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Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2 - Guildhall
Contact: Toni Birkin Committee Manager
No. | Item | |||||||||
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Reiner. Councillor Brierley was present as the alternate. |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked
to declare at this stage any interests that they may have in an item shown on
this agenda. If any member of the Committee is unsure whether or not they
should declare an interest on a particular matter, they should seek advice from
the Head of Legal Services before the meeting. Minutes:
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15th January 2013 and 22nd January 2013 as correct records. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the 15th January 2013 were approved and signed as a correct record. The minutes of the meeting of the 22nd January 2013 were approved and signed as a correct record subject to the following corrections: Minute number 13/15/ENV: Scrutiny considerations paragraph five, last sentence, ‘However, it was the only deal on offer’ was deleted. A minor typing error was also corrected. |
Public Questions Please see information at the end of the agenda Minutes: Martin Lucas-Smith of Cambridge Cycle Campaign addressed the committee regarding Cycle Parking. Full details are noted at item 13/25/ENV. |
Change to Agenda Order Under paragraph 4.2.1 of the Council Procedure Rules, the Chair used his discretion to alter the order of the agenda items. However, for ease of the reader, these minutes will follow the order of the agenda. |
Environmental and Waste Services Portfolio Plan 2013/14 PDF 73 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Matter
for Decision: This report covered the draft Environmental & Waste Services Portfolio Plan 2013-14, which sets out the strategic objectives for the portfolio for the year ahead, describes the context in which the portfolio was being delivered and detailed the activities required to deliver the outcomes and the vision. Performance measures and risks were also shown for each strategic objective. Decision of Executive Councillor for
Environmental and Waste Service The Executive Councillor resolved to: i. Approve the draft Environmental & Waste Services Portfolio Plan 2013-14. Reason for the Decision: As set out in the Officer’s report. Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: Not applicable. Scrutiny Considerations: The Committee received a report from the Executive Councillor for Environmental and Waste Services regarding the Portfolio Plan for 2013-14. In response to questions from members of the committee, the Executive
Councillor confirmed the following points:
i. The location of
additional bins had not yet been decided.
ii. The initial phase
of bin replacement has concentrate on the city centre.
iii. Suggestions
locations for additional bins would be welcomed. Area Committees could consider
iv. It was
acknowledged that bagged dog waste could be placed in any bin. However, dog
waste bins were used to highlight the need to clean up after dogs.
v. The Lion Yard
Toilet Working Group would be meeting shortly and it was expected that the
project would be delivered on time.
vi. Consultants had
assessed the toilet provision across the City and rated them in terms of their
condition and the potential for alternative community toilet provision in their
vii. Payments to other
providers, such as shops and restaurants, for the public use of facilities had
been ruled out.
viii. CBid involvement was
being investigated. The Committee resolved by 4 votes to 0 to endorse the
recommendations. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted) Not applicable.
BUSINESSES REGULATION PLAN 2013-2014 PDF 82 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Matter
for Decision: The Food Standards Agency (FSA) requires each
food enforcement authority to produce an annual work plan outlining the food
enforcement programme that will be followed to ensure
food businesses are compliant. The Businesses Regulation Plan 2013-14
incorporated the advice and guidance given to Local Authorities by FSA and the
Health & Safety Executive (HSE). Decision of Executive Councillor
for Environmental and Waste Services The Executive
Councillor resolved to:
i. Approve
the attached Businesses Regulation Plan 2013-14 Reason for the Decision: As set out in the Officer’s report. Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: Not applicable. Scrutiny Considerations: The Committee received a report from the Team Leader
(Commercial), regarding the Businesses Regulation Plan 2013-14. Concerns were expressed that new approach might result in a slippage of
the current high standards. It was suggested that limited inspection programmes
would encourage complacency and cost cutting. The Head of Refuse and Environment explained that the strategic
direction had changed as part of a national approach with partnership working
with businesses seen as the way forward. The culture change was backed up statutory
enforcement provision when needed. Councillor Herbert suggested that a stronger message needed to be sent
to government to express members concerns about this approach. Reduced
inspections in the current economic climate would lead businesses to cut cost
and incidents would follow. The loss of the input from Health and Safety
Executive was retrograde step. Regulation was needed to ensure standards did
not drop. The Committee resolved by 4 votes to 0 to endorse the
recommendations. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted) Not applicable. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Matter
for Decision: As part of a programme of ‘life care
planning’ for the car park assets, the Council’s Parking Service was carrying out
essential repairs and maintenance to its five multi-storey car parks. It was
proposed to obtain topographical
surveys for the Grafton East, Queen Anne Terrace and Grand Arcade multi-storey
car parks that would need to be specified by a specialist consultant. Topographical surveys were designed to provide information and
measurements to assist specialist investigation into car park structures. The
survey information would help preparatory work to
address the feasibility, planning and design issues within the car parks. Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning
and Climate Change The Executive Councillor resolved: i. To delegate authority to the Director of Environment and, in consultation with the Director of Resources and the Head of Legal to procure and award a contract to implement topographical surveys for the Grafton East, Queen Anne Terrace and Grand Arcade multi-storey car parks within the city at a cost of approximately £30,000. Reason for the Decision: As set out in the Officer’s report. Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: Not applicable. Scrutiny Considerations: N/A – Not requested
for pre-scrutiny. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted) Not applicable. |
Planning and Climate Change Portfolio Plan 2013/14 PDF 73 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Matter
for Decision: The report covered the draft Planning and Climate Change Portfolio Plan 2013-14, which sets out the strategic objectives for the portfolio for the year ahead, describes the context in which the portfolio was being delivered and detailed the activities required to deliver the outcomes and the vision. Performance measures and risks are also shown for each strategic objective. Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning
and Climate Change The Executive Councillor resolved to: i. Approve the draft Planning and Climate Change Portfolio Plan 2013-14. Reason for the Decision: As set out in the Officer’s report. Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: Not applicable. Scrutiny Considerations: The Committee received a report from the Executive
Councillor for Planning and Climate Change regarding Portfolio Plan for
2013-14. Concerns were expressed about inherent
tensions between the aspirations to preserve the character of the city and the
quality of the designs being agreed by the planning system. The Executive
Councillor disputed this and asked for details on specific schemes where there
were concerns. It was agreed that this would be discussed outside this meeting.
The Director of Environment stated that officers were committed to getting the
best possible outcomes for the city within the realities and constraints of the
planning process. In response to questions from the committee
members the following points were confirmed:
district heating scheme project was making good progress and a Memorandum of
Understanding was due to be agreed with Cambridge University in the near
No progress had yet been achieved towards a
Co-operative Energy Scheme.
Officers were not present to explain why
there was no set target for CO2 reduction and an answer would be circulated to
members shortly.
Work was on-going with the County Council to
mitigate the impact of additional buses required for the fringe developments.
The County Council’s transport strategy would pick this issue up and the City Council
would have an input into any decisions.
It was conceded that the carbon management
programme was based on questionable baseline data. The Committee resolved by 4 votes to 0 to endorse the
recommendations. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted) Not applicable. |
Cambridge City Centre Cycle Parking Project PDF 63 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Public
Speaker Martin Lucas-Smith of Cambridge Cycle Campaign Martin Lucas-Smith addressed the committee and made the following points:
The Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change thanked Mr Lucas-Smith for his suggestions. Conversion of car parking spaces was under consideration. However, this would result in a loss of income to the County Council. Detailed discussions on proposed location were for a later date. Cambridge Cycle Campaign would be invited to nominate a representative to the project board. Matter
for Decision: This report seeks to agree the project proposal, programme and scope for
the Cambridge City Centre Cycle Parking Project. It further seeks approval to commence consultation on the on-street cycle parking proposals included within a Preliminary Design Report. Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning
and Climate Change: The Executive Councillor
To approve initiation of
the project, the scope and the programme in accordance with the project documentation
referenced in this report, with implementation subject to further scrutiny
through approval of project appraisals. Specific approval is sought for the
project, which includes the following: • Project Proposal Report (Appendix A) of the Officer’s report. • Project Programme (Appendix B) of the Officer’s report. ii. To approve commencement of the design and consultation of the on-street parking proposals detailed in the Preliminary Design Report (Appendix C) of the Officer’s report. Reason for the Decision: As set out in the Officer’s report. Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: Not applicable. Scrutiny Considerations: The Committee received a report from the Project Delivery
and Environment Manager regarding the Cambridge City Centre Cycle Parking
Project. The committee made the following comments in
response to the report.
It was acknowledged that there was
insufficient funding for a third underground cycle park.
The visual impact of high-density cycle
parking in the historic core would need careful consideration.
It was suggested that the Colleges could be
asked if they have land capacity for cycle parking areas.
The Equality Impact Assessment should be
amended to reflect the positive aspects of encouraging people cycle. It should
also highlight navigational aspect of cycle ranks so that they do not create
obstacles for other pavement users.
It was agreed that the East Road area to be
added as an area in need of more cycle parking. The Committee resolved unanimously to endorse the
recommendations. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted) Not applicable. |
Pro-active Conservation Work Programme 2013-14 PDF 91 KB Minutes: Matter
for Decision: The report reviewed the work that had been completed in 2012-13 as part of the current pro-active conservation work programme. The purpose of the report was to update members on the work that had been completed, what was outstanding, and what was proposed for 2013-14. The report also noted the spend to date on the programme. Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning
and Climate Change The Executive Councillor resolved to: i. Note Appendix 1 of the Officer’s report which comprised an update of the programme of pro-active conservation work undertaken in 2012-13 and work still to be completed in 2013-14. ii. Approve the budget carry over from 2012-13 to support the remainder of the programme. Reason for the Decision: As set out in the Officer’s report. Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: Not applicable. Scrutiny Considerations: The committee received a report from the Urban Design and
Conservation Manager regarding the Pro-active Conservation Work Programme
2013-14. Members welcomed the appointment of a dedicated Conservation Officer
and supported the programme. The committee resolved unanimously to endorse the
recommendations. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted) Not applicable. |
Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule PDF 99 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Matter
for Decision: The purpose of the report was to update members on the
work that was being undertaken to prepare a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
for Cambridge and seek approval that a Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule is published
for public consultation in March. Decision of Executive Councillor
for Planning and Climate Change The Executive Councillor resolved to:
i. Endorse the Cambridge CIL Viability Assessment
(Appendix 2 of the Officer’s report) as background evidence to support the
proposed Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule; and,
ii. Approve the publication of the Cambridge Preliminary
Draft Charging Schedule (attached as Appendix 1 of the Officer’s report) for a
six-week consultation period between 18 March 2013 and 29 April 2013. Reason for the Decision: As set out in the Officer’s report. Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: Not applicable. Scrutiny Considerations: The committee received a report and an associated
presentation from the Senior Planning Policy Officer regarding the Draft
Charging Schedule for the Community Infrastructure Levy. Councillor Herbert
stated that his group would respond formally to the consultation. The Chair introduced consultants, Richard Dixon and Rob
Searle of Dixon-Searle LLP who were present to answer questions regarding the
presentation and the report. In response to questions from the committee the following
points were clarified.
i. Variable
charging rates for large or small retail units and across different wards
within the City would add to a degree of complication to the process and would
raise the admin costs.
ii. Keeping
the process simple, and directing the CIL charges to the most relevant
development types, was suggested as the best course of action for the initial
period to avoid unintended consequences.
iii. Setting
residential rates at too high a level could have an impact on viability of
development and so the proposed rates were pitched at the mid-range.
iv. There
would need to be a robust evidence base to support any move to variable
business CIL rates.
v. In
response to questions, the consultants offered to provide information from
authorities that had already introduced CIL for comparison purposes.
vi. Concerns
were raised that some developments had a greater impact on the local community
than others. The consultants confirmed that S106 agreements could still be used
on a site-specific basis in mitigation.
vii. The
impact of an inflexible, flat rate on the delivery of affordable housing was
questioned. The consultants stated that providing affordable housing had a
greater impact on scheme viability than CIL. The level of affordable housing
required would need to be set to reflect this.
viii. The
charitable status, and associated mandatory exemption, of Universities from CIL
was raised as a concern which could result in an imbalance in the provision of
student accommodation.
ix. It
was confirmed that there would be a transition period from S106 to CIL and
modelling work was on-going to establish the impact on receipts received.
x. The
governance of CIL funds was discussed, and the governance arrangements used by
Huntingdonshire District Council were held up as an example. The Head of
Planning pointed out that governance was an area on which work was underway.
This would be the subject of a report to members at a later date.
xi. The
zero rate applied to hotels was justified as many hotel sites were currently
developed on marginal viability.
xii. Fringe
sites and cross boundary developments would need to be kept under consideration
in relation to the emerging Local Plan growth requirements. The Committee resolved by 4 votes to 0 to endorse the recommendations. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted) Not applicable. |
Investigation in to Building an Underground Car Park at Park Street PDF 186 KB Minutes: Matter
for Decision: The Council is
currently considering options for the future of Park Street multi-storey car
park. One of the recommendations that follows from the committee report in June
2012 is to conduct investigations into the feasibility of constructing an
underground car park on the current site. Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning
and Climate Change The Executive
Councillor resolved to: Financial recommendations –·
Approve the
commencement of this scheme, which is not included in the Council’s Capital
& Revenue Project Plan ·
The total cost
of the project is £60,000 funded from Car Parks Structural and Equipment
R&R budgets ·
There are no
ongoing revenue implications arising from the project. Procurement recommendations: ·
Approve the
carrying out and completion of the procurement of investigations into the
feasibility of constructing an underground car park on the Park Street site. ·
Subject to: -
The permission
of the Director of Resources being sought prior to proceeding if the quotation
or tender sum exceeds the estimated contract. -
The permission
from the Executive Councillor being sought before proceeding if the value
exceeds the estimated contract by more than 15%. Reason for the Decision: As set out in the Officer’s report. Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: Not applicable. Scrutiny Considerations: The Committee received a report from the Head of Specialist
Services regarding underground investigations at Park Street Multi-story Car
Park. The Committee resolved unanimously to endorse the
recommendations. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations
granted) Not applicable. |
Programme of Holding Repairs to Park Street Multi-storey Car Park PDF 182 KB Minutes: Matter
for Decision: The Council was considering options for the
future of Park Street multi-storey car park, which was now 50 years old. To
ensure its safe operation, provide a safe environment to the public and
officers of the Council, and protect future income streams until redevelopment
is implemented in 2015/16, essential structural and safety repairs would be
required over the next three years. A programme of works of £100,000 in
2013/14, £50,000 in 2014/15 and £50,000 in 2015/16 had been drawn up, and a
specialist contractor was required to complete and manage the required works.
Specialist help was required to specify and evaluate the procurement. It was
anticipated that the essential works would be the minimum requirements in year
1 to ensure continued operations and ongoing holding repairs and evaluations
will be necessary in years 2 and 3. Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning
and Climate Change The Executive
Councillor resolved to: Financial
recommendations –
Approve the
commencement of this scheme, which is already included in the Council’s Capital
& Revenue Project Plan (C3091). ·
The total cost
of the project is estimated to be £200,000 over three years, funded from
Structural and Equipment R&R funds. ·
There are no
ongoing revenue implications arising from the project. Procurement recommendations: ·
Approve the
carrying out and completion of the procurement of essential structural repairs
to the car park structure, repairs to the car parks impact barriers, drainage
repairs and including associated specialist technical and project management
support to specify and supervise the repair works over the next three years to
the value of £200,000. ·
Subject to: -
The permission
of the Director of Resources being sought prior to proceeding if the quotation
or tender sum exceeds the estimated contract. -
The permission
from the Executive Councillor being sought before proceeding if the value
exceeds the estimated contract by more than 15%. Reason for the Decision: As set out in the Officer’s report. Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: Not applicable. Scrutiny Considerations: The Committee received a report from the Head of Specialist
Services regarding holding repairs to Park Street Multi-storey Car Park. Concerns were raised that this was abortive
expenditure. The Director of Environment confirmed that while expenditure would
be kept to a minimum, in the interests of public safety it had to be
undertaken. Materials would be reused where possible. The Committee resolved by 3 votes to 0 to endorse the
recommendations. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted) Not applicable. |