View directions

Contact: Toni Birkin  Committee Manager

No. Item


Appointment of Sub Committees

To agree the membership of 4 Subcommittees of 3 members each to undertake the business of the Licensing Committee. 

 Sub-Committee A

Rosenstiel, Brierley, Owers


Sub -Committee B


Smith, Gawthorpe, McPherson


Sub-Committee C

Saunders, Pippas, Benstead


Sub-Committee D

Reiner, Hart, Meftah


Resolved to appoint four sub-committees of three city councillors.  Each sub-committee will undertake any business as set out in the Licensing Committee's Terms of Reference other than that which must be undertaken by the Committee itself, as required to, by statute.


Sub-Committee A

Rosenstiel, Brierley, Owers


Sub -Committee B


Smith, Gawthorpe, McPherson


Sub-Committee C

Saunders, Pippas, Benstead


Sub-Committee D

Reiner, Hart, Meftah