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Agenda and minutes

Venue: via Microsoft Teams

Contact: Democratic Services  Committee Manager

No. Item




No apologies were received.


Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 202 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 3 February 2020 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Public Questions


There were no public questions.



Budget Setting Report (General Fund) 2021/22 to 2025/26

The Budget Setting Report (version 1) is published on the First Circulation agenda for the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee (which is meeting prior to the Executive) on Monday 8 February 2021.  See that agenda from item 15.


Agenda for Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee on Monday, 8th February, 2021, 5.00 pm - Cambridge Council


Recommendations of the Executive, which met on 8 February 2021, are set out in the Budget Setting Report which went to Strategy & Resources Scrutiny Committee on 8 February 2021 (version 1).


Unless otherwise specified, all references in the recommendations to Appendices, pages and sections relate to the Budget-Setting Report found via the Council agenda page:


Agenda for Council on Thursday, 25th February, 2021, 6.00 pm - Cambridge Council


Accordingly, Council is recommended to:


i.      Approve Revenue Pressures and Bids shown in Appendix C(b) and Savings shown in Appendix C(c) of the officer’s report.

ii.    Approve Non-Cash Limit items as shown in Appendix C(d) of the officer’s report.

iii.   Agree there are no bids to be funded from External or Earmarked Funds (which would be included as Appendix C(e) of the officer’s report).

iv.  Approve delegation to the Chief Financial Officer (Head of Finance) of the calculation and determination of the Council Tax taxbase (including submission of the National Non-Domestic Rates Forecast Form, NNDR1, for each financial year) which is set out in Appendix A(a) of the officer’s report.

v.    Approve the level of Council Tax for 2021/22 as set out in Appendix A (b) and Section 4 [page 20 of the BSR refers].

Note that the Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel will meet by 3 February 2021 to consider the precept proposed by the Police and Crime Commissioner, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Fire Authority will meet on 11 February 2021 and Cambridgeshire County Council will meet on 9 or 12 February 2021 to consider the amounts in precepts to be issued to the City Council for the year 2021/22.


vi.  Approve delegation to the Head of Finance to finalise changes relating to any corporate and/or departmental restructuring and any reallocation of support service and central costs, in accordance with the CIPFA Service Reporting Code of Practice for Local Authorities (SeRCOP).

vii.   Agree any recommendations in respect of the proposals outlined in Appendix D(a) of the officer’s report for inclusion in the Capital Plan.


viii. Approve the revised Capital Plan for the General Fund as set out in Appendix D(c) of the officer’s report and the Funding as set out in Section 6, page 29 of the BSR.


ix.    Note the impact of revenue and capital budget approvals and approve the resulting level of reserves to be used to support the budget proposals as set out in the table [Section 8, page 49 of the BSR refers].


x.      Approve the updated Corporate Plan 2019 - 2022, attached at Appendix B of the officer’s report.