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Venue: Committee Room 1 & 2 - Guildhall
Contact: Glenn Burgess Committee Manager
No. | Item | ||||||
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Reid and Pogonowski. Councillor Smart attended as Deputy Leader. |
Declarations of interest Members are asked to declare at this
stage any interests that they may have in an item shown on this agenda. If any
member of the Committee is unsure whether or not they should declare an
interest on a particular matter, they should seek advice from the Head of Legal
Services before the meeting.
Public Questions Minutes: None |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 48 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 16 January 2012 and 3 February 2012 were approved and signed as a correct record. |
Installation of solar thermal technology on City Council properties PDF 118 KB Minutes: Matter
for Decision: The supply
and installation of solar thermal panels on selected Council properties to
secure a guaranteed income through energy bill savings and heat tariff as part
of the Government’s national Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). Decision of the Executive Councillor: The Deputy Leader resolved to: Financial recommendations:
commencement of the Solar Thermal Project, included in the Council’s Capital
Plan - C2966, Installation of solar thermal panels and/or energy efficiency
measures on non-housing Council properties (General Fund). The total capital cost of the project is £140,000. The revenue savings
from the project are estimated at £15,000 per annum (savings proposal S2967)
and these have been included in the revenue budget from 2013/14 onwards. Procurement recommendations:
Approve the
procurement and installation of solar thermal panels and other necessary
equipment under the Planned Maintenance Framework. Subject to: The permission of the Executive Councillor and Director of Resources being
sought prior to proceeding if the quotation or tender sum exceeds the estimated
contract value by more than 15%. Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: N/A Scrutiny Considerations N/A |
Single Equality Scheme 2012 - 2015 PDF 48 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Matter
for Decision: The City Council has consulted on a new Single
Equality Scheme that sets out how the organisation would challenge
discrimination and promote equal opportunity in all aspects of its work over
the next three years. The Executive Council is asked to approve the new scheme.
Decision of the Executive Councillor: The Deputy Leader resolved to: i. Approve the new Single Equality Scheme 2012 – 2015. Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: N/A Scrutiny Considerations The committee
received a report from the Strategy Officer. The committee made
the following comments on the report:
Congratulated officers
on the work around sexual orientation and transgender/gender reassignment. In response to
member’s questions the Strategy Officer, the Director of Resources and the
Chief Executive confirmed the following:
The percentage of the City Council’s
workforce from Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities currently stood at
just over 7% (after a recent rise to 7.5%). The percentage of the workforce
that had a disability currently stood at 4.1%. Work would continue through the
Single Equalities Scheme Action Plan to meet the proposed targets of 8.5% and
4.5% respectively.
Work continued with the Papworth Trust to
identify potential job opportunities for disabled people and encourage the
Trust’s disabled clients to apply for suitable positions at the City Council. iii.
The Council’s
policy is to prioritise staff in the redevelopment pool for vacancies. This would
impact on the number of new employees who come into the organisation and how
quickly representation from target groups changes. iv.
As a result of the revised Accommodation
Strategy council buildings would be more accessible for disabled people. v.
The City Council would undertake a
recruitment survey with BAME community groups in Cambridge, and was considering
the most effective options for doing this. vi.
Regular workforce monitoring was undertaken
to monitor the proportion of minority employees at the different pay bands,
including the proportion of candidates from minority communities progressing
through the various stages of the recruitment process. vii.
Officers recognised that the Chinese
community was underrepresented and the recruitment survey would aim to
specifically capture this data. viii.
The City Council organises open evenings for prospective Councillors
and has a dedicated ‘Would you like to be a Councillor?’ page on its website.
Political groups also played an important role in encouraging more BAME and
disabled people to stand as Councillors. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and approved the recommendations by 5 votes to 0. The Deputy Leader approved the recommendations.
Minutes: Matter for Decision: To
consider the City Council becoming a corporate member of the Greater Cambridge Greater
Peterborough Enterprise Partnership (LEP) as part of its incorporation as a
company limited by guarantee. Decision of the Executive Councillor: The Deputy Leader
resolved to:
Agree the principle of the City Council becoming a corporate
member of the LEP and to ask the Chief Executive to finalise the arrangements
with the LEP Board. Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: N/A Scrutiny Considerations The committee
received a report from the Chief Executive. The committee made
the following comments on the report:
Raised concern that,
due to its geographical boundaries, the LEP could not be classed as a ‘local’
body. In response to
member’s questions the Chief Executive confirmed the following:
The Leader of
Cambridge City Council had been elected as a Board member of the LEP by the
other local authority members. This was a personal appointment and the City
Council did not have a place on the Board as a right.
An Investment
Sub-Group (consisting of 3 local authority members and 2 private sector
members) made recommendations to the LEP on how to spend public money.
Whilst the Leader
of Cambridge City Council continued to push for greater openness and
transparency, the LEP did not currently hold its meetings in public. Meeting
papers were however published on their website.
The City Council
currently contributed £8000 per annum to the LEP but this would be reviewed
through the annual budget process.
The Board had a
private sector majority in line with Government’s policy aims for LEP’s. The Chief Executive
agreed to email committee members with details of the term of office for Board
members of LEP. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and approved the recommendations by 5 votes to 0. The Deputy Leader
approved the recommendations.
Minutes: Matter for Decision: Purchase
and deployment of an upgraded ICT desktop environment for all staff, including
replacement of up to 500 PC’s. Decision of the Executive Councillor: The Executive
Councillor for Customer Services and Resources resolved to: Financial recommendations:
Approve the
commencement of this scheme, which is already included in the Council’s Capital
& Revenue Project Plan (SC541 Corporate PC Replacement Programme and PR020
ICT Infrastructure Programme). The total cost of the project is £700,000, funded from IT
Infrastructure Replacement R&R fund, IT Software Replacement R&R fund
and Departmental PC replacement R&R. There are no ongoing revenue
implications arising from the project.
This will be combined into one project with work already approved for
the upgrade of MS Office, making a total project cost of £990,000. Procurement recommendations:
Approve the
carrying out and completion of the procurement of hardware and software to
support upgrades to ICT desktops, including upgrades to Windows and PC’s
replacements. Subject to: The permission of the Director of Resources being sought prior to
proceeding if the quotation or tender sum exceeds the estimated contract. The
permission from the Executive Councillor being sought before proceeding if the
value exceeds the estimated contract by more than 15%. Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: N/A Scrutiny Considerations The committee
received a report from the ICT Client Manager. In response to
member’s questions the ICT Client Manager and the Director of Resources
confirmed the following:
50% of the PC’s
currently located at the Guildhall were over 5 years old.
A number of PC’s
across the City Council were between 9 and 10 years old, with one identified as
over 11 years old.
The project would
aim to move all machines over to Windows 7 as soon as possible.
A more structured approach
to the provision and replacement of PC’s would better suit the needs of the
The majority of the 500 replacement units would be thin client desktop
As upgrades could now be performed centrally it was envisaged that the
replacement units would last for up to 10 years. vii.
As part of the
Corporate Change Programme and new HR Policies the City Council would be
looking to encourage more flexible working across locations. The ICT Client Manager
agreed to email committee members with details of how the £700,000 would be
split between upgrades and replacements. The ICT Client Manager
agreed to investigate an issue raised by a Councillor regarding the level of
service provided by Serco. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and approved the recommendations by 5 votes to 0. The Executive for
Customer Services and Resources approved the recommendations. |
Project Appraisals: Customer Services Improvement Projects PDF 50 KB |
Customer Service Automatic Payment Machine PDF 116 KB Minutes: Matter for Decision: The
purchase and installation of an automatic payment machine at Mandela House. Decision of the Executive Councillor: The Executive
Councillor for Customer Services and Resources resolved to: Financial recommendations:
Approve the
commencement of this scheme, which is already included in the Council’s Capital
& Revenue Project Plan (SC335). The estimated total cost of the project is £17,300, funded from the
Technology Investment Fund. The revenue costs of the project are £2,000 for
2012/13 onwards and will be met from the Customer Service revenue budget.
(00094). Procurement recommendations:
Approve the
invitation and evaluation of quotations and award of contract for the Automatic
Payment Machines’ hardware and related software plus annual maintenance for the
project. Subject to: The permission of the Executive Councillor and the Director of
Resources being sought prior to proceeding if the tender sum exceeds the
estimated contract value by more than 15%.
Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: N/A Scrutiny Considerations The committee
received a report from the Head of Customer Services. In response to member’s
questions the Head of Customer Services confirmed the following:
Whilst the likely
usage of the new payment machines was not yet known, they had been very successful
in other local authority areas.
The information
kiosks currently located in the Area Housing Offices could easily be converted
to payment machines if the service proved successful. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and approved the recommendations by 8 votes to 0
(unanimously). The Executive for
Customer Services and Resources approved the recommendations.
Customer Service Touch Screen Information Kiosks PDF 118 KB Minutes: Matter for Decision: The
purchase and installation of five Touch Screen Information Kiosks at locations
to be confirmed. Decision of the Executive Councillor: The Executive Councillor
for Customer Services and Resources resolved to: Financial recommendations:
Approve the
commencement of this scheme, which is already included in the Council’s Capital
& Revenue Project Plan (SC538). The total cost of the project is £25,000, funded from Reserves. The
revenue costs of the project are £6,000 for 2012/13 onwards and will be met
from the Customer Service revenue budget. (00094). Procurement recommendations:
Approve the
invitation and evaluation of tenders and award of contract of the Touch Screen
Information kiosks hardware and related software plus annual maintenance for
the project. Subject to: The permission of the Executive Councillor and the Director of
Resources being sought prior to proceeding if the tender sum exceeds the
estimated contract value by more than 15%.
Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: N/A Scrutiny Considerations The committee
received a report from the Head of Customer Services. In response to
member’s questions the Head of Customer Services confirmed the following:
The revenue costs of the project would be
£6000 for 2012/13 onwards and would be met from the Customer Service revenue
The design and location of the information
kiosks would ensure privacy for those using the telephone/video elements. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and approved the recommendations by 8 votes to 0
(unanimously). The Executive for Customer
Services and Resources approved the recommendations. |
Customer Service Centre Accommodation Works PDF 113 KB Minutes: Matter for Decision: Purchase
and Installation of an additional interview room and desk in the reception area
of the Customer Service Centre. Decision of the Executive Councillor: The Executive Councillor
for Customer Services and Resources resolved to: Financial recommendations:
Approve the
commencement of this scheme, which is already included in the Council’s Capital
& Revenue Project Plan (SC537). The total cost of the project is £25,000, funded from Reserves. There
are no revenue costs arising from the project. Procurement recommendations:
Approve the
invitation and evaluation of quotations and award of contract of an additional
interview room and desk in the reception area of the Customer Service Centre. Subject to: The permission of the Executive Councillor and the Director of
Resources being sought prior to proceeding if the quotation sum exceeds the
estimated contract value by more than 15%. Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: N/A Scrutiny Considerations The committee
received a report from the Head of Customer Services. In response to
member’s questions the Head of Customer Services confirmed the following:
The works would allow greater flexibility for
the Customer Service Centre to provide Post Office related services.
Discussions were ongoing with local authorities already provided these services
and visits to Chelmsford and Reading were being planned. The Scrutiny
Committee considered and approved the recommendations by 8votes to 0
(unanimously). The Executive for
Customer Services and Resources approved the recommendations. |
Benefit irrecoverable debts to be written off PDF 32 KB Minutes: Matter for Decision: Write off of debt
deemed irrecoverable. Decision of the Executive Councillor: The Executive
Councillor for Customer Services and Resources resolved to:
Approve the debt write off deemed irrecoverable as shown in the exempt
Appendix ‘A’ to the officer’s report. Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report Any alternative options considered and
rejected: N/A Scrutiny Considerations N/A |