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Home > Council and Democracy > Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ. View directions
Contact: Toni Birkin Committee Manager
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Kightley, Councillor
Moghadas and Councillor Birtles. Councillors Pippas and Todd-Jones attended as alternates. |
Declarations of Interest
Minutes: Councillor Brown declared a personal interest in item 21 as
a member of Link and Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Mental Health Trust. Councillor Pitt declared a personal interest in item 20 as a
former trustee of Arbury Community Centre. Councillor Todd-Jones declared a personal interest in item
20 as a trustee of Arbury Community Centre. Councillor Blackhurst declared a personal interest in items
18 and 20 as a trustee of Trumpington Residents association. Councillor Brown declared a personal interest in item 15 as
a director of Ravensworth Residents Association. |
To approve the minutes of the meeting on 15th March 2012 and the Special meeting of the 24th May 2012 (enclosed separately). Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true
and accurate record. |
Public Questions Minutes: Mrs Clare Blair asked two public questions. i. With the
reference to item 23 (Record of Urgent Decision – Community Development
Grants), it was explained that St Andrew Hall had subsequently declined the
opportunity to host a Citizens Advice Bureau kiosk, due to the potential cost
liabilities after year 1. An apology was sought from the Executive Councillor
due to the lack of detailed consultation with St Andrews Hall, prior to the
decision being reported. In response the Executive Councillor for Community
Development and Health agreed to investigate, and acknowledged that if an
apology was appropriate it would be made, but it was also highlighted that
kiosks did already successfully operate in a number of non-council buildings
such as Arbury Community Centre. ii. With
reference to the Arts, Sport and Public Places out turn, clarification was
requested on the reasons for the lack of progress on the development of
facilities at Pyes Pitch. In response the Executive Councillor for Arts, Sport and
Public Places explained that it was a complex issue, and that whilst the scheme
had been approved, no specific S106 funding sources had been identified at that
stage. The Executive Councillor explained that new arrangements would greatly
enhance transparency, and that schemes were now only approved and added to the
capital plan where specific S106 funding sources had been identified. The
Executive Councillor also confirmed that officers were continuing to try and
identify appropriate S106 funding sources. |
Housing Advice Service - office refurbishment PDF 175 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider the Housing Advice Service –
office refurbishment project. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Housing: The Executive
Councillor resolved to: Financial
i. Approve the
commencement of this scheme, which is already included in he Council’s Capital
& Revenue Project Plan (SC528). ii. Note that the
total cost of the project is up to £26,500, funded from the general fund
(£10,000 of this has already been approved at Community Services Scrutiny
Committee in January 2012). The balance of £16,500 would be funded by a
combination of £1,500 from the section’s repairs and renewals fund to cover
decoration costs and £15,000 from reserves. iii. Note that there
are no ongoing revenue implications arising from the project. Procurement
iv. Approve the
carrying out and completion of the procurement of works to refurbish and
reconfigure office space on the ground floor at Hobson House to a value of up
to £26,500 including architects’ fees Subject to: - The permission of
the Director of Resources being sought prior to proceeding if the quotation or
tender sum exceeds the estimated contract. - The permission
from the Executive Councillor being sought before proceeding if the value
exceeds the estimated contract by more than 15%. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: Not applicable. The Executive
Councillor for Housing approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider the 2011/12 Revenue and Capital Outturn, Carry Forwards and
Significant Variances for the Housing Portfolio. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Housing: The Executive
Councillor resolved to: a) To agree carry
forward requests, totalling £128,260 as detailed in Appendix C of the committee
report, are to be recommended to Council for approval. b) To seek approval
from Council to rephase capital expenditure of £1,074,000 from 2011/12 into
2012/13, in respect of the balance of investment required to create the
Assessment Centre on East Road, as detailed in Appendices D and E of the
committee report. c) To seek approval
from Council to carry forward net capital resources to fund rephased capital
spending of £5,372,000 between 2011/12 and 2012/13, in relation to investment
in the Housing Revenue Account, as part of the Housing Capital Investment Plan,
as detailed in Appendices D and E and the associated notes to the committe
report, with the resulting need to increase the use of revenue funding of
capital expenditure by £1,149,000 in 2012/13. d) To seek approval
from Council to rephase the use of £68,000 of developer contributions for
affordable housing, from 2011/12 to 2012/13, to assist in funding the
re-development of the Seymour Court / Street site to deliver 20 units of
affordable housing. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report. Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee received a report from the Principal
Accountant (Services) regarding the year-end out-turn for the Housing
portfolio. The committee made the following comments on the report i. A number of questions were asked about
the practice of using temporary accommodation in Peterborough, and concerns
were raised about the impact that this on individuals in terms of employment,
education and economic well-being. Officers advised that homelessness
prevention activities had been increased to reduce the number of people
requiring emergency accommodation. It was noted that whilst rough sleeping had
increased, there was no major increase in statutory homeless cases. The
committee was also advised that the supply of available housing within the
system had slowed, which had resulted in a reduction in the number of available
emergency places. ii. With
regards to the use of emergency accommodation in Peterborough, an explanation
was requested on what specific actions were planned to reduce and remove the
need to use this type of accommodation.
Officers and the Executive Councillor outlined the steps undertaken to
date -
A new leasing arrangement has been introduced, but the
effectiveness of this has been limited by the effects of the broad market
rental area. -
Bed and breakfast providers in the city have been approached
to see whether they would be willing to be added to the providers list. It was
noted that to date no provider had been willing to enter into an agreement. -
Additional supply would be provided on the Mayor Growth
sites and other developments in the city. iii. The appropriateness of certain types of
emergency accommodation used in the city, as such 222 Victoria Road was
questioned. The comment was noted. Mrs Best also requested information
regarding the cost of transferring people to Peterborough. The Housing Options
and Homelessness Manager agreed to provide information outside of the meeting.
The committee were re-assured that every effort was made to move people back to
Cambridge as soon as practical. iv. Clarification
was requested on why the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) budget was unspent in
light of the difficulties in providing emergency accommodation in the city. The
Head of Refuse and Environment explained that CPO was only used as a last resort,
and that other approaches and interventions were used first. v. With regards to the capital expenditures
and the reported carried forwards, it was questioned other opportunities to
utilise those resources in the short terms had been lost. vi. With reference
to the homelessness grant, it was suggested that the reporting gave the
impression that the programme was delayed or not performing as planned, where
as actually it was a multi year allocation. The Executive Councillor agreed to
raise the issue of reporting grants outside of the meeting, to see whether
there was a more appropriate corporate approach to give a clearer indication of
the actual position. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 4 votes
to 0. The Executive
Councillor for Housing approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider the tenancy strategy. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Housing: The Executive
Councillor resolved to: i.
Approve the Tenancy Strategy for Cambridge subject to the revision of the
wording to paragraph 5 of the strategy (changes underlined. 'The Council
itself, through its own new-build programme, has demonstrated to the Homes and
Communities Agency that 80% of market rents in the City would be unaffordable
to most people on the Housing Register, and that rent levels should be around
65% of market rents and close to Local Housing Allowance rates. The
Council would like to see other Registered Providers negotiating towards a
similar position - to ensure some parity of Affordable Rent levels across the
City, and to ensure that rents remain as affordable as possible.' Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee
received a report from the Head of Strategic Housing regarding the Tenancy
strategy. The committee made
the following comments on the report i. Significant concerns were raised about
any interference with the principle of secure tenancy, and the implications for
communities if short terms tenancies were introduced. ii. The importance of ensuring that rents
were affordable was agreed. Concern was expressed that the document appeared to
only state that 65% target rents was an aspiration on new build programmes, and
not the entire sector. The Executive Councillor re-assured the committee that
the section was a guide. iii. The affordability of rents over 65% was
strongly questioned. The Executive Councillor acknowledged the concerns raised
about the affordability of rents over 65%, but suggested that it would be
possibly more appropriate to set the target as a fixed percentage below local
housing allowance. iv. Clarification was requested on the
reference to the assumption with regards to secure tenancies on page 60 and 61
of the committee report. The Executive Councillor acknowledged the concern, and
explained that policy applied to all providers in the city but that it remained
the preference of the city council that other providers provided secure
tenancies. v. In response to a question, the Housing
Strategy Manager explained that was a requirement of the Localism Act for the
city council to introduce a tenancy strategy. Following
discussion regarding the appropriateness of the wording with regards to the
target rent for the present stock, it was agreed to delegate agreement on the
wording to Chair, Spokes and Executive Councillor. The revised wording for
paragraph 5 is listed in the decision text. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 4 votes
to 0. The Executive
Councillor for Housing approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Housing Strategy 2012-2015 PDF 54 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider the Housing Strategy 2012-2015. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Housing: The Executive Councillor
resolved to: Approve the
Council’s Housing Strategy for 2012-15. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee
received a report from the Housing Strategy Manager regarding the Housing
Strategy. The committee made
the following comments on the report i. Concerns were expressed about the
potential for further marginalisation of social housing. ii. The Housing Strategy Manager was asked
for clarification on the consultation arrangements, and whether the response
rate was normal. The committee were advised that the consultation had been
focussed on key stakeholders, and had been delivered within existing resources. iii. Clarification
was requested on whether the strategy sought to emphasise environmental issues
on developments. The Head of Strategic Housing outlined the range of
expectations, with regards to new developments. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 4 votes
to 0. The Executive
Councillor for Housing approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Minutes: The
committee resolved to exclude the press and public during this item as the
report contained an exempt appendix, by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of
Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local
Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006. Matter for Decision: To consider a project appraisal for the transformation of Cambridge Access Surgery into a holistic
one-stop shop for homeless people Decision of
Executive Councillor for Housing: The Executive
Councillor resolved to: Financial
i. Approve the
commencement of the updated scheme (SC529). (Note: Funding was included in the
Council’s Capital & Revenue Project Plan in February 2012 and made
incorrect reference to a grant, whereas the intention is to directly fund the
refurbishment of a Council asset.) ii. Delegate authority
to the Director of Customer and Community Services to commence the project at
the point at which a new qualified provider is in place and the lease on the
building is completed with that provider. iii. Note the total
cost of the project will be no more than £100,000, funded from the repairs and
renewals fund for 125 Newmarket Road. iii. Note that
there are no ongoing revenue implications arising from the project for the
Council. The lessee, in accordance with previous lease arrangements, will meet
any ongoing maintenance costs. Procurement
iv. Approve the
carrying out and completion of the procurement of renovations to the Council’s
asset at 125 Newmarket Road, (known as Cambridge Access Surgery) at a cost not
exceeding £100.000. Works to be carried out within budget after consultation
with internal architects. Subject to: - The permission of
the Director of Resources being sought prior to proceeding if the quotation or
tender sum exceeds the estimated contract. - The permission
from the Executive Councillor being sought before proceeding if the value
exceeds the estimated contract by more than 15%. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 7 votes
to 0. The Executive
Councillor for Housing approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Affordable Housing Programme PDF 55 KB As this report contains a confidential appendix it may be
necessary, by virtue of paragraphb3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local
Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information)
(Variation) Order 2006, to exclude the press and public during this item.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The committee resolved to exclude the press and public
during this item as the report contained an exempt appendix, by virtue of
paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as
amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006. Matter for Decision: To consider the Affordable Housing
Programme. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Housing: The Executive
Councillor resolved to: i. Approve
revisions to the 3 Year Rolling Programme 2012.13 to 2014.15 in the context of
the wider Affordable Housing Programme Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee received a report from the
Head of Strategic Housing. The committee made the following comments
on the report i. Caution
was expressed about the practice of re-developing garages in favour of housing,
particularly in area of pre-existing limited parking. It was explained that
with the increased popularity of smaller city style cars, the assumption that
modern cars were too large should be challenged. The Head of Strategic Housing
noted the concerns, however explained that in certain circumstance access or
other constraints would preclude development including future use as garages. ii. Concern
was expressed about the process, particularly the lack of pre-existing
consultation with Ward Councillors or communities. The Head of Strategic
Housing explained the rationale behind the process, and the mechanism for
informing affected tenants. iii. Clarification
was requested on the consultation in relation to Colville Road, Auger Road and
641-643 Newmarket Road. The committee were assured that the first two groups
would be consulted, but that it had been discovered that the latter was a
commercial premises not in the ownership of the city council, therefore would
be removed from the list. iv. Concern
was expressed about the length of time between initial notification of a
proposal and further developments in specific examples, and the effect of the
consequential uncertainty for existing residents. The Executive Councillor
explained the mechanisms in place to support residents through this potentially
uncertain time. v. It
was noted that planned maintenance work had only just been completed at Anstey
Way, and it was questioned whether the proposed scheme was likely to be viable.
The Head of Strategic Housing explained that the report was requesting
permission to investigate the viability of redeveloping the site identified in
Anstey Way and that the condition of any existing properties wouold be taken
into account. vi. In
response to further concerns about the process, it was agreed share an example
letter sent to resident with members of the committee. The Director of Customer
and Community Services provided an overview and reminder of how and why the
established process had been introduced The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 4 votes
to 0. The Executive
Councillor for Housing approved the recommendations. Conflicts of
interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Council New Build Programme - Scheme Approvals PDF 51 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider the Council new build programme
– scheme approvals. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Housing: The Executive
Councillor resolved to: i. Note the
indicative mix, design and layout of the schemes and that they are subject to
planning approval. ii. Approve the
scheme capital budget highlighted in the report to cover the Construction Cost
of the scheme; Home Loss Payments to tenants and leaseholders and professional
quantity surveyor fees. iii. Approve that
delegated authority be given to the Director of Customer and Community Services
following consultation with the Director of Resources and the Head of Legal
Services to seal a Development Agreement with our preferred
house-builder/developer partner. For the following
schemes a. 40 to 64
Colville Road and 1 to 9 Augers Road b. 98-144 Campkin
Road c. Revised Latimer
Close scheme Reason for the Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee received a report from the
Head of Strategic Housing. The committee made the following comments
on the report i. With respect to the Campkin Road scheme, it was questioned
whether the numbers of units were being reduced. The Head of Strategic Housing
explained whilst the number of bedrooms were being reduced, the number of bed
spaces was being increased. ii. The Head of Strategic Housing was asked whether through
re-developments fixtures and fittings were re-used, particularly where decent
homes work had been completed recently. The committee were advised that it was
rarely possible to re-use fixtures and fittings. iii. Officers were encouraged to engage in planning
pre-application discussions, to ensure that schemes were of the highest quality
possible. The Head of Strategic Housing confirmed that pre-applications
discussions would be conducted at the appropriate stage. iv. Clarification
was requested on the status of previous proposals regarding the Royal British
Legion site on Colville Road. The committee were advised that there was no
specific proposal at this stage, and discussions were on going. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 4 votes
to 0. The Executive
Councillor for Housing approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Cambridge City Council Affordable Housing at Clay Farm PDF 56 KB Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider the Cambridge City Council Affordable Housing at Clay Farm. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Housing: The Executive
Councillor resolved to: i. Approve, in
principle, for the Council to own and manage up to 104 Affordable Housing
dwellings at Clay Farm. ii. Delegate
authority to the Director of Customer and Community Services, in liaison with
the Director of Resources and in consultation with the Executive Councillor for
Housing and relevant Spokesperson, to approve an Affordable Housing scheme that
meets the Council’s required housing standards and is financially viable. iii. Delegate
authority to the Director of Customer and Community Services, in consultation
with the Executive Councillor for Housing and relevant Spokesperson, to execute
the necessary legal documentation in respect of the Affordable Housing with the
preferred partner, selected from the proper procurement process. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee received a report from the
Head of Strategic Housing regarding the development of affordable housing at
Clay Farm. The committee made the following comments
on the report i. Officers
provided clarification on the implications of providing the site as 100% social
housing. ii. It was noted that even with rents set at
65 % of market rent, they would be still high compared with other areas of the
city. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 4 votes
to 0. The Executive
Councillor for Housing approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Replacement of the Corn Exchange passenger lift PDF 148 KB Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider the project appraisal for the
replacement of the Corn Exchange Passenger Lift. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Arts, Sport and Public Places: The Executive
Councillor resolved to: Financial
i. Recommend this
scheme (which is not included in the Council’s Capital & Revenue Project
Plan) for approval by Council, subject to resources being available to fund the
capital and revenue costs. ii. Note that total
cost of the project is £14,500, funded from repair and renewal budgets. iii. Note that
there are no ongoing revenue implications arising from the project. Procurement
iv. Approve the
carrying out and completion of the procurement of a replacement passenger lift
for the Corn Exchange. The cost is expected to be £14.500.Subject to the
permission from the Executive Councillor being sought before proceeding if the
value exceeds the estimated contract by more than 15%. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: Not applicable. The Executive
Councillor for Arts, Sport and Public Places approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Grant to Kettle's Yard Education Wing Project PDF 51 KB Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider a grant to Kettle’s Yard
Education Wing Project. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Arts, Sport and Public Places: The Executive
Councillor resolved to: i. Authorise the Head of Arts & Recreation to contract
with Kettle’s Yard through a grant agreement to offer the award of £40,000 in
Autumn 2012. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: Not applicable. The Executive
Councillor for Arts, Sport and Public Places approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider the 2011/12 Revenue and Capital Outturn, Carry Forwards and
Significant Variances for the Arts, Sport and Public Places Portfolio. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Arts, Sport and Public Places Portfolio: The Executive
Councillor resolved to: i. Agree carry
forward requests, totalling £34,170 as detailed in Appendix C of the committee
report, are to be recommended to Council for approval. ii. Seek approval
from Council to carry forward capital resources to fund re-phased net capital
spending of £789,000 from 2011/12 into 2012/13 and of £81,000 from 2012/13 into
2011/12 as detailed in Appendix D of the committee report. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee received a report from the
Principal Accountant (Services) regarding the year end out-turn for the Arts,
Sport and Public Places portfolio. The committee made the following comments
on the report i. In
response to a number of questions, the Executive Councillor for Arts, Sport and
Public Places confirmed that existing S106 schemes, which were currently in the
capital plan, would be completed through the current process. Schemes and
ideas, which were not on the capital plan, would be feed into the new process
for prioritisation. ii. Councillor
requested clarity on future reports on the status of S106 projects, and whether
list could be differentiated between Area Committee and Executive Committee
lead projects. The Executive Councillor re-iterated the previous comments, but
also explained that there was no intention to shift the accountability for
existing projects. iii. Further
to the public question from Mrs Blair, an update was requested. Officers agreed
to provide an update on the alleged discrepancies in the budget reports,
regarding the amount of money allocated to the Pyes Pitch scheme. The committee
were also advised that it was intention was for the project to be in place for
the start of next season. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 4 votes
to 0. The Executive
Councillor for Arts, Sport and Public Places approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Developer contributions and devolved decision-making to Area Committees PDF 92 KB Report enclosed separately Minutes: Matter for
Decision: To consider
developer contributions and devolved decision-making to Area Committees. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Community Development and Health and the Executive
Councillor for Arts, Sport and Public Places The Executive
Councillor resolved to: Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee received a report from the
Urban Extension Growth Project Manager regarding the devolution of decision
making to area committee. The committee made the following comments
on the report i. Concern
was expressed that the proposals and it was suggested that they were not fully
developed. Specific concerns were raised that the existing resources and
structures were not sufficient to fully support the aspirations. ii. Clarification
was requested on the membership of the project team. The Urban Extension Growth
Project Manager explained that the teams included managers from across the
organisation including Committee Services, Community Development, Accountancy
and Streets and Open Spaces. Further concerns were raised that no additional
resources were being introduced to support the project. iv. In
response to a number of questions, the Executive Councillor for Arts, Sport and
Public Places confirmed that existing schemes, which were currently in the
capital plan, would be completed through the current process. Schemes and
ideas, which were not on the capital plan, would be feed into the new process
for prioritisation. The Executive
Councillors encouraged all councillors to engage with the process. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 4 votes
to 0. The Executive
Councillor for Community Development and Health and the Executive Councillor
for Arts, Sport and Public Places approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillors
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Cambridge Folk Festival production tenders for the 2013 event (and potentially 2014 - 17) PDF 49 KB Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider the Cambridge Folk Festival
production tenders for the 2013 event (and potentially 2014-17). Decision of
Executive Councillor for Arts, Sport and Public Places The Executive
Councillor resolved to: i. Authorise the
Head of Arts & Recreation to tender for contractors to provide services for
the Folk Festival. ii. Authorise the
Head of Arts & Recreation to award the contract(s) to the most favourable
tender(s), in accordance with pre-determined selection criteria. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee
received a report from the Arts and Event Manager regarding a number of
procurement activities for the folk festival. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 7 votes
to 0. The Executive
Councillor for Arts, Sports and Public Places approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillors
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Southern Connections - Public Art Commission PDF 321 KB Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider the Southern Connections –
Public Art Commission. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Arts, Sport and Public Places The Executive
Councillor resolved to: Financial
i. Recommend this
scheme (which is not included in the Council’s Capital & Revenue Project
Plan) for approval by Council, subject to resources being available to fund the
capital and revenue costs. ii. Notes that the
total cost of the project is £107,446, funded from S106 developer contributions
and a planning condition. iii. Note that
there are no ongoing revenue implications arising from the project. Procurement
iv. Approve the
carrying out and completion of the procurement of the Southern Connections
public art commission. Subject to: - The permission of
the Director of Resources being sought prior to proceeding if the quotation or
tender sum exceeds the estimated contract. - The permission
from the Executive Councillor being sought before proceeding if the value
exceeds the estimated contract by more than 15%. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee received a report from the
Public Art Officer regarding South Fringes Art project. The committee made the following comments
on the report i. The
project was welcomed. ii. It
was highlighted that not all members of the public would have mobile phones, or
mobile phones which support the use of apps. The comment was noted. iii.
It was
agreed that Ward Councillors would be appropriately involved The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 4 votes
to 0. The Executive
Councillor for Arts, Sports and Public Places approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillors
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider the 2011/12 Revenue and Capital Outturn, Carry Forwards and
Significant Variances for the Community Development and Health Portfolio. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Community Development and Health: The Executive
Councillor resolved to: i. Agree carry
forward requests, totalling £13,180 as detailed in Appendix C of the committee
report, are to be recommended to Council for approval. ii. Seek approval
from Council to carry forward capital resources to fund re-phased net capital
spending of £56,000 from 2011/12 into 2012/13 as detailed in Appendix D of the
committee report. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee
received a report from the Principal Accountant (Services) regarding the year
end out-turn for the Community Development and Health portfolio. Members noted
Appendix C to the committee report did not include an item (£16,000 - Food and
Occupational Safety - to accommodate the council's foreseeable requirements
when the legal responsibilities for public health are transferred from the
Health Protection Agency ) which had been incorrectly listed in the
Environmental & Waste Services portfolio and should be within the Community
Development & Health portfolio and so, subject to approval at Council, this
carry forward would be transferred to Community Development & Health
budgets for 2012/13. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 4 votes
to 0. The Executive
Councillor for Community Development and Health approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Additional documents: Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider
the options Appraisal Study into the Future Management of the Council's
existing and planned Community and Neighbourhood Centres Decision of
Executive Councillor for Community Development and Health: The Executive
Councillor resolved to: i. Confirm the
overall objectives for any future management arrangements for the Council’s
community centres set out at paragraph 4.4 of the committee report. ii. Agree that the options
highlighted in the report by Marilyn Taylor Associates and set out in
paragraphs 5.7, 5.13 and 5.14 of the committee report be taken forward in Phase
2. iii. Request
officers to report back in January 2013 to Community Services Scrutiny
Committee with recommendations about future management of the Council’s
existing community centres and management of the planned Clay Farm centre. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee received a report from the
Head of Community Development on the future management of community centres. i. Further
information was requested on why the proposed North West Cambridge development
in conjunction with the university was not included in this review. The
Executive Councillor explained that due to the wide range of issues associated
with the development, it was being dealt though Strategy and Resources Scrutiny
as a decision for the Leader. ii. The
premise of the review was questioned, and it was assumed that some form of
outsourcing was inevitable. The Executive Councillor re-assured the committee
that no decisions had been made, and that it was good practice to periodically review
all services. The Head of
Community Development assured all members that they would be fully briefed at
all stages of the project. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 4 votes
to 0. The Executive
Councillor for Community Development and Health approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider the formation of a Local Health
Partnership for Cambridge and the developing Cambridgeshire Health and
Wellbeing Strategy. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Community Development and Health: The Executive
Councillor resolved to: i. Note the
findings of the JSNA, Phase 6, Summary Report 2012 ii. Agree to
prepare and return a Council response to the draft Health and Wellbeing
Strategy, during its consultation period, and for the Executive Councillor for
Community Development and Health to sign this off, after consultation with the
opposition spokesperson iii. Agree a terms
of reference to guide the Cambridge Local Health Partnership Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee received a report from the
Head of Refuse and Environment regarding the creation of a Local Health
Partnership. The committee
agreed that the City Council had a very important role in promotion health
initiatives, and that other partner organisations should be encouraged to fully
appreciate the role that the City Council can play. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 4 votes
to 0. The Executive
Councillor for Community Development and Health approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Refurbishment of public areas at the Crematorium PDF 135 KB Minutes: Matter for Decision: To consider a project for the refurbishment
of public areas at the Crematorium. Decision of
Executive Councillor for Community Development and Health: The Executive
Councillor resolved to: Financial
i. Approve the
commencement of this scheme, which is already included in the Council’s Capital
& Revenue Project Plan (SC524). ii. Note that the
total cost of the project is £120,000, funded from R&R iii. Note that
there are no ongoing revenue implications arising from the project. Procurement
iv. Approve the
carrying out and completion of the procurement for the refurbishment of the
Chapels and public areas to be carried out under a phased programme by requesting
separate quotes. Subject to: The permission from
the Executive Councillor being sought before proceeding if the value exceeds
the estimated contract by more than 15%. Reason for the
Decision: As per the officer
report Any alternative
options considered and rejected: Not Applicable Scrutiny
Considerations: The committee received a report from the
Head of Specialist Services regarding the redevelopment of areas at the
crematorium. In the absence of
questions, the officers who attended from the crematorium were thanked for
their attendance The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations in the report by 6 votes
to 0. The Executive
Councillor for Community Development and Health approved the recommendations. Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any dispensations granted) N/A |
Decisions by Executive Councillors Minutes: The committee noted the decisions taken by Executive Councillors since the last meeting. |
Community Development Grants PDF 47 KB Additional documents: |
Orchard Citrix Replacement PDF 21 KB Additional documents: |
Confidential Report not attached |