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Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2 - Guildhall
Contact: Glenn Burgess Committee Manager
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Birtles. |
Declarations of interest Members are asked to declare at this
stage any interests that they may have in an item shown on this agenda. If any
member of the Committee is unsure whether or not they should declare an
interest on a particular matter, they should seek advice from the Head of Legal
Services before the meeting.
Minutes: None |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 135 KB To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 3 October 2012 and 15 October 2012.
Additional documents: Minutes: With minor grammatical amendments the minutes of the meetings of 3 October 2012 and 15 October were approved and signed as a correct record. |
Public Questions Minutes: Ms Jannie Brightman addressed the committee regarding the CBbid Business Improvement District Project (BID) and raised the following points: i. From the moment that match funding had been agreed the BID was a ‘done deal’. ii. Despite strong opposition to the BID, the committee had voted it through on the Chair’s casting vote. iii. The figure of 24% in support of the BID could easily have been made up from the universities, the Grand Arcade and the owners of empty shops. iv. Since the vote, a number of independent shops in the City Centre had been forced to close. v. The tragic fate of the high street had been further emphasised by the number shops and businesses going into liquidation. vi. The cloning of the high street was of great concern. Ms Jill Eastland addressed the committee regarding the BID and raised the following points: i. The BID would have an adverse impact on vulnerable members of the community. ii. The City Council had been undemocratic in the way that it had dealt with the BID. iii. The BID would result in a few wealthy businesses having control of the City Centre. Local residents would have less input into any decisions regarding the City Centre. iv. The City Council had invested £20,000 in the BID before it was even agreed. v. Asked for confirmation that no additional funding would be provided to Love Cambridge or the BID. vi. More information, in a clear and simple format, was needed on the City Council’s budget and ongoing priorities. vii. The Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) for the BID had been inadequate, and suggested that EqIA’s should be completed for the Council’s overall budget. The Executive Councillor for Customer Services and Resources responded and made the following comments: i. No additional funding would be given to Love Cambridge as it had been disbanded. As part of the BID there was a liability as part of the levy of £42,660. ii. Agreed that budget information presented in a clear and simple format was beneficial. The Director of Resources responded and made the following
comments: i. Whilst the City Council did strive to make budget information as clear and simple as possible there was a requirement to present significant amounts of of the finer detail. However an easily understandable overview of the information was important, and he agreed to take the comments into account in reviewing report formats. ii. Whilst an EqIA was included as part of the Budget Setting Report (BSR) at appendix 5, it covered a large range of services and projects and each of these major areas would also produce individual detailed EqIAs as appropriate. In response Ms Jill Eastland made the following comments: i. The City Council’s budget was confusing due to its lack of detail and suggested EqIA’s on the individual areas of the BSR. ii. Suggested a ‘buddy’ system whereby the budget is shared with a member of the public to ensure that it is clear and understandable. The Executive Councillor for Customer Services and Resources responded and made the following comments: i. Agreed to discuss options with the Director of Resources for presenting the budget information in a clearer format. The Director of Resources responded and made the following comments: i. Whilst the EqIA at appendix S of the BSR covered individual areas of the budget, he would be happy to liaise with Ms Eastland outside of the meeting if she had any further queries |
Record of Urgent Decisions taken by the Leader of the Council and the Executive Councillor for Customer Services and Resources To note decisions taken by the Leader of the Council and the Executive Councillor for Customer Services and Resources since the last meeting of the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee. |
City Council Appointment to the Horizons Board PDF 19 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The decision was noted. |
Recommendation to extend the current Council Bank Contract PDF 32 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Matter
for Decision: The Council’s main bank contract is currently
run by HSBC Bank plc. and the initial five-year contract period is due to
expire on 31 March 2013. Whilst considering options for extension of this
contract, HSBC, in discussions with the Council, has indicated its willingness
to freeze the current tariffs for the duration of any extended period. Executive Councillor approval is required to extend this contract for
more than one year. Decision of the Executive
Councillor: The Executive Councillor resolved to:
Approve the extension of the current Money
Transmission contract for a period of three years and to authorise the
Director of Resources to conclude the necessary contractual arrangements. Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: As set out in the
officer’s report Scrutiny Considerations: In response to a question from Councillor Herbert the Director of
Resources confirmed that the Council had commissioned an independent review, by
Focus on Banking, of the HSBC contract and the current market. The review had
concluded that the contract rates were favourable and that the Council should
seek to extend the contract for a longer period. The Scrutiny Committee
considered and endorsed the recommendations unanimously. The Executive
Councillor approved the recommendations. Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted): Not applicable.
General Debts - Bad Debts to be written off Minutes: Matter
for Decision: Write off of debt deemed not to be collectable and require passing
for write off. The amounts relate to general income. Decision of the Executive Councillor: The Executive Councillor resolved to:
Write off 1 debt as summarised in the exempt ‘Appendix A’ to
officer’s report. Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the
officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: As set out in the
officer’s report Scrutiny Considerations: The committee
received a report from Head of Revenue and Benefits. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations by 4 votes to 0. The Executive
Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted): Not applicable.
Irrecoverable debts to be written off Minutes: Matter
for Decision: Write off of debt deemed irrecoverable. Decision of the Executive Councillor: The Executive Councillor resolved to: i.
Agree the debt write off deemed irrecoverable as shown in
the exempt Appendix ‘A’ of officer’s report. Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: As set out in the
officer’s report Scrutiny Considerations: The committee
received a report from the Director of Resources. The Scrutiny Committee
considered and endorsed the recommendations by 4 votes to 0. The Executive
Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted): Not applicable.
Cowley Road Landholding PDF 3 MB Minutes: Matter
for Decision: As part of the new Cambridge Science Park
Station access is required over City Council land in several areas, key being a
small strip of land at the end of Cowley Road without which the station will
not proceed. There will be
significant economic, social and environmental benefit from the station. Given
these benefits and the uplift in value of the Council’s neighbouring land from
the station, it is considered that rights of access for the station should be
granted at nominal value. Access for other development will be by negotiation
at a later date. Decision of the Executive
Councillor: The Executive Councillor resolved to:
Approve the grant of a right of way to Network Rail across Cowley Road on the terms as outlined in paragraph
3.9 of the officer’s report. Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: As set out in the
officer’s report. Scrutiny Considerations: The committee
received a report from the Head of Property Services. Councillor
Rosenstiel confirmed that this was an important step by the City Council in
helping to facilitate the new station. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and approved the recommendations unanimously. The Executive
Councillor approved the recommendations. Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted): Not applicable.
Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration of the Council's approach to
the Living Wage for staff, agency workers and contractors engaged through the
Council’s procurement processes. Decision of the Executive
Councillor: The Executive
Councillor resolved to:
Endorse the proposal to pay the Living Wage for Cambridge City Council
staff, by way of a supplement to current pay rates.
Endorse the proposal
to pay the minimum of the Living Wage to agency workers after 4 weeks of their
engagement with the City Council.
Agree to a
review within 12 months of the proposal to pay the minimum of the Living Wage
to agency workers after 4 weeks of their engagement and for any changes to be
proposed for the 2014 Pay Policy Statement.
contractors to adopt the Living Wage through the Council’s procurement
Include the
recommendations of this committee, as they relate to staff and agency workers,
in the Council’s proposed Pay Policy Statement, to be considered by Civic
Affairs on 30th January 2013. Reasons for the Decision: As
set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options
considered and rejected: As set out in the officer’s report Scrutiny Considerations: The committee received a report from the Head of Human Resources. In response to a question from Councillor Herbert the Executive
Councillor confirmed that, whilst the Council were fully committed to
encouraging all contractors to adopt the Living Wage, there might be certain
legal restraints. Legal advice had been taken and each contract would have to
be looked at on its own merits. In response to a question from Councillor Rosenstiel the Head of Legal
Services confirmed that he had seen the recent advice of the Local Government
Information Unit and officers had been in discussion with Islington Council
regarding their approach. The Scrutiny Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations
unanimously. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of
Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted): Not applicable.
Minutes: Matter for Decision: The
report set out the overall base revenue and capital budget position for the
Customer Services & Resources Portfolio. The report compared the proposed
2012/13 Revised Budget to the budget as at September 2012 and detailed the
budget proposals for 2013/14 and 2014/15. Decision of the Executive Councillor: The Executive Councillor resolved to: Review of
Charges: a)
Approve the proposed charges for this portfolio’s services and facilities, as
shown in Appendices B1 – B3 of the officer’s report. Revenue
Budgets: b)
Approve, with any amendments, the current year funding requests and savings,
(shown in Appendix A of the officer’s report) and the resulting revised revenue
budgets for 2012/13 (shown in Section 3, Table 1 of the officer’s report) for
submission to the Executive. c) Agree
proposals for revenue savings and unavoidable bids, as set out in Appendix C of
the officer’s report. d) Agree
proposals for bids from external or existing funding, as set out in Appendix D
of the officer’s report. e) Agree
proposals for Priority Policy Fund (PPF) bids, as set out in Appendix E of the
officer’s report. f) Approve
the budget proposals for 2013/14 as shown in Section 3, Table 2, of the
officer’s report for submission to the Executive. Capital: g) Seek
approval from the Executive to carry forward resources from 2012/13, as
detailed in Appendix G of the officer’s report, to fund re-phased capital
spending. h)
Approve capital bids, as identified in Appendix H of the officer’s report, for
submission to the Executive for inclusion in the Capital & Revenue Projects
Plan or addition to the Hold List, as indicated. i)
Confirm that there are no items covered by this portfolio to add to the
Council’s Hold List, for submission to the Executive. j)
Approve the current Capital & Revenue Projects Plan, as detailed in
Appendix J of the officer’s report, to be updated for any amendments detailed
in (g), (h) and (i) above. Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: As set out in the
officer’s report Scrutiny Considerations: The committee
received a report from the Director of Resources. In response to
questions from Councillor Herbert the Director of Resources and the Executive
Councillor confirmed the following:
The original
decision to retain a vacancy within internal audit was due to a shared service
agreement with Peterborough City Council. As the identified employee cost
savings for 2013/14 (reference S3025) were relatively small it was deemed
important to retain the flexibility of the service.
Net retail income for commercial property for 2012/13 has been increased
by £50,000 reflecting rent reviews, renewals and new lettings. In some instances this includes
retrospective amounts, which is why the ongoing effect (shown in S3012) is for
a lesser amount.
Interest rates (RB3244) relates to an update to the projection in respect
of 2012/13 reflecting latest information, including the effects of additional
sums for investment due to slippage.
Future year projections will not include one-time effects in 2012/13. The Scrutiny Committee considered and
endorsed the recommendations by 4 votes to 0. The Executive
Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any Dispensations Granted): Not applicable.
Cambridge Community Safety Plan 2011-14 Update for 2013-14 PDF 38 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Matter
for Decision: In order to keep the Cambridge Community
Safety Plan current it is updated on an annual basis following production of a
Strategic Assessment. The
Leader is asked to consider the plan and endorse the chosen priorities. Decision of the Leader: The Leader resolved to: i. Endorse the proposed priorities and amendments to the Community Safety Plan agreed by the Community Safety Partnership and set out in section 3.1 of the officer’s report. Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: As set out in the
officer’s report Scrutiny Considerations: The committee
received a report from the Director of Customer and Community Services. In response to the
report Councillor Herbert made the following comments:
Highlighted the
importance of ongoing informal dialogue between the City Council and the new
Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).
Raised concern that
the valuable dialogue taking place at Area Committees regarding neighbourhood
policing may be at risk, and highlighted the importance of ongoing resident
engagement in police priorities.
The lack of
accountability of the Community Safety Partnership highlighted the need for it
to be reviewed. In response to some
of the points raised the Leader confirmed the following:
Whilst the
Community Safety Partnership was made up of many different partners (not just
the City Council), it was important that the views of Councillors be taken on
The Leader had met
with the new PCC and emphasised the importance of ongoing dialogue with the
City Council. The PCC had attended recent Area Committees and an all member
briefing had been suggested.
Agreed with the
need to maintain resident engagement with neighbourhood policing, and
highlighted the importance of this being done in partnership with the Area
Committees. Confirmed that there had been no indication from the PCC that this
neighbourhood approach was under threat. In response to
member’s questions the Director of Customer and Community confirmed the
The PCC had no
powers to review or alter how the Community Safety Partnership operated.
There was no indication
that the role of the Probation Service within the Community Safety Partnership
would change.
Due to variations
in the way that the police record anti-social behaviour there was a need to
look at baseline figures, which would form part of the final Partnership Plan.
Some further work was also required on the figures for victim based acquisitive
Emphasised that,
whilst there may be an understandable overlap between neighbourhood and
citywide priorities, the police would tackle these issues at different
Funding was
available through the Community Safety Partnership to look at joined up
projects. The Leader
confirmed that issues raised at Area Committees had formed part of the
Strategic Assessment and, as overlaps were expected, work had been done to
align neighbourhood and citywide priorities. Councillor Herbert
made the following additional comments:
Welcomed the
Leader’s comments and highlighted the importance of ongoing dialogue between
the Community Safety Partnership and the City Council.
Highlighted the
need for a better means of engaging the wider community on the citywide police
Highlighted the
need for citywide and area priorities to be brought closer together. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations by 4 votes to 0. The Leader approved
the recommendations. Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted): Not applicable.
Update on Strategic Partnerships and our involvement PDF 69 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Matter
for Decision: The Leader of the Council attends the Greater Cambridge Greater
Peterborough Enterprise Partnership (LEP), the residual Board of Cambridgeshire
Horizons and the Cambridge Community Safety Partnership. It is part of a
commitment given in the Council’s “Principles of Partnership Working” that the
Council’s lead member in each partnership provide his or her scrutiny committee
with an annual account of their work. Decision of the Leader: The Leader resolved to: i. Continue to work with the partnerships (LEP and Cambridge Community Safety Partnership) to ensure that the strategic issues affecting Cambridge and matters of concern to Cambridge citizens are responded to. This includes maintaining the economic success of our area, whilst respecting its unique character, and continuing to address and prevent incidents of anti-social behaviour and crime. Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: As set out in the
officer’s report Scrutiny Considerations: The committee
received a report from Head of Corporate Strategy. In response to a
question from Councillor Ashton the Director of Environment confirmed the
Horizons had a
number of loans and investments totalling over £20m. Whilst none had to date,
this should return to the partnership over the next 13 years. Further detail
was available to members on request. In response to a
question from Councillor Herbert the Leader confirmed the following:
Whilst, when he first
joined the LEP it was in a state of flux and lacked direction, a new Chair was
now in post.
The funds generated
by the Enterprise Zone were not likely to be returned to the LEP in the short
to medium term.
The LEP One-Year
Operational Plan (2010/13) was in the process of being replaced.
Consultation on a
business prospectus had been completed, and the Leader felt that the success of
the LEP was dependent on how realistic and achievable this prospectus was. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations by 4 votes to 0. The Leader approved
the recommendations. Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted): Not applicable. |
Mid-Year Treasury Management Report 2012/13 PDF 109 KB Minutes: Matter
for Decision: To update the Council on treasury management
activity and performance in the first half of 2012/13 in accordance with the
Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Treasury Management Code of
Practice. Also to advise the Council on its treasury management practices as
required by the CIPFA Treasury Management Code of Practice. Decision of the Leader: The Leader resolved to: i. Recommend to Council the revised Prudential and Treasury Management Indicators as set out in Appendix 4 of the officer’s report, incorporating changes as detailed in section 11 of the officer’s report. Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: As set out in the
officer’s report Scrutiny Considerations: The committee
received a report from Director of Resources. In response to a
question from Councillor Herbert the Director of Resources confirmed the
Following market sector advice the City Council were currently only
lending over short-term periods. If the market picked up it was important that
the Council be in a position to respond quickly to this, and shorter-term
placements allowed flexibility for this. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations by 4 votes to 0. The Leader approved
the recommendations. Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted): Not applicable. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Matter for Decision: The
report set out the overall base revenue and capital budget position for the
Strategy Portfolio. The report compares the proposed 2012/13 Revised Budget
to the budget as at September 2012 and details the budget proposals for 2013/14
and 2014/15. Decision of the Leader: The Leader resolved to: Review of Charges: a) Note
that there is no proposed review of charges requiring approval for Strategy
& Climate Change Portfolio services. Revenue
Budgets: b)
Approve, with any amendments, the current year funding requests and savings,
(shown in Appendix A of the officer’s report) and the resulting revised revenue
budgets for 2012/13 (shown in section 3, Table 1 of the officer’s report) for
submission to the Executive. c) Agree
proposals for revenue savings and unavoidable bids, as set out in Appendix C of
the officer’s report. d) Agree
proposals for bids from external or existing funding, as set out in Appendix D
of the officer’s report, if applicable. e) Agree proposals
for Priority Policy Fund (PPF) bids, as set out in the amended Appendix E as
circulated. f)
Approve the budget proposals for 2013/14 as shown in Table 2 of the officer’s
report, for submission to the Executive. Capital: g)
Approve capital bids, as identified in Appendix H of the officer’s report, for
submission to the Executive for inclusion in the Capital & Revenue Projects
Plan or addition to the Hold List, as indicated. h)
Confirm that there are no items covered by this portfolio to add to the
Council’s Hold List, for submission to the Executive. i)
Approve the current Capital & Revenue Projects Plan, as detailed in
Appendix J of the officer’s report, to be updated for any amendments detailed
in (g) and (h) above. j) Note
that there are no project appraisals requiring approval for Strategy Portfolio
services. Reasons
for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: As set out in the
officer’s report Scrutiny Considerations: The committee
received a report from Director of Resources, which included the amended
Appendix E (Priority Policy Fund (PPF) bids) as circulated. In response to
member’s questions the Chief Executive confirmed the following:
£80,000 had been
allocated in the budget for maternity costs (RB3157) and this was based on
staff currently on maternity leave. However spending against this provision, by
its nature, was very difficult to estimate.
The Project
Facilitation Fund (RB3236) was originally set up to help facilitate the
delivery of capital schemes. After speaking further with departments it has now
become clear that the full allocation of funding would not be required and a
reduction had therefore been identified.
The costs
associated with the Living Wage (PPF3208) did not include contract-related
costs, as these would have to be considered on a case-by-case basis. In response to
member’s questions the Leader and the Chief Executive confirmed the following:
Business Improvement
Districts (BID’s) had not been set up to allow local authorities to reduce
their own services and therefore save money. Whilst the City Council may
benefit from additional improvements in things such as the street cleaning, the
Council’s core level of service could not be reduced, as this would be
As part of the BID
the City Council had committed to a core level of funding for street cleaning
and would bid to undertake additional work for the BID. Whilst this may allow
the service to be managed differently and free up efficiencies elsewhere, this
level of funding could not be reduced. To emphasise this
point the Director of Environment read out the relevant part of the BID
regulations. In response members
made the following points:
Emphasised that by
improving the city centre the City Council would then potentially benefit from
improved business rates.
A successful BID
could result in there be less irrecoverable debt to write off. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations by 4 votes to 0. The Leader approved
the recommendations. Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted): Not applicable. |
Budget Setting Report 2013/14 PDF 69 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Matter
for Decision: To consider the draft revenue and capital budgets. Decision of the Leader: Please note: All page references relate to the BSR, which can be found at: The Leader resolved to: General Fund Revenue
Budgets: [Section 4, page 45 of the BSR refers] Budget 2012/13: a) Approve, with any
amendments, the revised budget items shown in Appendix D of the BSR. b) Approve, with any
amendments, the Non Cash-Limit budget items for 2012/13 as shown in Appendix E
of the BSR. c) Approve, with any
amendments, the overall revised budget for 2012/13 for the General Fund, as
shown in Section 4 [page 45 of the BSR refers] and Appendix G(a) of the BSR,
with net spending at £22,536,390. Budget 2013/14: d)
Agree any recommendations for submission to the Executive in respect
of: ·
Bids to be funded from External or Earmarked Funds as shown in Appendix
H of the BSR. ·
Non Cash Limit items as shown in Appendix E of the BSR. ·
Revenue Savings and Bids as shown in Appendix F of the BSR. ·
Priority Policy Fund (PPF) Bids as shown in Appendix I(b) of the BSR –
based on the position as outlined in Section 4 [page 45 of the BSR refers]. e) Note the Council
Tax taxbase, as set out in Appendix C (a) of the BSR, as calculated and
determined by the Director of Resources under delegated authority. f) Recommend to
Council the level of Council Tax for 2013/14 as set out in Section 3, page 44
of the BSR refers. Note that the Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel will
meet on 7 February 2013 to consider the precept proposed by the Police and
Crime Commissioner, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Fire Authority will meet
on 11 February 2013 and Cambridgeshire County Council will meet on 19 February
2013 to consider the amounts in precepts to be issued to the City Council for
the year 2013/14. Treasury Management: g)
Recommend to Council to approve: (i) the Prudential Indicators as set out in
Appendix P(a) of the BSR and to confirm that the Authorised Limit for external
borrowing determined for 2013/14 will be the statutory limit determined under
section 3 of the Local Government Act 2003, (ii) to delegate to the Director of
Resources, within the borrowing totals for any financial year within (i) above,
to effect movement between the separately agreed figures for ‘borrowing’ and
‘other long term liabilities’, (iii) the Treasury Management Annual
Borrowing and Investment Strategies set out in Appendices P(b) and P(c) of the
BSR , and (iv) the Council’s Counterparty List shown in
Appendix P(c), Annex 3 of the BSR. Other Revenue: h) Delegate to the
Director of Resources authority to finalise changes relating to any corporate
and/or departmental restructuring and any reallocation of support service and central
costs, in accordance with the CIPFA Service Reporting Code of Practice for
Local Authorities (SeRCOP). Capital: [Section 5, page 53 of the BSR refers] Capital & Revenue Projects Plan: [section 5, page 50 of the
i) Approve project
appraisals that have been referred by Executive Councillors: Other: To agree inclusion in the Capital & Revenue Projects
Plan of any new items and to note any additional funding for revised schemes
approved by Executive Councillors: j) Agree any
recommendations to the Executive in respect of the bids outlined in Appendix L
of th BSR for approval to include in the Capital Plan, or put on the Hold List,
including any additional use of reserves required. k) Agree the revised
Capital & Revenue Projects Plan as set out in Appendix J of the BSR, the
Hold list set out in Appendix M of the BSR, and the Funding as set out in
Appendix N of the BSR for the General Fund. Note that the Appendices will be updated in subsequent versions
to incorporate approved rephasing, new bids and the above recommendations. General Fund Reserves: l)
Note the impact of revenue and capital budget approvals and approve the
resulting level of reserves to be used to: (i) support the 2012/13 budget (ii) support the 2013/14 and future years budgets. as set out in
Appendix G(c) of the BSR. Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: As set out in the
officer’s report Scrutiny Considerations: The committee
received a report from the Director of Resources. In response to
member’s questions the Director of Resources confirmed the following:
The £2.26m highlighted in the table on page 71 of BSR is part of the
overall position for 2012/13. Due to the delay in the production of the BSR it
was possible for managers to more accurately identify savings within their
service in the current year, having more timely information available.
Successful delivery of the Capital Programme would result in lower
deposit levels for future investments. Councillor Herbert
raised concern that the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee no longer had
an opportunity to scrutinise the Medium Term Strategy, and suggested that a
more clearly defined financial scrutiny role would be beneficial. It was noted
that the Labour Group would welcome input into any future scrutiny or
constitutional review in this area. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations by 4 votes to 0. The Leader approved
the recommendations. Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted): Not applicable. |