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Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ. View directions
Contact: James Goddard Committee Manager
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor O’Reilly. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 139 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 22 January 2015 were approved as a
correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Public Questions Minutes: There were no public questions. |
Budget Setting Report 2016/17 PDF 149 KB The
Budget-Setting Report (BSR) 2016/17 and the BSR document can be accessed via
the following links: Limited hard copies will be available and as a result of this meeting an updated report will be published and sent to the Executive. Minutes: Matter for
Decision At this stage in
the 2016/17 budget process the range of assumptions on which the Mid-Year
Forecast (MFR) was based need to be reviewed, in light of the latest
information available, to determine whether any aspects of the strategy need to
be revised. This then provides the basis for the budget considerations. The Budget-Setting
Report (BSR) provided an overview of the review of the key assumptions. It
includes the detailed revenue bids and savings and sets out the key parameters
for the detailed recommendations and budget finalisation being considered at
this meeting. This report reflects The Executive’s final budget recommendations
to Council, for consideration at its meeting on 25 February 2016. The
recommendations that follow refer to the strategy outlined in the BSR and all
references to Appendices, pages and sections relate to the Budget-Setting
Report 2016/17 (Version 1 – Strategy & Resources) as reported to and recommended
by the Strategy & Resources Scrutiny Committee on 18 January 2016. Decision
of The Executive The Executive resolved by 5 votes to 0 to recommend the Budget Setting Report 2016/7 to Council on 25 February
2016, subject to any amendments at the Strategy &
Resources Scrutiny Committee meeting on 18 January 2016, namely: General Fund Revenue Budgets: [Section 5, page 28 refers] i.
Agreed to recommend to Council: · Revenue Pressures
shown in Appendix B(a) and Savings shown in Appendix B(b). · Bids to be funded
from External or Earmarked Funds as shown in Appendix B(c). · Non Cash Limit
items as shown in Appendix B(d).
Recommended to Council formally
confirming delegation to the Chief Financial Officer (Head of Finance) of the
calculation and determination of the Council Tax taxbase (including submission
of the National Non-Domestic Rates Forecast Form, NNDR1, for each financial
year) as set out in Appendix A(a).
Recommended to Council the level
of Council Tax for 2016/17 as set out in Section 4 [page 25 refers]. Other Revenue:
Recommended to Council delegation
to the Head of Finance authority to finalise changes relating to any corporate
and/or departmental restructuring and any reallocation of support service and
central costs, in accordance with the CIPFA Service Reporting Code of Practice
for Local Authorities (SeRCOP).
Recommended to Council approval of
the new remit for the “Invest for Income Earmarked Reserve” [page 22 refers].
Recommend to Council approval of
the new remit for the “Office accommodation strategy fund” [page 25 refers]. Capital: [Section 7, page 33 refers] Capital Plan: vii.
Recommended to Council the
proposals outlined in Appendix D(a) for inclusion in the Capital Plan, or put on
the Projects Under Development List, including any additional use of revenue
resources required. viii.
Recommend to Council the revised
Capital Plan for the General Fund as set out in Appendix D(c), the Funding as
set out in Section 7, page 37 and note the Projects Under Development list set
out in Appendix D(d). General Fund Reserves:
Noted the impact of revenue and
capital budget approvals and approve the resulting level of reserves to be used
to support the budget proposals as set out in the table [Section 8, page 40
refers]. Scrutiny
Considerations The Committee received a report from the Head of Finance. Opposition Councillors questioned Executive Councillors regarding Budget
Setting Report information under their portfolios. Executive Councillors answered
as set out below. Executive
Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport
(X3825 on BSR P64) The University of Cambridge has
started a large amount of development work in the west of the city. More may
come forward in future. The City Council would consider planning applications
through its Planning Policy as per its statutory duty.
The University paid a fee to guarantee a
ring-fenced staff resource to consider its applications. Staff would undertake
work for the University and City Council to meet all service level agreement
and statutory duty requirements. All applications would be treated fairly. The Leader said the budget allowed for extra
resource to be allocated in proportion to the extra income.
(II3817 on BSR P59) It was deemed appropriate to
leave car park charges unchanged as there had been an overachievement in budget
income. Funding would be used to invest in car parks and maintain services.
The impact of car parks on other transport modes
had been considered. The Leader said the City and County Councils were looking to align
transport policies through the City Deal to reduce the number of cars coming
into the city. Actions had not always been joined up in the past. For example,
the City Council were not informed when the County Council raised Park&Ride
charges. Executive
Councillor for Environment and Waste
(II3778 on BSR P58) £60,000 of increased income for
the Council was expected from the Cambridge BID contract.
The BID had purchased a service from the Council. The
Council would allocate 2 existing staff members to undertake duties such as
litter picking over and above the normal
street cleaning service provided (ie extra hours of work, not extra staff
members). If the BID wanted to change any specifications, these would have to
be negotiated with the Council. The Director of Environment said a contract
was being developed. vii.
(II3794 on BSR P58) Joint work by the City and
South Cambridgeshire Councils on the Commercial Waste Service would lead to
economies of scale and a larger customer base. BSR projected income figures
were realistic. viii.
Figures in URP3799 (BSR P57) reflected the national
Central Government Landfill Tax. There was no additional charge from the City
Council. The Director of Environment undertook to confirm to Councillors there
was no local additional charge from the City Council. Executive
Councillor for Communities
The revised Sports & Physical Activity plan
was approved in March 2015 which set out the program of activities. Figures in
S3760 (BSR P60) showed that savings could be made without reducing activities
available. A more defined service, with fewer staff was delivering the aims set
out in paragraph 3.4 of the Sports & Physical Activity Plan. The City
Council were continuing to deliver a wide range of sport activity but there is
now more emphasis on partnership work with other agencies. The current
administration was refocussing the priorities of the Sports and Development
Service originally set up by the previous administration to be better aligned
to the council's anti-poverty and equality work.
The Council had good relations with agencies such
as Sports England, governing bodies, sports clubs and other agencies, in
assisting with the delivery of the Activity Plan.
Cambridge City Council was currently one of a few
cities with a sports development service. xii.
The Executive Councillor asked the Director of
Customer and Communities to email the Sports & Physical Activity Plan to Councillors
and provide information on activities to date regarding events and partnership
work. Head of Finance and Head of Strategic Housing on behalf of
the Executive Councillor for Housing xiii.
The Housing Company (BSR P74) was set up on a 3
year pilot project basis. It would then be reviewed. xiv.
The Head of Finance undertook to send councillors
interest rate information regarding the loan to the Housing Company (BSR P59). xv.
The Council charged the Housing Company a fixed
rate of interest during the pilot period to avoid a conflict of interest. The
Housing Company would pay a higher rate of interest for the loan than the
Council could have received by investing the capital as cash and receiving
interest. Rates would be reviewed in future if the pilot was successful. xvi.
The Housing Company had a draft business plan,
which included financial modelling. This had already gone to committee for
pre-scrutiny. Executive
Councillor for Finance and Resources xvii.
The Director of Business Transformation undertook
to provide councillors with details regarding Office Accommodation Strategy
capital and revenue figures as set out in NCL3848 (BSR P65). xviii.
The Apprentice Scheme Budget (NCL3766 on BSR P65)
was cost neutral. Budget assumptions had been made in 2014, but these needed to
be amended. The Council were learning from the experience as not all
apprenticeships were alike. The Executive Councillor had liaised with the Head
of Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager to ensure wage
rates were appropriate. xix.
A number of risks to the Council were highlighted
in the budget: · The Spending
Review, although the intention was for the Council to be less dependent on
Central Government funding by 2020. · Car parking income
was dependent on the wider economy. · Council tax income. · The New Homes
Bonus, as a cut was expected. xx.
BSR Appendix D set out general fund capital
proposals. Projects ready for implementation were listed in the Capital Bids
section. They would be monitored and may move to Projects Under Development if
they were no longer viable eg insufficient funding available. xxi.
The Director of Environment undertook to provide
Councillors with details regarding the C3841 (BSR P72) Cherry Hinton Hall
grounds improvement project. Leader
and Executive Councillor for Strategy and Transformation xxii.
The City Council had allocated funding in its
budget (B3821 on BSR P55) to keep city streetlights on in partnership with the
County Council. A formula had not been agreed with the County Council as a
committee decision was pending. However the City Leader and County portfolio
holder had met to discuss costs and lighting levels. An update would be given
at a future Council meeting. xxiii.
UD017 (BSR P83) referred to the yearly review of
vehicle replacement so that it could be planned in advance. Vehicles needed to
be replaced incrementally to maintain efficiency. The Projects Under
Development section covered a 12 month period, the Capital Plan looked further
ahead. xxiv.
UD038 (BSR P84) covered crematorium access from the
A14. The Executive noted there was a non-material amendment to P90 of the BSR
where the bid figure in B3821 should read £45,500 not £45,550. This change did
not affect the recommendations. |