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Home > Council and Democracy > Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ [access the building via Peashill entrance]. View directions
Contact: Martin Whelan Committee Manager
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Smith, Councillor McPherson, Councillor Gawthrope and Councillor Hart. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Law Commission Review - Reforming the law of Taxi and Private Hire Services PDF 42 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The committee received a
report from the Licensing Manager, regarding the Law Commission Review –
Reforming the law of Taxi and Private Hire Services. The committee made the following comments on the report i. Clarification was requested on the status of paragraphs
3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9 of the committee report. The Chair explained that due to
the timing of the next meeting it was necessary to confirm the consultation
response outside of the committee. It was explained that due to the nature of
the proposed changes it had been agreed that it was important for the City
Council to submit a response. ii. Following discussion it was agreed to remove the “may”
from the first sentence of paragraph 3.9, to strengthen the recommendation. It
was agreed that it was important for the City Council to release a press
release to alert the local trade to the proposals. iii. An explanation was requested on the nature of the
proposed minimum safety standards. The Licensing Manager explained that at
present the consultation only proposed the principle of a minimum standard and
the actual minimum safety standards would be set by Regulations, which would be
subject to separate consultation. Concern was also expressed whether the
proposed standards would be adequate. iv. Members questioned the motivation behind the Law
Commission proposals, and whether they were truly a fresh approach or merely
change for the sake of change. Whilst it was acknowledged that the proposed
changes had the potential to create new or additional complexity, it was also
agreed that the current system was also overly complex and hopelessly out of date. v. Clarification was requested on the reference to proposed
changes to the rules related to leisure use of vehicles. The Chair explained
that the proposal was to allow vehicles to be “off duty”. Resolved (Unanimously) to i. Endorse paragraphs 3.6 to 3.9 of the committee report,
subject to the removal of the word “may” from the first paragraph. Ii. Agree to provide any further comments to the Licensing
Team by 10th August 2012, to allow them to be incorporated into the
final version. iii. Authorise the Chair and Vice-Chair to agree the final
version of the response to be submitted before the close of the
consultation. |
Review of the Street Trading Policy PDF 82 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The committee received a
report from the Head of Tourism and City Centre Management regarding the review
of the Street Trading Policy. The committee made the following comments on the report i. The appropriateness of section 4 of the proposed was
questioned, and it was suggested that the content should be incorporated into
the current section 5. A request was made for the section regarding the
delegations to the Director of Environment to be simplified. ii. The following comments were made on the drafting of the
document - Sections 5.2.81 and 5.2.82 do not relate to equal
opportunities, and it was suggested a heading was missing. - In section 7, the reference to appendix 4 should be
replaced with a reference to appendix 3 - In section 5.4.6, the reference to section 2 should be
section 3. iii. It was agreed that the Market Trader Federation (Street
Traders Branch) should be added to the list of formal consultees in section
2.1. iv. Clarification was requested on whether the previous
proposal to have a health check had been dropped. The Head of Tourism and City
Centre Management confirmed that the street trading review incorporated the
principle of the health check approach used by other authorities. v. The Head of Tourism and City Centre Management was asked
regarding the rationale behind the proposal for formal reviews every
three-years, instead of five years suggested by the Market Traders Federation.
The committee were advised that either suggestion was equally valid, and would
be explored through the consultation process. The committee noted the existing
process involved a formal review each year. vi. The possibility of exploring alternative decision making
mechanisms in the event of a contested, new or vacant pitch such as an officer
recommendation was suggested. vii. It was suggested whether the policy should consider the
issue of perceived monopolies; particularly those were multiple members of the
same family held licences under the umbrella of the same company. The comment
was noted. viii. Concern was expressed about whether the time period
between the Licensing Committee in October and the proposed deadline for
applications. The Head of Tourism and City Centre Management noted the concern,
however it was explained that if necessary the deadline could be extended but
at this stage this was not expected to be required. The Chair invited the committee to consider any streets,
which should be, explored as potential new consent or prohibited streets. The
Legal Advisor explained the process for designating a new street. The following
streets were suggest as potential new consent streets, -
Christ’s Lane -
Sussex Street -
Pikes Walk -
Milton Walk It was also agreed that the status of pathways on Parkers
Piece should be explored. Resolved (Unanimously) to Authorise the Head of Tourism and City Centre Management to consult on the draft Street Trading Policy subject to the changes raised in the meeting, and to bring a report back to Licensing Committee on 8th October, which will summarise the feedback on the consultation and outline any proposed changes to the policy as a result of the consultation. |